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Everything posted by InOddPlaces

  1. Yep, <bliss> Needs some prep, with a waterproof sheet and towels etc. so the mattress stays dry, but it's worth it and I love just letting go whenever I wake needing a piss. If I drink a load of water just before getting into bed, and a cupful every time I wake, the need can be hourly with a very wet bed by morning ๐Ÿ˜Š
  2. Spent this evening doing stuff on the computer... and wetting my underwear! Felt "naughty" at work during the afternoon, so began drinking a lot of water. I had a strong need for a pee by the time I got home, held it whilst I had dinner and headed to the computer with a towel and bucket, slowly wetting my underwear whilst drinking more water. Started to get uncontrollable urges (despite masturbating), so grabbed the the bucket each time and let out just enough through the underwear to regain control. Now very wet and happy, about to head to the bathroom to spray myself in pee ๐Ÿ˜Š
  3. Filled a couple more nappies on Tuesday, just enjoying the wetness. Went to bed with a fresh one on and had filled it by morning. Remember waking during the night and just letting go without moving, promptly going back to sleep again. Yesterday was spent filling several nappies, a few sessions edging whilst wetting and generally keeping myself aroused most of the time. Shopping this lunchtime so didn't pee after changing the overnight nappy, getting myself desperate and close to leaking. Drank several more glasses of water and walked up to the local store (10 minutes away). Desp
  4. Supplies arrived ๐Ÿ˜„ First nappy filled very quickly, now slowly filling a second, sitting contented with a warm wet crotch ๐Ÿ˜Š
  5. Failed โ˜น๏ธ Got to the desperate point of starting to leak (despite masturbating to try holding it in), ran into the bathroom and just wet myself. Another load of washing needed, and a happy feeling of having had an accident ๐Ÿ˜Š Now to build it up again...
  6. Did that a few years ago. Went to a supermarket about 15 minutes drive away, already wanting to pee, drank more water before I left, and ended up with uncontrollable spurts into the nappy as I walked around the shop, with a couple occurring in front of the checkout staff! By the time I got back to the car I'd almost lost control, so just relaxed as I drove home and slowly filled the nappy. Plan to try a repeat, but in the local shops that are walking distance so I experience losing control as I walk along.
  7. Nappies due to arrive mid-afternoon ๐Ÿ‘ Need another pee, so squatted on the pile of washing making it feel like I have a nappy on ๐Ÿ˜Š Now going to hold it (by whatever means!) until the nappies arrive.
  8. Interested in what your boundaries are about where you will piss. My limit is not to do it anywhere it will leave a smell, damage anything, leave a mess for others to clear up, or where people will sit etc. Yes Almost anywhere outdoors (just runs/washes away) Indoors with easily washable floors (toilets, kitchens, etc.) or where the surface is fully protected No Upholstery of any sort (seats, beds, carpets, etc.) Anywhere the pee will run into corners/floor cracks that can't be cleaned Anywhere outdoors where people sit I love pee play, b
  9. Well that was a wet night! Drank a litre of water just before going to bed. Woke about 2am with a strong need for the toilet so let it out in the bed, laying on my back with legs together to ensure it flowed over as much of my body as possible. Drank another litre and went back to sleep. Awake again at 7am and busting for a pee, spent 10 minutes slowly spraying that one around in the bed whilst edging and enjoying the slippery wetness. Lay there for a while before heading into the shower, now sitting naked in front of the computer writing it up. <bliss ๐Ÿ˜Š>
  10. Was planning to do the same in the bathroom, but needed a poo so sat on the front edge of the toilet and peed on the floor whilst edging and doing the other business ๐Ÿ˜Š
  11. Now on my own for the two weeks ๐Ÿ‘ Supplies turning up tomorrow, so just been doing some desperation play today. Starting to leak by after lunch, had a naked wetting session laying down in the bathroom and spent about 20 minutes letting out small spurts and edging. Ended up very wet and happy. Now building up the pee again for another session later in the evening, then preparing the bed to wet it as many times as I can during the night ๐Ÿ˜Š
  12. Since my earliest memories Iโ€™ve always found the act of peeing fun, Iโ€™d pee anywhere and loved doing it outdoors. If I was on a country walk or outing with my parents I would convince them I was busting and theyโ€™d let me go in the bushes, or would just wait until I was desperate, pee myself, enjoy having to walk back to the car wearing wet clothes and often be naked from the waist down for the trip home. Peeing outdoors extended to the seaside and I loved wearing swimming trunks as it felt like I was in underwear and somehow โ€œnaughtyโ€, as I was supposed to keep everything covered up when
