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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. This is the part I have difficulty with. I get so caught up with the stats, and it turns into a chore. I feel bad if I haven't been training that day or whatever and my motivation just tanks. I go out and run etc because I have to, not because I want to. In other news, I stepped on the scales today and wish I hadn't. I am 5kg over what I am happy with so that's fun....
  2. I sometimes squat and pee in the shower! Just pulling down my clothes, squatting and letting it go. I know I have posted about it several times on the forum but I can only find this post with a quick search.
  3. I'm hoping to take part in a half marathon or something like that, maybe a triathlon but I've never been a huge swimming fan. It has always been my least favourite part of the event. I want to do an Audax next year. I always thought they were huge distances, like crazy long but looking it up there's some that start at 50km and I know I can already ride that. I want to do a 100 mile ride by the end of the year if at all possible. My ultimate goal (probably not going to happen next year) is do something like riding from London to Manchester in one go.
  4. To be honest, it is very, very rare I pee in the bath. I will pee in the shower all the time, several times a week but the bath is different. The rare few times I have peed in the bath, I have got out immediately after.
  5. Everything working fine for me at the moment, Windows 11, Firefox.
  6. I have two that I use with my husband. The first is my bullet vibrator. If I ever masturbate with him watching it's usually with my little vibe! The second is my Lovense Lush. I love giving him control of it and being entirely at his mercy. As for underwear, a picture is worth a thousand words, right? I hope this gives you an idea.
  7. I know it's too late for new years resolutions etc but I have already decided 2024 is going to be the year I spring back. I want to get back into cycling, swimming and running, like really get back into it. I want to take part in events, I want to go and explore the country. I want to do 100 mile bike rides. I do a little cycling on the weekends but it's not a huge amount and i am not training or anything like that. So as soon as the weather gets nice again I'm getting out there. Look out world, Sophie is coming!
  8. I watched Ace Ventura: Pet Detective for the first time ever today, with my two daughters. "It's a 12, it'll be great for the whole family" I had no idea about the sex scene!!
  9. That's one thing I really like about her, not only is she incredibly talented but she goes the extra mile to put on a show for us.
  10. Not lately, sorry! An occasional dribble but no full on total accidents. Not really. I've had my husband help me out of my wet clothes before but he's never really changed me. I don't think I'd enjoy it to be honest. My husband has gently wiped me a few times in the past, usually while giving me a soft kiss. I love it! I have mentioned it a couple of my stories if you wish to have a look.
  11. I've never used any AI applications but I have seen the results of some, mostly the undressing apps. I'm not a fan personally. The results are okay but it always looks a bit... off. They never look quite right and I don't find it sexy when I know it's not real. Like a photo of Taylor Swift pissing somewhere. I just can't enjoy it because I know it isn't actually Taylor. I hate chatGPT. I hate how every subreddit and every hobby is filled with "Look what I made with chatGPT!" "chatGPT made this art I'm going to take credit for!" I hate how it is still painfully obvious something is writte
  12. Can't help you I'm afraid. I'm not a doctor and neither am I a drinker. Sorry.
  13. No No No No Sorry for the disappointing response but these really aren't my thing and are more a turn off than anything else haha
  14. *sigh* This train journey is going to take FOREVER! This country needs more direct stops.
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