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  1. Uhm I don't know, cannot really get the angle right
  2. I don't really know how to do that without a proper tripod or something unfortunatelly
  3. Well I was thinking of going in a large bottle to measure, but I just cannot figure the logistics of recording that out. Between holding your dick, the bottle and the phone at the same time.
  4. Pretty bad, but it feels like it has subsided a bit, or maybe I've gotten used to it when sitting still.
  5. Okay, it's gotten to the point where even walking feels like bursting with every step
  6. Well guess this is one of those nights, already drank a looot of tea and it's pressing my bladder a great lot. Will see how much longer I can push.
  7. Yeah, I'm the same. There are parts about my sexuality that I don't mind having in my history, like the "normal" (from the society's perspective) straight porn I watch. I'm sure I have that in my history undeleted and I don't really give a fuck. Anything to do with this fetish though, I make absolutely sure to not leave any trace behind. There are other sexual things like that that I feel ashamed of that I keep my history clean of.
  8. I almost always use incognito mode when watching porn or browsing on here. Sometimes I feel like I don't need to, since uses my computer at all. Then I remember that my job consists of a lot of meetings that I do from my personal computer that sometimes involve sharing screen, and I sure don't want my colleagues to see this site pop up on top as soon as I type "p" into my browser for whatever reason.
  9. Ohh... my bad lol! Guess being on a pee focused site makes you instantly associate the word with the one for peeing.
  10. I had a pretty major surgery years ago, that lasted for 10+ hours iirc. Mind you I was knocked out most of the time during/after so I don't remember much, but I did have a catether that whole time. Wasn't really a anything sexual to me because of the state I was in, but I do remember the catether being removed and the leftover air coming out of my urethera. Never had I known before that dicks are capable of farting lmao.
  11. About an hour ago probably. I don't have the link sadly but it very similar to this video. A woman coming in a pub by someone controlling a vibe inside her. Never knew I was into that kind of thing but guess I am thanks to you @Sophie lol.
  12. I'm not sure I completely understand the wording of your question? If I pee in my swimwear when I'm in water? Hell yeah I do pretty much all the time. Not really to get a kick out of or anything, just for convenience If your question was mean to be if I consider swimwear peeing as "wetting" then I guess not really. In my opinion it's only wetting if you actually make your clothes wet by peeing into them, and since you already are in water there's not much wetting left to do lol
  13. For me it was Friday and no video as far as I can remember, I mostly just scrolled through the fictional stories section on here.
  14. Don't know the name, guess she just has a familiar face to someone I know. Still a hottie tho!
  15. Who is she? She does weirdly familiar for some reason.
  16. Well, I've once saw a server mentioned on Reddit called 'Golden streams', that's said to be more RP pee fetish based, but haven't been able to find anything more about it anywere, so idk it might be defunct.
  17. Thanks for the lenghty response! I'll admit my original post wasn't about why this site doesn't have a DC server but about other pee focused servers that might be out there. You do raise a lot of valid points though, I can see how easily it could spiral into a moderation nightmare, with voice/video chats being a thing.
  18. Damn @Rosita, I've really been in love with the short stories of your pee mischiefs you've been posting onto here, and you've done it again! Just something about the way they are written makes them just super arousing. Hope we get more of them in the future.
  19. Really anywhere where alcohol is involved and toilets are not. Like I remeber once with my friends drinking in a cottage house out in the woods thtlat had no plumbing, just a latrine some 20 meters away with not much light along the way there we evetually stopped giving a shit and when we had to pee, we would just go out on the porch and pee in the grass next to it, sometime in pairs when two people had to go at once. I took one trip with a female friend once, which definitelly was an experience! Didn't creep on her, gave her privacy behind the corner of the porch, but still heard it.
  20. Hot damn @Chrissy89! You might have just unlocked some new aspect of my fetish in me. The intimacy of that whole situation is just unbearably arousing.
  21. Yeah, I've always wondered why this place doesn't have a server. Guess it's better to not detract from the main chat that's already here.
  22. Oh my god @wetwulf, that was superb! Already eager for part 2.
  23. Hey, this is not about peeing websites per se but I figured it's the closest section. I've been wondering today, does anyone know of any Discord servers focused on pee?
  24. I've been listening to a lot of Penelope Scott lately after a friend of mine suggested her to me, currently listening to this (probably ma favorite from her).
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