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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. I'd love to watch Natalie Pinkham wet herself in this! Just watching her getting desperate while playing table tennis with a frying pan would be rather enjoyable!
  2. Awesome story as always! Maya sounds *very* naughty!
  3. Please no. Visiting a page full of 50mb gifs sounds like a nightmare. It would be better to upload it as a video to an external site and link to it.
  4. Another 30 miles done today, slowly but surely going to burn off the weight I gained over Christmas. Don't know why I thought it was a good idea to wear my fingerless gloves, my hands are freezing! Still haven't fully thawed out yet. Had another outdoor wee after finally finding somewhere private to pee. There might be a post about it but I'm not making any promises.
  5. Team GB cyclists were encouraged to keep it natural downstairs. It acts as a natural cushion and helps prevent saddle sores. Personally I am shaven, keeping only a landing strip. Not because of athletics, just personal preference.
  6. Nip nip hooray! She is gorgeous, thank you Goose!
  7. I'd love to see Margot Robbie use them!
  8. Utterly gorgeous! and adorable!
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