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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Yeah I've done ADS-B and AIS! Had more luck with the ADS-B than the other. ISS telemetry? All I've found on Google is things like SSTV and ham radio contacts. I can see telemetry?
  2. I am fluent in English and gobbledygook. I speak a tiny amount of French and very little Polish but I aim to learn more Polish in the future. I have always wanted to learn another language and Polish seems to be the one that has actually stuck.
  3. I use a RTL-SDR Blog V3 paired with a Moonraker Skyscan discone antenna in the loft. I haven't done any satellite work yet, I have managed to pick up the signal from one of the NOAA satellites but I am not set up yet to capture the APT images they transmit. I need to set up my dipole antenna in a V configuration and it needs to be outdoors. It is something I wish to do though, I have all the software ready, satellite predictions etc, I just need to be prepared and sit outside.
  4. This isn't really a project but I hope it is okay to share here. I have a SDR, or Software Defined Radio. It's essentially a USB dongle that lets me connect an antenna and listen to all sorts of different radio signals. A bit like the FM stereo you have at home, but on steroids. Right now I am tracking a weather balloon! It has a little transmitter on it and I can pick up the signal it is transmitting, and with some nerdery and a little software I can see where it is on a map, how high it is, how cold it is etc. There are websites out there that do this, but I am doing it with my own
  5. It's okay, we talked about it and are friends now.
  6. Letting my mind and emotions dictate what I do. I am quite a quiet and shy person and I have let that affect me, especially growing up. There has been so many opportunities and experienced I missed out on growing up because I was too scared and "I wouldn't like it". I didn't even give it a chance. I didn't go on that rollercoaster, I didn't go out on that adventure away for two weeks, because "I wouldn't like it" How did I know I wouldn't like it? I didn't try, I never experienced it to know! I have missed out on talking to people and making friends because I let my mind take over an
  7. My husband is one of them 😉
  8. Hi Steve, I love this question! I think if I was going into scientific research and I had the ability to do it, my first choice would be virology. There are so many awful diseases and things people go through every day and it would be incredible to develop a vaccine for them, or even just medication to make things easier for people.
  9. That depends on who is asking me. For 99% of people, it would be a hard no.
  10. Hi, I am good thank you! How are you? Riskiest place I have peed... hmm... I once peed next to my car near the beach. I had spent the day at the beach and I was sat in the back of my car getting changed out of my wet, sandy clothes. I have become quite good at getting changed without making it obvious or exposing myself, it is a little difficult and awkward but I make it work. It was only after I had changed and I was busy drying my legs, feet etc with a towel that I felt the need to pee badly and quite suddenly. Normally at the beach I would just go in the sea but I had literally just c
  11. I have! I've peed in a glass jar before but in the past I have attempted to pee into a plastic bottle. It did not end well, aiming is hard!
  12. Good question! I can't think of anywhere specific but if I were to travel to any place in the world I would want it to be somewhere open and accepting, nice weather (who wants pee fun in the cold miserable rain?) and preferably somewhere that speaks English but not a requirement. As for the pee activity, I love the idea of a group wetting, the more people the better. Have you ever seen that clip of about 20 women all stood in a line wetting themselves? I want to do something like that. I love the thought of 50 of us all stood on a stage absolutely bursting to pee and when given the
  13. I don't think it would be over quickly. I don't think it would be a huge scene like out of When Harry Met Sally but I definitely think it would last longer than usual and it would be stronger. I'm pretty good at holding back and being quiet when I need to but my biggest worry would be an errant gasp or moan slipping out and getting everyones attention. I'm not worried at all about the toy falling out, it sits in there pretty nicely to be honest, I could walk around with no underwear on and not worry at all.
  14. Hi guys, I am terribly terribly sorry it has taken me so long to reply to these. I am going to answer them in the next few minutes!
  15. " Dear Mr Postman, I have disinfected my flaps for you!"
  16. I went into town today with my daughter to get out of the house and do a little shopping but my main goal was to have a wee next to someone in the ladies. I had left the house with a full bladder, I was at the point where I would normally get up and go at home, never mind leave the house! To top it off we stopped at a cafe for a hot chocolate. I must be mental! By the time we had left my body was screaming at me to find a toilet. I didn’t dare stand still out of fear of completely wetting myself. We went to a shopping centre a short walk away and I immediately spotted the sign for the toilets
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