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Everything posted by IEnjoyPiss

  1. If there is mattresses maybe go for a spray across one standing up and another lying down on your back pee maybe?
  2. OH DAMN! Those eyes on her are entrancing!
  3. I will admit that is one hell of a neat transition.
  4. I took French GSCE and found that hard (failed it), so I doubt I could learn German with my luck on learning languages.
  5. Its either German or Brazilian but I can agree would be nice to hear what they are saying sometimes.
  6. LMAO - YouTube This is The Inbetweeners clip is anyone is wondering.
  7. That show is fucking hilarious and one of my favourite scenes in the entire show. Not as good as The Inbetweeners which had a pee scene as well lol. RIP Paul Ritter
  8. Eyyy another person from the west midlands!
  9. Welcome to this site, we are a friendly community and would love for you to be here!
  10. I had a piss nightmare recently I was inside of this room, a door behind of me and a toilet in front of me. To describe the room would be something like a dingy corridor like place with nothing but the toilet and door behind of me, a low hanging not so bright light flickering sometimes. I desperately need to go to the toilet for a piss so i start walking over to the toilet yet the room extends further away, forming up something like a corridor. i try opening the door behind of me but it is locked. I can recall running to the toilet yet the corridor just kept on extending further and furth
  11. Sometimes I wish dreams like that were reality, still if i could only recall any piss dreams I had i would totally share them.
  12. Pretty much do it regularly to be honest, sometimes i do it once a day sometimes i do it more it just depends on how I am feeling.
  13. Hi there welcome to the site From the sounds of things I think your development into this kin probably stems from childhood curiosity and just enjoying life as a child with a pee kink to it. People do develop differently and in this case yours happened to have pee in it. Once again welcome to the site it is a friendly community here so you should feel right at home.
  14. I have seen clips from that show and i must say it really is pretty funny.
  15. Just recently I believe I had my first proper wetting experience and thought id share I am watching a livestream on twitch and really needed to go for a pee, but I really do not want to miss the stream, so i simply took off my boxer shorts and just wet my bed, a nice good puddle formed up on my bed I would show it in a picture but my bed sheet is black and bulb is gone in bedroom making it harder to see. I did enjoy this experience just casually pissing on my bed, as I type this I have a towel under me hoping it would soak it up but I may do this again I extremely enjoyed it,
  16. Weird, a lot of the stuff people dislike i don't mind or either enjoy But my biggest pet peeve (pun intended) is when an animal comes into the video, EXTREMELY turns me off from viewing the video when something like a dog or cat comes into view.
  17. Another question What is your favourite TV show?
  18. So I'd probably guess early to late Victorian era?
  19. Random question If you had access to time machine, where would your first stop be in all of time?
  20. Another UK lad from the West Midlands, Near Birmingham
  21. Holding it in during in an exam is always difficult.
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