  13. Some naughty places are regular for me - hotel bathroom floors, bushes around parks (trying not to make it too obvious, easier if there is someone with you and make it look like you are just talking), alleyways, etc. One summer I was drinking with a few mates in the outdoor area of a pub, and peed through the slatted seat onto the grass (wearing shorts, so just shifted them to the side and let go). When I was younger I did a lot of trainspotting, spending whole days on the end of platforms. Out of laziness, a couple of us would lie down on the platform (we'd be sitting on it anyway)
  14. Both. My mum taught me to either pee through the swimwear wherever I was sitting and flick some sand over it, or just go into the water and do it there. Toilets were some distance away and it would have meant her packing everything up to take me (it was just the two of us), so guess most of the reason was practicality, but I enjoyed it and probably helped develop my pee fetish ๐Ÿ˜„
  15. Wow, hot! My dream would be to have a partner like that. Can't wait for to hear more about your relationship ๐Ÿ‘
  16. Definitely protecting the mattress ๐Ÿ˜ Have an expensive bed so not risking getting it wet. Hiding in public, really don't want anyone to know what I'm doing (would get very embarrassed!). I've got several pairs of loose fitting casual rugby trousers which are ideal for hiding the extra padding. I'm also overweight so the bulk isn't obvious (just looks like a bit more weight)
  17. My partner is away for the next couple of weeks,so have an opportunity for extended pee and nappy play ๐Ÿ˜Š Intention is not to use the toilet for peeing at all, so have ordered some packs of nappies and protection pads. Plan to be padded the whole time and go about my normal day, just not bothering about visiting the toilet. Overnight the bed will be protected, haven't decided yet whether I'll wear nappies or just wet the bed, possibly a mix of the two. One of my favourite plays is to wear them hidden under baggy clothing when shopping locally or spending evenings with mates, get
  18. I've peed a few times whilst driving. Unless I'm really desperate I can't pee whilst actually moving (tension on leg/groin muscles while controlling the car) but, like you, if stopped and more relaxed I can get the flow going and enjoy the warmth ๐Ÿ˜„ Have occasionally gone out already desperate and drunk loads more water, stopping off and going for short walks when the desperation gets close to the limit, then driving off again, just relaxing and letting it flow out naturally. Always stops well before empty so easy to drink more and repeat. I always plan to have pee fun in the car and
  19. My parents let me pee in the pool any time, wasn't specifically encouragement but if I asked to go to the toilet, they said just do it in the water. Wasn't long before I just peed without asking, initially telling them what I was doing, but then just doing anytime. Now love peeing in the pool! Warmth and naughtiness ๐Ÿ˜ I often go to the local leisure centre in the evening, so let pee build up during the day making me desperate by the time I get to the pool. Being in water makes me produce a lot of pee, which pushes me into uncontrollable leaking, whilst stress-incontinence caused
  20. Thereโ€™s something about larger social events that make me want to engage in a little desperation fun, with no-one around having a clue whatโ€™s going on! I was at an event a few hoursโ€™ drive from home and didnโ€™t know many people there, so decided to have some personal pleasure and make myself desperate during the evening. Things were going well, when I had the idea of stopping off somewhere on the trip home for some pee and masturbation fun. The trip back would be late at night so decided to take a rural cross-country route instead of using the motorways. Emptied my bladder a little be
  21. Thanks, but they are all kid sized, looking for ones big enough for a fully-grown adult.
  22. I'm looking for UK sources for an adult-sized version of the potties used by young kids. Everything I can find for adults is more of the portable toilets used for camping or the "assistance living" stuff, not the easily washable simple bucket type. This is the style I'm after
  23. Messing as in more than just wetting trousers (spraying myself, rubbing it around, etc.) ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘
  24. I've been interested in nappies for a long time but having a partner who isn't into anything fetish related, don't get much chance to wear them. Recently I was to be on my own for a week while she was away on a residential course, so took the opportunity to play and generally have fun! On my first night I went to bed as normal, but when I got up for the usual 3am pee drank several large glasses of water afterwards so when I woke Iโ€™d be desperate for a morning pee. This worked and I was desperate by about 7am. Showered whilst desperate and dressed into a nappy, wearing just a t-s
  25. Great site, been reading it for a while now and decided it was time to join and share my experiences. I love pee play, wetting / messing / desperation, nappies (diapers for the US!) and sometimes combining with masturbation. Love wetting and messing outdoors in the countryside (but not anywhere I can be seen), and secret desperation & nappy usage in public without anyone knowing what I'm up to!
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