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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Oh the girl on the right.... that smile... THOSE EYES!! 😍
  2. Oh I LOVE this answer! It is so much better than the real answer I'm going to give. To answer your question @Wetling It started after I had a dream last year (year before?) I don't remember the specifics all that well anymore but I remember making a joke, a pun of sorts. What are the best kind of hugs? Hedgehugs! I actually came up with a joke in my dream and it all went from there. @gldenwetgoose or @Kupar might be able to elaborate further.
  3. May the fourth be with you!
  4. She;s gorgeous!! 😍
  5. That's awesome!! You should be really pleased with your results. Well done!!
  6. Just been for another bike ride. My watch must have got confused. I did all the same hills as last week, and more, and apparently I spent 69 minutes "warming up" and only 4 minutes actually exercising. My average heart rate was 92 compared to the 130 something from last week. I think it got confused when I spent 5 minutes walking around Lidl!!! No bike computer on the hybrid so I'm not entirely sure of my stats. Actually a little miffed about that lol.
  7. I was given a doughnut today! Anyone who knows me knows the quickest way to win Sophie over is with chocolate. And today I was surprised with a chocolate doughnut by a colleague who was celebrating her birthday. While the food was nice, what really made me smile was the random act of kindness. We don't talk much outside of the occasional hi when we meet in the corridor, but she waved me over and held out a box of doughnuts for me to take one! I was in a great mood for hours afterwards, and I'm sure the sugar rush helped a little.
  8. Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed it! I am always cautious with posting stories like these because I think people won't like it, it's just a normal mundane every day wee. There will be more of these in the future!
  9. No hissing I'm afraid! I don't usually hiss when I pee unless I have reached breaking point and it is gushing out. This was a nice gentle wee.
  10. I mean, the reason I looked at myself from behind was to make sure my blouse was tucked in properly, and there was no awkward creases or anything... but yeah. I did admire my bum a little! I am quite proud of it to be honest.
  11. Abby requested her account to be deleted.
  12. I thought I'd quickly share the pee I just had before I go back to work. I hadn't been to the toilet in a couple of hours and I had consumed a couple of coffees along the way and while I wasn't bursting, I definitely didn't want to leave the house without sitting on the toilet first. I probably could have made it to work but it wouldn't have been a fun commute and any delays would be agony. I went upstairs and walked across the landing to my bathroom. I closed the door behind me, not locking it and walked over to the toilet, lifting the lid before turning around, smiling to myself in the
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