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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. To be honest I've never got a stopwatch out and timed it. Or paid enough attention to remember it.
  2. Admin pretty much summed it up perfectly for me. I don't think I could have said it better myself. I don't believe in god just like I don't believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy or the easter bunny. There's no evidence to support his existence, and while people grow out of the others I mentioned, God stays. If he is this all seeing all knowing being, why do so many bad things happen to those who worship him? How many people have died at a church, or going to church. Where was their god then? The lovely old lady who has been to church every Sunday for 80 years gets hit by a bus, where was he
  3. Can't say I would. I feel uncomfortable enough undressing for a female.
  4. I've only ever been seen by female gynecologists
  5. I refuse to do this out of principal. I'm not embarrassed. I'll happily walk in and out of a sex shop, bag in hand. I'll tell the world i watch porn. It doesn't bother me. If I remember correctly, these passes cost £5. I don't want to pay just to visit a website that i would normally be able to visit for free. These passes are ran by Mindgeek. You know what else is ran by Mindgeek? Some of the largest porn websites. It's just a company asking for cash. I'm a grown adult, I shouldn't have to buy a pass to watch something I'm legally allowed to just because Karen is unable to control wh
  6. It's about a 50/50 mix for me. Half of the time I masturbate while looking at porn, the other half I'm using my imagination.
  7. Sophie


    None of the three apply. I can do basic car maintenance but i'm not a motorhead by any means.
  8. Sophie


    Swedish nut-fucker Norweigan Nut Lathe Left handed thumb detector
  9. Sophie


    A very very good way! Those gifs are incredibly hot!
  10. Sophie


    Holy fucking shit Riley!!
  11. Oh my... I think I've just discovered a new fantasy! 😮 This story is incredible and beautifully written, thank you so much.
  12. Sophie


    Thanks guys. In that case I'll post about it when it next happens and I'll make sure to include as much detail as possible.
  13. I like to see my husband pee.
  14. Sophie


    Would anyone be interested in a "story" where I write about the next time my husband teases me like I described?
  15. Sophie


    I get frustrated because I really really want to cum and every time I think he's going to let me... he stops. Once I finally have my orgasm everything is right in the world again.
  16. Sophie


    I've tried it before with my husband. It's really nice but sometimes I get so frustrated! He is in charge and he will keep teasing me right up to the edge before letting me cool down. He'll keep doing it over and over again, and eventually he'll surprise me by not moving the vibrator away and letting me climax, but I never know when that will happen. They give me some of the most intense orgasms I've ever had.
  17. Not as naughty as some others but my kitchen floor! Easy clean up, good for filming and it just feels so naughty seeing a puddle growing underneath me.
  18. If the toilet is clean I'll happily drop my clothes and sit down, sometimes wiping the odd splash with toilet paper first. I tend to "perch" at the front of the seat just enough for my wee to go into the bowl. If the toilet isn't clean I'll hover as low as possible and look between my legs to make sure I'm on target.
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