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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Hi Kai! Wow you have been reading a lot of my posts! I am flattered, thank you! You summed it up quite nicely there, the only thing I would change is the last sentence, I am not a fan of liners at the best of times, I find them to be a huge turn off so I am not sure I would want to wet one of those either. This depends on two factors, how desperate I am, and how excited I am. If I am absolutely bursting, about to wet myself at any moment desperate, I usually start peeing as soon as I release the hold on my bladder. If I am very excited, maybe I am trying something different or I have b
  2. Had a lovely 25 mile bike ride today which was an enjoyable couple of hours. Happy to say I still fit in my lycra! Highlight of the ride was the young girl walking with her mum waving to me as I rode past, and excitedly clapping when I waved back!
  3. I think 15 might be a new record to be honest.
  4. Sophie


    SO... Final total - 15 orgasms. I really liked the idea of using my fingers until I couldn't take it any longer and then switching to the toy. That plan went out of the window when I quickly realised I was going to cum just from my fingers, and of course, I let that happen. I switched to my glass toy afterwards and brought myself to another very pleasurable orgasm. Still not satisfied I gave my husband free reign to kiss and touch me tenderly all over. He took his time and really got me worked up, almost begging for a release before he let me cum. He did that twice! We ended the nigh
  5. My favourite thing about this is how confused Alex Jones looks.
  6. Sophie


    Everyone is in bed and asleep. I have a toy next to me, I have my fingers and I have my husband, and I am not stopping until I am either exhausted, or no longer insatiably horny! I shall update you guys tomorrow. x
  7. Sophie


    I'm really horny again so I am not ending the night on 10. Just waiting for my oldest to go to bed and then I am letting my hair down. Will likely start out with a solo orgasm or two and then I will have some fun with my husband.
  8. Sophie


    I've just come back after number 10. A quickie while everyone else was settled downstairs. I went upstairs to get changed into something more comfortable for the night (leggings and a hoody) and while I was naked I took the opportunity to lay on the bed, grab my bullet vibrator and break the double digit barrier.
  9. Yes! Bill Bailey. Absolutely love him. I have a bunch of his DVD's and I love a lot of the things he has been in. Black Books for example was amazing. I love his comedy and his talent and passion for music. Long live the bearded Bailey! Another favourite of mine is Lee Evans. I think he is the only comedian who has made me cry with laughter, multiple times. I also love his singing ability, he is very talented.
  10. I think a lot of people might perceive me as someone who doesn't want to engage with others. I am very, very shy and quiet around new people and I feel it gives the impression that I am not friendly, or not someone to talk to. I usually don't talk to new people unless spoken to first, and when I do I usually just answer their questions and the answers are often short. It is a very one way conversation. It takes me a while to relax and be myself, and then I will start initiating conversations or just keep them flowing. People might think I am very serious, and this is an extension of my f
  11. Sophie


    Orgasms 6, 7, 8 and 9 have arrived and while I have calmed down now (and I'm feeling rather worn out) I am still feeling turned on, mostly replaying the last few hours in my mind. I am sure I will be reaching double figures today. (Sorry for hijacking your thread, please tell me if you want me to stop and go elsewhere!)
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