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Everything posted by Takashi96

  1. I'm still trying to figure out the etiquette on this site. I have been going through all the old posts since joining earlier this month. When I'm inspired I respond with emojis or sometimes with comments. Is that considered unusual if the post is a few years old?
  2. And you've inspired me every time I've time I've visited this site.
  3. "The obvious problem" is the reason, more often than not, that they accept the idea.
  4. My post was not as clear as I wanted it to be. My frustration is with the ignorant myth that vaginas are incompatible with outside urination. Even in 2022, I've heard women say "girls can't pee outside." I consider this a harmful and oppressive belief (and not because I get off when women pee outside of the restroom). What's worse is that I hear it more from women than from men. (I often apologize in advance when explaining something or asking a question. This is because, I have learning disabilities which sometimes make my only language come out like a second language. One of the
  5. Thank you for explaining it better than I did! I have also noticed things are changing. At least in the US. My impression is that women in other western countries pee outside with ease compared to those in the states. And those under 30 pee more readily than the last few generations. I heard a podcast during the lockdown saying that COVID brought the return of "the urinary leash." Which was a condition women faced in the early 20th century. They avoided leaving their homes for long periods of time because most public toilets were built only to accommodate men.
  6. That first half of your response is exactly my sentiments!
  7. I'm not sure either. My question is about why it's still so widely accepted? Even more frustratingly by so many biological women? It's not healthy for them to believe they can't pee outside of a toilet without getting half naked or soiling themselves. These are the consequences that have been described to me over the years by many women, after I suggested they pee outside.
  8. You bring up a point which I've mentioned to various female friends over the years. Sometimes with a vagina it is easier to pee secretly. And I agree, when males pee it's usually quite obvious what we're doing. I have two friends who never wear panties with skirts or dresses. Both have informed me that they enjoy this combination because it allows them to secretly "pee anywhere." And both are capable of peeing standing up.
  9. Every time I use this site I get randomly logged out at some point. Especially when I've just spent a long time on a response or contribution. Why is this happening? How do I stop it? Thank you.
  10. Promptly after learning that girls lack a penis for peeing, I wondered how they managed to pee without a toilet? Every girl I asked told me she was incapable of peeing without a toilet. This led me to believe that females had no choice but to have an accident in the absence of a toilet. Even today I can't count how many times I've heard a woman say "girls can't pee outside." I know it's not as easy for women to urinate outside of a toilet, but why is having to pee with a vagina treated like a handicap? Like the toilet is some kind of wheelchair that they are condemned sit on. I hope my wording
  11. I feel huge guilt and shame about this fetish. And out of the few people I've admitted it to, some have actually used it against me later. It sucks having people know your weakness. Once at a bar, a woman I barely know said "your ex likes to talk when she's wasted. And I found out some pretty interesting stuff about you." Then gave me a wink. And not in a sexy way.
  12. I have a friend who used to love walking and pissing while drunk. I've tried but it's damn near impossible to move any more than a few inches at a time while releasing my stream.
  13. Hello DoeHaze! I am new here and I love your videos!
  14. That's a very powerful memory. It's easy to imagine how all those strong emotions combined and left you with a fetish. In a way, it seems like the older girl's aggressive sound was challenging you. Almost like she had stepped in to your cubicle and pissed in front of you with a sneer. Thank you for sharing your story.
  15. I couldn't agree more. But I also think there is something primal in the way guys (who have sex with women) are wired. Something about seeing labia from behind flips a switch within us. In my case, it makes every cell in my body want to impregnate her.
  16. This is going to sound cheesy, but that bit about "I want to just have my people around me," legitimately warmed my heart. I'm new to this sight, I've lived with this fetish since I was a kid and I've never talked to anyone else who shares it.
  17. Hi, Kerri Welcome to the sight. I am new also. Don't worry about having poor English skills. My English is terrible and it's the only language I speak.
  18. I had a girlfriend who would let me pee inside her when we were drunk. The first time I did it in her mouth was unbelievably hot!
  19. What makes it harder is now you KNOW exactly how she pees on a guy. It's one thing if she just tells you she pissed on him. But another that she demonstrated her technique.
  20. Are you asking about peeing in the mouth? Or in the pussy? Because I've done both. And in both instances, I was surprised I was able to do it. Because, as you may have heard, it's difficult for guys to pee when we're hard. Yes, it's truly as good as it looks! In fact, I'm turned on just remembering it.
  21. What about when you're at home? Do you also stand in your normal every day routine? It seems like it would be easier to sit.
  22. I used to date a girl with very similar lips. Only a bit longer. They were so fun to do tricks with.
  23. I was also raised strictly and forbidden from peeing outside. I'm convinced that's what lead to my fetish. Thank you for posting such a hot story! And the other stuff too!
  24. I love this site so far. It feels very different from every other pee related site I've ever interacted with. But I still can't think of a decent way to introduce myself. I feel like I'm pretty basic. And basically as vanilla as someone can be. While managing a piss kink.
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