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Everything posted by Takashi96

  1. That's the explanation I've heard as well. So you can watch for people congregating in the stalls to do drugs. They weren't always like that. It's more post 90s safety theater.
  2. Do you write non-pee stories also? Are you fiction writers that use your literary skills to get pee perverts off out of the goodness of your own hearts? Or are you pee fetishists inspired to become writers for the benefit of our hungry genitals? And if the answer to the first question is yes, do you struggle to keep pee scenes from finding their way into your non pee stories? Asking for a friend.
  3. Coed is also pretty much meaningless outside of the 60s.
  4. Oh, wait. I got mixed up. It was Steve, not you who I asked about Catholicism.
  5. I wish I could claim that analogy as my own. I heard Christopher Hitchens use it in a debate once, and it stuck. Yes, you get it. That's why I asked if you were Catholic as a small child.
  6. I often find myself conflicted when another member shares an opinion, or observation that I find interesting or fascinating. I don't agree with it, or like it, or even dislike it. It's not hot to me. But "thanks" fails to convey my reaction. Therefore, I am so moved as to request an "Interesting" or "Fascinating" Emoji. Perhaps even "Word Up." But I don't want push it. Push it real good.
  7. I'm not sure we need to be aware of the sexual element in order to be motivated by it. And I say with this while admitting one of my hang ups is seeing sexual motivation behind everything. Especially violence. I believe much of the world's aggression could be subdued by unrestrained, and reciprocated sexual expression. I'm all up on Freud's dick.
  8. That sounds familiar. I've retained my physical attraction, but I no longer want get naked, warm, and wet with other people.
  9. Wow, that was a scenario I had not considered. But still, even in the absence of an obvious sexual component, I imagine the larger "normie" society would still view that kind of activity as a form of perversion (despite the perfectly logical and reasonable origins behind it). The part I find difficult to imagine is someone with that tame of an interest being comfortable on this site. There's a lot of prominent exposed vulva and triumphant arcs of urine shooting forth from every direction. If I were simply into comfort wetting I might find such an overtly pornographic presentation intimidating.
  10. I asked because Catholicism is renowned for the quality and thoroughness of its shaming. To the extent that by the time the child is school age it's already hardwired into their subconscious. God is ever vigilant, monitoring your thoughts like a celestial North Korea. And not even decades of atheism can scrub the residual stains of the trauma entirely. Nevertheless, one needn't be a recovering Catholic to internalize the shame of a terminal paraphilia. The inherent vulnerability of having no control over what pushes your buttons. That an act as mundane as urination can activate a frenzy
  11. One day you will because we live in the future. And the future is full of possibilities!
  12. Wow, that's tricky. Basically, I Iost my desire for being naked and fucking around with other humans. However, I still get hard watching girls pee and other stuff. I read something from Bacardi recently (I can't remember where), that echoed pretty much my identical sentiments on asexuality. I'll try to find it again.
  13. Maybe fun to make. But charts are even harder for me to follow because the columns move around on me. Switch places. It's very rude of them. Or my brain. Whichever party is responsible? I very much appreciate your suggestion though. I'm genuinely touched that you would go to such trouble to help me.
  14. That was not a challenge. Merely an observation. Unfortunately, my buffet of learning disabilities makes following all your axis references and quadrants and what have you, a tangle of intersecting words that I can't make sense of. My vocabulary is misleading, I'm not as advanced as I appear. Maybe some examples in more of a story form would make it more clear for me?
  15. I remember different times when I was young when a girls need to relieve herself would invoke certain feelings within me. But not consistently. That came later.
  16. I have no proof, but I suspect you're right. That is fascinating! My question is what compelled you to miss that first time?
  17. You knew what a kink was in 2nd grade? I am so confused. I'd like to inquire further but I fear we might run afoul of the rules.
  18. Your response is interesting to me. Peeing outside is not sexual but exciting. I feel the same way. My question is what is that excitement? It must be sexual in some way? Perhaps not to the degree that induces sexual gratification, but it's some kind of mild pleasure. At the same time, watching your girlfriend pee is hot to you. Is this only when she's peeing in the restroom? Or does she pee outside also? Do you two go out of your way to pee for each other? I don't believe a pee kink needs to include pee play or anything involving contact with urine in order to qualify as a pee kink, fetish, h
  19. As far as the first part goes...get out of my mind. You have entirely too much inside information. Catholic background? Jewish? Both? I think the stigma of perversion is more threatening to males. Which is not to say that an accusation of perversion isn't potentially damaging to women. But with men there's an added anxiety that we'll be branded as predators. A danger to women and children. An affront to the civilized world. As for your second part? Now that is fascinating. What is that? Why is that? Are those feelings a type of proto sexuality. It's interesting that your sister's behavio
  20. I agree with everything you've said. As for your pet theory? I have independently concocted the very same idea. And as someone with a pitiful lack of scientific training, I declare us correct.
  21. Right. I won't get aroused from a good relieving piss outdoors either. But there's always something under the surface. Even if I don't feel it. I know it's there.
  22. I'm voluntarily celibate. And also asexual. But I still find much of this behavior sexual. I suspect we are misaligned in our interpretation of what does and does not constitute sexual expression.
  23. That's awful! Piss kink or not there's nothing fun about your body releasing without your consent.
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