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Everything posted by Specter

  1. You are the woman of my dreams... your husband is a lucky man haha
  2. I cannot express how much that impresses, titillates and inspires awe in me
  3. I'm not sure if I'm alone in my preference, but I've always really loved to see women peeing standing up without the aid of devices like the shewee. I also especially enjoy hearing about accounts of this taking place, especially firsthand and especially in nature hahah; I think it's one of the most attractive things I've ever set eyes upon. I've seen this before at a festival... I was taking a piss on a wall when a woman walked up next to me, staggering a little in a drunk sort of way, pulled up her skirt, moved her panties to the side and started peeing out of the hairiest pussy I've ever see
  4. Congrats @gldenwetgoose. Figured you'd make mod at some point, lol
  5. What pisses me off (well, not really 'pisses me off', more like just something I roll my eyes at) is that people treat me differently on the road depending on what car I drive. Sometimes I use my car, which is a Honda FK8 Type R (here's an example https://www.carsguide.com.au/car-news/new-honda-civic-type-r-2020-made-more-fast-and-furious-by-mugen-79599) and sometimes I use my dad's car, which is a 2018 Bentley Continental GT (https://www.caradvice.com.au/646251/2018-bentley-continental-gt-pricing/) and usually, people give way to me a lot more when I use mine as opposed to my dad's. I don't r
  6. That was amazing to read, Sophie. I'm very impressed by your meticulous jotting down of the timings and especially the lengths of your pees. Loved it!
  7. Knew I should've gotten that sex change...
  8. Fantastic writing, you should consider a career switch lol
  9. Haha yeah, looked a lot brighter irl. Here's my erome though, I've got a few more vids up there: https://www.erome.com/Specter226
  10. Curiously aggressive. Perhaps some introspection would be beneficial on your end? I believe you're confusing my argument with my associated parallels. I'm merely stating that an environment which promotes uncalled for inquisitiveness will also be an environment promoting uncalled for honesty. I'm saying that one goes with the other, and both are useful for humanity as a whole. As for the Kardashians, I can assure you that people like them hold very little sway in the grand scheme of things, actually. Being from the younger generation myself, I have heard their names mentioned roughly t
  11. The reason I eschew the attitude of "only give opinions when you are asked for them specifically" is that I believe it fosters a sort of closed-mindedness that is quite counterintuitive for the progression of civilization as a whole. Nobody really asked Tesla to come up with AC, or Aristotle to reject Plato's Theory of Forms in favor of his own idea, but without these key contributions, we wouldn't be where we are now. Innovation shouldn't need prompting, and in the same vein, neither should the voicing of opinions. As for your example of rape -- it sucks (and I know this literally firsthand)
  12. @MasterDarcy Well, personally, I'd rather know what people think of me, be it good or bad, than have it hidden behind some façade of kindness. Your statement also poses the question of when an opinion has to be made, because, as is human nature, different people will always have different views regarding that.
  13. @MasterDarcy I'd prefer honest and mean to dishonest/lying by omission and nice. Personal preference I guess
  14. I appreciate your side of the stick as well @lovestoseepee -- guess we're going to have to agree to disagree 🙂
  15. I'm not really looking to start a fight here, but I think the 'strawberry generation' outlook applies here more than the 'opinionated generation'. Someone making a negative comment should not be such a big thing that it stirs up this much trouble. I'd much rather live in a world where people are honest about what they feel than one where they keep everything not 'positive' to themselves.
  16. Overflowed it once and had to stop midstream while I emptied it out, lol. Video link: https://www.erome.com/a/eRIxT9wS
  17. Toward midnight, I was getting a bit desperate, so I decided to go on a little stroll (thanks for the encouragement @Sophie -- I said I'd upload it and here it is) and see if I could water some plants or something, but ended up whipping it out directly facing a fairly busy road (shame no cars passed by) with a streetlamp directly opposite me (though unfortunately the video came out a bit dark) and having quite a long piss, spraying it around a bit to mark my territory haha. Video link --> https://www.erome.com/a/K26vI5xW (might still be encoding so if it doesn't work, check back in a bit)
  18. Here it is, my first-ever pee video! The toilet seemed kind of boring, so I... well, you'll see 🙂 --> https://www.erome.com/a/rOfWDr89
  19. Oh not at all, rest assured everybody on this site (that I have seen, anyway) is accepting of your experiences and attitudes toward all things pee-related. This is a safe space for people like us 🙂
  20. I do agree it does no harm -- but uninteresting it most certainly isn't! To me, peeing in pools, whether the situation involves doing it myself or hearing about/watching girls do it, invariably gets me at least semi-hard, lol.
  21. Mm... doing my challenge, I see 🙂. Try watching an episode of a good TV show or listening to music, lol.
  22. Well the girl I'm currently dating doesn't like pee, per se, but we have a very strong D/s dynamic so she will do anything if I tell her to, lol.
  23. Oh man, honestly, there isn't a single girl I know personally and regard as attractive/desirable that I haven't watched pee in my mind's eye... I've also watched about half of them pee in real life lol. The dynamic I tend to form with my female friends (especially those I meet in my college classes, internships etc) is quite unusual, or so I've been told; more than half of them are friends with 'benefits', so when I tell them to show me how they pee, they comply. Guess I'm a lucky guy haha.
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