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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. My close friends already know what I like. My last two girlfriends knew too. Right now I'm single. Once I'm dead I won't care what anyone thinks about anything.
  2. Egwalrus makes a good point with his examples of an "innocent" and a "sexual" statement. A reasonable person can see the difference. Unfortunately it is not reasonable people who concern us. The concern is about religious bigots and killjoys who look for any excuse to close down a site like this, merely because it has sexual content. These people don't care about reason, truth or preventing real harm. They just want to push their agenda. We don't need to provide ammunition for a prosecutor in some hick town to make a name for himself by calling this place "a pedophile sex site with h
  3. Thanks Egwalrus. I spent half an hour on google without finding those. Unfortunately the links don't work for me. I've tried two different browsers but all I get is an error message from the site.
  4. I wonder what her motivation was. It could be naughty peeing fun, but it's just as likely to be a form of personal protest against Wal-Mart. That company has made a lot of people very angry because of its business practices. Apparently this was in the year 2010, but I can't find any follow up reports about trial or sentencing. I wonder what happened to her.
  5. "Back to the Future" is light comedy entertainment with a time travel theme. The pace and timing is just great - I find I still enjoy it after multiple viewings. Definitely see it if you get the chance. A classic American comedy.
  6. Good to hear. If a hostile congress still puts the legislation through, then hopefully he will veto it.
  7. True that. Nature does not have "intentions" or deliberately "invent" anything. Evolution is a long series of accidents, some of which have survival value and some not. I'm quite glad to have had my appendix removed, since it was about to kill me at the time, an entirely natural process. I still miss having a healthy foreskin though.
  8. Uncut until my late thirties, then had to be circumcised for medical reasons. My preference would be to have remained intact. The glans toughens up and loses some sensitivity after the operation, otherwise circumcised men would never be able to wear pants. Of course, guys who were cut at birth think of this reduced level of sensitivity as "normal".
  9. I completely agree with this. Any humiliation or degradation aspect in watersports is a turn off for me. This ruins a lot of what could otherwise be good peeing porn. Fun and friendly is what I like. Hmmm - well I've seen your photos, and it goes without saying that there are a lot of women in the world who are not as young, slim or pretty as you are, but I assure you they can be very sweet, attractive, lovable and sexy. I personally would not discourage any woman from posing for that reason. (It amazes me that there are many truly lovely women who think that they are not attracti
  10. OK I just looked it up. It is indeed an ANTI net neutrality law, designed to PREVENT net neutrality by allowing the big ISPs to charge extra to companies that compete with their own offerings. It will probably become law, since the US congress is now controlled by the Republicans, who are very much in favor of this sort of corporate repression of freedom.
  11. I don't understand. Is this some kind of law to prevent Net Neutrality? Why would they need that? American ISPs are abusing their privileges by throttling the bandwidth of competing services. They don't need a law to do that. They do it already. The Net Neutrality debate is about passing a law to keep the internet open and free, preventing the big corporations from locking it down.
  12. I disagree with some of what you said ironbladderman. That may be so, but we are not talking about a "respected scientist" or "respected athlete" where these people have a particular respect that must be "earned". We are talking about meeting people in a social situation and treating them with respect. That does not have to be earned, it is simply good manners and everyone has a right to expect it. Asking people to be polite is not demeaning them. If they don't know better then it's a good idea to help them.
  13. Total geek here. Built my first computer in the 1970s. (No such thing as a computer store in those days :) - building a PC required a soldering iron, and IBM was not yet in the market.) Right now there is an Arduino board lying around on my desk waiting for me to learn how to program it. I have the android SDK on my PC and am part way through training myself to write android apps for my phone. There's an old oscilloscope on my other desk, testament to the last forty years of me fiddling about with electronics. I have an old valve radio (am + shortwave) from the 1940s waiting for me
  14. Thanks Autumn, it's always good to be reminded of this. If a woman who's talking to me on here stops responding, I back off immediately and do not attempt to contact her in any way unless she resumes the conversation herself. The last thing I would want to be is a "creepy online stalker man." Like Steve, I will extend an open invitation to any woman here who feels I have treated her rudely. Please feel free to tell me so in a private conversation. I will be glad to improve my understanding.
  15. Only nine in total, pee play with three of them. (Two girlfriends and (later) one sex worker.) I would have liked many more, but getting fat was a handicap. Now I'm getting old and less able. I envy young people today who have easy hook-ups through Tinder, AFF and so on. If I'd had a service like that in my early twenties I would have gone wild. (Back then, the Africans had not yet passed AIDS on to the world, and most of us didn't even know what a condom looked like.)
  16. That's one I never thought of. The Panasonic has 2 USB ports. I have a generic wireless USB keyboard plugged into one port, and a WiFi dongle in the other, so although my Internet capabilities are limited, at least I can easily type in my Youtube searches. I have an early model Western Digital media player plugged into an HDMI port, so I can play any video from a USB stick or portable hard drive. This has no network capability, so I may upgrade it to something better one day.
  17. Great collection of funny photos to illustrate the song. I particularly liked the restaurant called the "Bearded Clam".
  18. I never saw anything in my young days or at school. Nothing. I saw it in porn since I was 20 or so, but in real life I never saw a woman pee until I was 40. I mentioned to my (then) girlfriend that I would like to watch her so she took me into the shower stall with her, where I squatted down to watch her pee on the floor. I put my hand in her stream and stroked her pussy while she was peeing. That was the first time I discovered that slippery, silky feeling it has on your skin. When she finished peeing and stood up, I moved my head forward and licked her pussy. She wasn't expect
  19. That was so good I had to watch it twice. :):biggrin::laugh::thumbsup::thumbsup: Really brightened my morning. Thanks. :cool:
  20. The original Die Hard is my favorite Christmas movie. I always try to make time to watch it on Christmas day.
  21. Really enjoyed this one Steve. A sweet and erotic story, and a nice way to include some of my favorite erotic pictures from the seventies. I was probably just finishing university when those pics were taken. How I would have loved a chance to take part in a photo session like that.
  22. Caution to the ladies when travelling. Some ben-wa balls have been known to set off airport metal detectors. This can lead to embarrassment if the balls are inside you at the time. :redface: Might be best to carry them in your checked baggage.
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