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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Never been interested in pee drinking, but now? Hmmm.....
  2. I knew this, and I made the most of it . I have had two rows of a big bar of Galaxy I have had a Cadbury Flake chocolate mousse and I have drank 7 cups of hot chocolate today!
  3. Happy 4th July guys!
  4. I think this would add unnecessary clutter, and where do we stop? Do we add a subsection for French speakers too? and German speakers? Besides, the forum rules state all posts must be made in English.
  5. Welcome back! Sending lots of hugs and congrats on the marriage! I can change the birthday on your profile if you desire, just let me know 🙂 (either here, or in a private message if you prefer)
  6. I watched The Heat last night. Actually pretty good! It's not the sort of film I'd go and buy on DVD or excitedly put on if I saw it in the TV listings but it was perfect for a Friday night after a long week where you just want to veg out on the sofa. I also found myself getting very distracted by Sandra Bullock. Damn she's beautiful.
  7. The person above me once kicked an angel.
  8. YES! Oh it was years back, maybe 2009-ish? I was at this university open day thing and it was really busy, lots of students, lots of teachers, lots of lecturers. We all packed ourselves into this lift and of course everyone was going to different floors so it kept stopping. While the lift was still kinda full I sneezed.... and farted. It wasn't a silent fart either so I am sure everyone heard it. Nobody said anything but I just stared straight ahead, praying for the doors to open so I could leave. I could feel myself going crimson. I got off at the very next stop, 5 floors away from wher
  9. Many, many, many times. I have posted a lot of accounts of it here on the forum. You can find them via my profile 🙂 I enjoy listening to others peeing very much, there's something really enjoyable about sitting next to a woman relieving herself in the next cubicle, especially if you are peeing too. I really enjoy being heard and even though my neighbour probably doesn't even think about hearing me, I get a thrill from it. My husband enjoys listening to me too but mostly to gauge how desperate I was .
  10. SophiE. It's Sophie. Not Sophia, Sophie. To be honest, I don't pee in the pool that often anymore. I used to when I was younger but now I usually pee in the shower at the pool. At the beach? Pretty much any time I am in the water. There has been times where I have peed in my swimsuit without going into the water but only after it was already wet from a swim. I would be too scared of peeing in a completely dry swimsuit and being incriminated by the sand sticking to it.
  11. He has got me very distracted before. Not to the point where I lose awareness of my surroundings, but he could tell me something and I either wouldn't notice, or I would forget it within a minute. I have been close enough to orgasm where I have had to nudge him under the table with my foot to ask him to stop because I was worried about going over the edge and being caught. It probably has been noticeable if you're looking for it but I can be pretty good at hiding it when out in public. I haven't had a "When Harry met Sally" moment.
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