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Everything posted by LoveLadiesPeeing

  1. I find if very attractive and urge you not to hold back. I'm surprised to see others don't feel the same. It's all part of your wonderful anatomy doing its thing. Please fart away!
  2. That is hot. I'm glad you want her to be comfortable and not inhibited about gas coming out with her pee. Sounds like she had a fun b-day! 😊
  3. I dunno. In the Clone Wars movie when Jabba's son got kidnapped she went out of her way to negotiate with Jabba, even when he was threatening to kill her husband. As for the second, I think that's the opposite of kind! Granted, if Padmé wanted me to watch her relieve herself as she had me killed, I'd let her cuz I'm just a simp for her 😄 but still pretty cruel. The only time I can think of when she tried to kill a non-Droid was the beginning of Clone Wars (Ep. 4 I think), where she tried to blow up General Grievous. If she'd succeeded and came to inspect his remains, I could see her
  4. Do you think Padmé would've killed Jabba or was she too kind?
  5. Giancarlo Esposito was on Jimmy, Fallon I believe... anyway, he was talking about this woman he saw ahead of him in line for the restroom (apparently they weren't separated by gender) and when she saw him she freaked out because she saw him as the scary character be played. She got paralyzed with fear and insisted he go first, so he did. When he came out, she was still standing there scared. He'd done all he could do to calm her down so he just walked off, saying "Have a good piss."
  6. Ha! Glad I could give inspiration.! Don't think I've commented on this one. I guess I'd be peed on by Natalie Portman and Jennifer Garner. This gentleman doesn't always prefer blondes. 😉
  7. Very nice Alfresco. Does your lovely wife usually pass gas as she's peeing?
  8. Like the songs listed. I think Shadows of the Night by Pat Benatar would be a good one to listen to while peeing. I've seen the pic of her on the album cover with her legs crossed and wondered what she looks like peeing.
  9. So I was browsing Quora the other day and way surprised to find a pee-related story about a celebrity that I'd never heard before. I verified it on Google with great amusement. Marilyn Monroe was one of the world's most famous actresses, and when her husband-to-be, Arthur Miller, was dating her, he wanted to take her home to meet his mother. So they went back to her little apartment (I would've thought he was a bit more affluent at the time, enough to afford her a better place, but maybe she liked it) and dinner was going alright. Marilyn made an endearing enough impression on Mom, beside
  10. I've seen a lot of stories about urination, on this and other sites. Most are pretty hot, and some are far-fetched. For those of you who are well-read, do you tend to believe most stories you read? What's an indication that it's true or untrue?
  11. Ohh yes! Bodyguards.. So we talking Phanton Menace?
  12. Cool. I would help hold her down for you or maybe pee on her too. She'd be like "I'm meelting.."and we'd be like "Good". And then you could fart on her just before she sank into the ground for good measure? That's one of my favorite fantasies.
  13. If you could pee on the wicked witch in order to melt her, do you think you would?
  14. Wow, so many welcomes coming in. Thank y'all so much. Your words mean a lot. I've been busy past few weeks but after Christmas hope to be engaging a lot more.
  15. Ooh, good one. Jennifer Garner, Emma Watson, and most of all Natalie Portman. I would say Liv Tyler but already saw it in a movie. Heard Natalie talk about it before.
  16. OK, when I tapped the link to make sure it's working all I see is text. Anyone know why that is?
  17. I usually pee sitting down so when I stood I realized I had to hold my finger dong cause it was tilting left. Lol https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JkYvA3hLI5S8bVET-o2Z4aoKzdmvsyRz/view?usp=drivesdk
  18. Always thought these must be awkward to type cuz most people find watching/hearing their mom pee awkward (I know I do; I'm always asking her to go to the other bathroom). But still I appreciate when these stories are shared cuz the author knows it'll turn the rest of us on.
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