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Everything posted by glad1

  1. An awful lot on hiking trails and in the woods, but also on a beach, off a boat and a couple times we even shared a urinal.
  2. Hope you don't mind a male jumping in, but several women I've hiked with carry along a pee rag.
  3. I, too, am more the "clothing optional" sort and prefer the realistic posts to the unbelievable. Back ten or more years ago, the site seemed to have a good number of those. It's great to see some of my favorite writers have found their way over here. ๐Ÿ˜„
  4. I'm afraid it is gone. ๐Ÿ˜ญ I was last on there about three months back. Next time I tried the site, it was gone. I've made several attempts since, but keep getting error messages.
  5. Thanks for writing this. And, great to see it finally showed up. I suppose it's one thing to pee alongside friends and partners, but quite another among family members, especially those who may have had a more strict upbringing. As an outdoorsy person, I have no problem relieving myself in the company of others. It's pretty much expected, or at least accepted, when you're away from proper facilities for hours. But, for those less familiar with nature, whether family strangers, such behavior might be considered shocking. (Makes you wonder what they might have done had the lived a couple ce
  6. Not so much giving a sample, but one time at the urologist I was given a test to measure my flow rate. Being male and over 40, my prostate keeps wanting to interrupt my sleep. ๐Ÿ™„ I was told to arrive with a full bladder. I complied ๐Ÿ˜ and, after filling out the paperwork (why do they make me do this first?), was promptly ushered into a bathroom with a toilet fitting with some kind of device. Without hesitation, I unzipped, aimed and peed for what must have been a good 30 seconds, before I headed for the examination room. I sat there for a few minutes, before the doctor arrived to give
  7. Maybe you could even use it with him. If you needed instruction, perhaps your husband would be willing to help, even saving you the effort of having to touch yourself.
  8. Take it from a guy who's hiked with women literally hundreds of times. While few would ever admit it, probably most had at least a passing interest in watching me.
  9. As a man I get same way watching women trying to do what comes naturally for me.
  10. I've gone on hikes with women many times. We'll be out on a trail for several hours. Sooner or later we have to pee. Seeing how I'm not shy, I tend not to walk far away. I'm sure there have been at least a few times when she's gotten a pretty good look at me.
  11. I, too, don't wish to offend by peeing blatantly in front of someone. But, several times I've been caught by a woman. While they may have been surprised, I don't think they've been upset by my action, since all of them have probably been in that same situation at some point.
  12. glad1


    Welcome to our site, pisszzz! If you want to see male sightings, you can always go to the Men Peeing section for stories, pictures and videos.
  13. Got caught up packing for a week-long trip I start tomorrow. So, maybe you get only the condensed version. We both arrived a little early, I think the excitement was mutual. And, I think we both got there at least half-full. Having neglected to go before I left home, it was less than an hour before I suggested we stop. So, stop we did, And, two more times as well, three if you counted lunch. For, now I'll let you imagine the particulars. Let's just say we picked right up where we left off.
  14. Got back from my hiking trip a short while ago, If anything, it was even better than our first one. I'll see if I can write up my experiences the evening, but first I need to get dinner. And a shower.
  15. About to head off to meet with my hiking friend. We messaged this morning to confirm the time and place. She seems as keen to meet as I am. I was rushing about trying to get a thousand things done before I left and forgot to pee. It's not a problem, at least just yet.
  16. I don't suppose you even checked. The night air on your parts as you let out a long gush had to totally be worth the extra effort.
  17. If you need step by step instructions, you know where to find me.
  18. An update. I exchanged messages with my hiking friend in the last hour. She wants to go again early in the week. While she didn't mention anything in particular about our hike, other that to say again she had fun, she asked if I could find another trail that's equally challenging. Maybe I'm reading a bit too much into that, and that she was talking more in terms of activity levels. Of course, my expectations were raised again when she said she'd try to come better prepared this time, whether that means bringing along a walking stick, different clothing or being more hydrated. I
  19. I hope your job search goes well. ๐Ÿคจ
  20. I'm a big fan of containers, too. I keep one beside my bed so I don't have to get up in the morning or I just want to sleep late. And, an empty wide-mouth water bottle, liter size or larger in my car, for those situations when I can't pull over to the side.
  21. Wow, that must have been such an incredible situation you found yourself in! But, after I read your story, I had to look twice, first to see that it wasn't posted under Real Experiences and Encounters and then at the calendar to see it wasn't the first of April.
  22. A nurse! ๐Ÿ˜ I was in the hospital for a procedure that kept me overnight and I was required to stay in bad. They hadn't given me a urinal, so when I had to pee I rang for assistance. A nurse came in with a steel bedpan and sat me up. She then aimed me while I enjoyed my moment of much-needed relief. I'm sure it would have been a much bigger experience, probably for the both of us, if it wasn't for the fact I was only 7.
  23. @Kupar I'm not sure she is one of "us." I know she appears to be very comfortable both with herself and the outdoors, as well as has a healthy sense of curiosity. Somehow, I sensed that from reading her first message to me. She texted me again last night to say how much she enjoyed our time and looked forward to us getting back together for another hike, but we didn't set a date. I don't think she's looking for a relationship nor doing anything kinky, but appears to be open to enjoying more fresh air and exercise. As I wrote, she seems happy and there doesn't seem to be much stress in h
  24. I had a most interesting experience today (okay, yesterday now) that I thought I'd share. A few days back, I had posted I was planning on going on a walk this week with a women from a nature group I'd only recently joined. Well, this was the day. While I had high hopes, I wasn't sure what to expect. I'd only met her once before, on the group hike. But, she texted me Sunday evening, saying that she'd love to go for a longer hike this week. My heart skipped a beat. A few other places felt a little pumped up as well. So, I arrived at the parking lot about ten minutes early. I had barely
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