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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Must be a bit nippy there!!
  2. @Vyreal @Goatscabinfragrance Thank you for your questions! I will answer them soon, I promise.
  3. Oh crap I uploaded the wrong photos... errr.... oh dear...
  4. Sounds like a great day! I can feel my legs at the moment. They're not terrible but I know I've done some riding. Haha yeah bugs are extra protein but I don't think they are supposed to be administered via nose!
  5. Sunday funday! I could sit on the sofa and eat chocolate (not a bad option!) or.... I could spend two hours making memories with my daughter. I wore glasses so I didn't get bugs in my eyes. I kept my mouth closed so I didn't get bugs in my mouth.... so of course, I got a fly up my nose!
  6. My friend has peed in a bidet before. Her and her sister arrived home desperate to pee and both ran upstairs to the bathroom. Her sister took the toilet and she sat on the bidet next to her.
  7. All is forgiven Sally! Thank you for sharing. (ps - Awesome writing Goose!)
  8. You might just be my best friend right now... Thank you! 😍
  9. I watched Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) for the first time last night. Really enjoyed it, got some giggles from it! 7/10!
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