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Everything posted by PrincessApricot

  1. If it’s a really long movie (like 2.5 hours or more), I’ll wear a diaper so that I can pee when I need to. A couple of times I have needed to go during shorter movies and wasn’t prepared. Once I peed discretely in my empty cup because the theatre wasn’t full and no one was nearby me. Another time I managed to hold it but squatted in the parking lot immediately after the movie and left a sizeable puddle. A few people saw me going but I didn’t mind.
  2. I love what you said about the water turning colour. I’ve been lucky enough to spot a few people (all strangers) peeing in the pool over the years for this very reason. It’s very exciting to watch.
  3. While bathing for me. If I need to go while in the bath, may as well relax and let it happen, it’s all water after all.
  4. No one mentioned it that I am aware of. I didn’t feel bad at the time (a combination of young and drunk) as I needed to go very badly and couldn’t have held longer. But now that I’m older, I do think I should’ve braved the cold and went outside instead.
  5. One experience comes to mind of seeing someone else pee non-chalantly. I was at the beach with a friend and the part of the beach that we like best is a more secluded area. There’s usually only a few other people there and never any children, as there’s no bathroom or parking lot near. My friends and I are discreet but not shy about peeing in the water when the need arises. So it’s not strange for someone to say, “I’m just going to pee” and then they wander off into the water for a short bit and come back. A couple of us are even more discreet and won’t mention it but do pee privately while we
  6. I had a similar experience when I was younger and in uni. I was waiting for the bus after a night class (so it was dim outside) and I was about bursting. There were several people at other stops around the campus loop but no one else at my stop so I scooted to the edge of the bench and did my business. Suddenly I saw a guy coming out of a building and heading right at me, I couldn’t stop so just tried to hurry it up. Luckily I finished up just as he approached but there wasn’t much I could do about the immense puddle splattered on the ground. He didn’t say anything about it, I’m not sure if he
  7. I sometimes wear diapers at home but more often I wear them other places for convenience, like going to see a long movie or on a long car trip where I can’t pick the rest stops.
  8. I walked to the far side of the parking lot at a gas station and squatted for a pee when we stopped for snacks and to stretch our legs. Lord knows I won’t even attempt a gas station bathroom!
  9. I can’t remember the look or smell as it was years back. I only went once but it was a very long pee, I was nervous I would be caught before I’d finished going.
  10. I was not wearing any, as I’d just gotten out of bed
  11. I went to the 24-hr convenience store in the middle of the night last night for some Advil as I had a headache that was keeping me from sleeping. The cool night air made me realise I needed to pee. I was wearing a long and loose dress I use as a nightie, so I squatted down on the side of the road and lifted my dress to my waist. One car drove by while I was peeing but I don’t think they noticed me.
  12. The park closest my house does have bathrooms but they’re only open for particular hours and the hours change based on the time of year. I tried to get in but was met with a locked door. I popped a squat right in front of the door instead. Mind you, no one was around as it was quite early in the morning. I didn’t feel at all bad about peeing there either because I tried to use the facilities and couldn’t so I don’t know what other option could be expected.
  13. It was a female lifeguard. She was not on the tall chair though, she had been walking around and sort of patrolling the pool area and carrying a flutterboard clipboard. She stopped and sat at the edge of the pool with her legs in the water for a minute or so and placed the flutterboard on her lap and looked at a piece of laminated paper that was clipped to it and circled things on it a couple of times. When she stood up, I saw that the crotch area of her swimsuit between her legs was darkened. It was barely noticeable though, as it was dark navy blue. And once she was walking away, the darker
  14. I peed on the floor at a house party when I was around 19 or 20. In my defense, I was very desperate and it was the middle of winter so outside was not an option. There was a line for the bathroom so I slipped into an empty room instead (it looked to be a home office, so no one had claimed it to hook up). I closed the door behind me and squatted down on the carpet. It felt fantastic and much needed.
  15. Well. These weren’t the tidiest pees. It’s easy to pee standing up when your only target is the ground beneath you and you don’t mind if your thigh is a little damp.
  16. I have peed standing in the crowd at an outdoor event. I was in shorts and it was dark outside. I simply held the crotch of my shorts and panties to one side and let out my stream. No one noticed (or if they did, certainly no one cared). I peed 3-4 times over the course of the night.
  17. I find this so interesting because I’ve also seen a lifeguard sit on the side of the pool and pee. I always assumed it was out of desperation (because it was a very long pee), but now I’m wondering if it’s more commonplace than I thought.
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