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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. I love how they decided to get a coffee between photos.
  2. Awwwww that is AMAZING! Thank you so so so much. I'm actually welling up with happiness here, and blushing quite a lot to boot! I cannot thank you enough, I really cannot!
  3. Went for a walk with my eldest daughter today after I arrived home from staying with a friend. It was really nice just to walk and catch up about the weekend, and just generally have a wonderful mother daughter chat about whatever was on our minds. Watch said I walked 5 miles, so not a huge amount but I enjoyed it.
  4. My recycling bin went missing. Two weeks later I have been reunited with my plastic friend, and he's been emptied!!
  5. The fact this hasn't had a single reply so far is criminal! So please, let me be the first. This story was amazing! Penny sounds really hot and I love the shyness. I know you spent a lot of time writing this, and the whole thing is incredible but I think my favourite part was the trickle of wee over her bum! Thank you!
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