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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. I haven't been trying to keep an accurate count, but somewhere around 35.
  2. Also working fine for me, but last entry in chat appears to be ten hours old. Windows 10 and Firefox. OK I just typed something into chat and it appeared in the window, so it looks like it's working.
  3. I completely agree with you. The sheer intimacy of it makes it a beautiful, loving act. It fills me with delighted wonder when a woman trusts me enough that she will piss into my mouth while I am sucking her pussy. Feeling her excitement at the transgressive naughtiness of what she is doing lights me up with pleasure. There is nothing at all humiliating or degrading about it for me. Completely the opposite. It is an exaltation.
  4. If I had to lose all of my music except for one album, this is the one I would keep. Every track is a masterpiece, and all linked to the common theme of insanity, i.e. "the dark side of the moon." Clare Torry's vocals on "great gig in the sky" can still bring tears to my eyes today. I think "Brain Damage" resonated with me the most in my university days when I first listened to this album: The lunatic is in the hall The lunatics are in my hall The paper holds their folded faces to the floor And every day, the paperboy brings more. When studying for a science degre
  5. Just watched this scene again. One of the most brilliant pieces of movie making I have ever seen. Brilliantly captures the atmosphere of the audition, and the sheer athletic energy of the dancers. Plus, of course, George Benson's amazing performance of the song.
  6. I personally find this to be a bit of a redeeming feature. It's reassuring to be reminded that "artificial intelligence" does not have any actual intelligence yet. Sadly, I fear that there are many millions of people for whom the difference is not at all obvious.
  7. Lovely small boobs in the "pee and a smile" thread.
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