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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Both of your descriptions chime with me @PeeGurl74 and @gldenwetgoose. (And both of them are great fun to read, thank you!) 'Letting loose a monster' is a good way of describing it, though I will have generally a pretty good idea of the options open to me. So when the urge strikes I will work out pretty quickly which of the things I have been wanting to try, or that I know work well and give me the thrill, fits the opportunity best. RIght now I know that when that sudden urge comes, I'll be thinking whether I can pee against the outside of my glass patio doors, while videoing it fro
  2. Yes - it was cut to 3MB a few weeks ago
  3. Ah yes - that might well be the reason.
  4. A pity the photos didn't want to post - but the idea and the story were good 🙂
  5. Welcome! I reckon you will have fun looking through this site then. There is plenty of content you'll enjoy, including from some our our members. Enjoy! And if you need help, the staff are super friendly and helpful
  6. It's a possibility, but for me, I really have never felt that urge, to be honest with you. Hey ho.
  7. That has been known to happen ... 😉
  8. Wow! These are fantastic answers Sophie.. Thank you so much for putting time and effort into responding so fully. You are so very open with us. I will watch the video later - it is a great idea - and actually not something K has tried (AFAIK) - thanks!
  9. Dear Aunty Paulypeeps Thank you, thank you! I so understood what you wrote. It really chimed with me – I realised that most of my life I’d been constrained by the expectations of others and had suppressed my own feelings and desires. I reckon those desires must have been squashed almost before I was aware of them and that I had become completely conditioned to act in a ‘proper’ way. What a revelation! Shall I tell you what has changed? The big thing is that I drink a *lot* more water. But that’s only because I pee a *lot* more all over the place! Why did I not realise before how wond
  10. I have two more questions please Sophie, if you're happy to answer them: What are the three things you are most proud of in your life? What are your three favourite ways to orgasm? Thanks!
  11. Aha - thanks for the clarification Pauly - and apologies for not realising Wet Carpet was your creation!
  12. Assuming all agree on the legality and processes of the publication (have you spoken with @Admin about the concept by the way, if it's a PeeFans branded thing, or @steve25805 who created 'Wet Carpet') can I make a request for one of @gldenwetgoose stories to be considered - if he's happy with that? Part 1 of "Wedding Belle"? For Cock Corner, I wonder whether the female PF members' views are perhaps the ones that should carry weight, but I think some of the accounts and images of @speedy3471, @Alfresco and @HammerheadPilot are always good - there are others too of course. I have no idea if
  13. Welcome! If you have been lurking, you'll know how things work, and the staff are super helpful if you need any guidance. I'm looking forward to hearing your stories 🙂
  14. Thanks for this amazing account. I really feel for 'A'. I hope she was OK!
  15. It was lovely Sophie 😊. I'm glad you liked the account! I have your wonderful examples to aspire to!
  16. It has been a while since we enjoyed a wet playtime, and K was up for one, so we agreed that today’s regular Friday afternoon gin-fuelled session would be in two parts – pee fun before baths, and intimate time afterwards. It’s not wet sex, but it’s the compromise we’ve reached and it works for us 😊. Mid-afternoon, when K was still working up in the back-bedroom-cum-lockdown-office I had a message: “Don’t forget, I’m filling up ready for later.” As it happens, I hadn’t forgotten the plan … I had been thinking about it for much of the day! At 5:15 she was finished and I asked her how s
  17. Feel free 🙂 There was a washing-up one too, done to fulfil a request. You can steal that idea too if you like! I am sure you'll think of other ideas too!
  18. Thanks @MyPee! Looking at that photo again, I need to lose some of that middle age spread / beer gut lol!
  19. Beautiful Sophie ❤️. Thanks as ever for sharing your intimate, loving pee moments with us. And I hope you're feeling OK today x
  20. Thanks Sophie - really interesting answers. Love all those songs. And as for the fantasies ... what can I say. Two belting ones (the best thing is that they *could* be lived out, but it doesn't matter if they aren't - they work as pure fantasy too). Thanks again ❤️
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