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  1. well I did go and pee eventually, don't know how long I did but I tried to meassure in a 1,5l bottle and would say it is like 1,3l. A personal best for sure
  2. Well it's getting worse by the moment for sure
  3. Not unbearable but very pressing already
  4. I'm drinking a giant cup of tea, so I'm sure that will do it lol
  5. I'm also filing up, starting to feel it quiet a bit.
  6. Well consiser yourself incredibely lucky then! I'm sure many here would be super envious of your friends.
  7. Oh, that's an interesting perspective. Really hard to judge fore tho, as I obviously find female pissing sexier and gentler, but that's probably not a taste shared by the general public.
  8. Also, be sure to try to find an opportunity to give some of the embarassment back to him lol. Might as well make it a two player game 😀
  9. That's real sweet! Your dad sounds like a great guy.
  10. I mean, looking back at my experience, it is quiet funny now. I'm sure the guy has a laugh about it now.
  11. Lmao poor guy 😂 At least I'm not the only one guilty of this I guess.
  12. Lmao @lesley this is both hot and hilarious ina strange way 🤣
  13. Oh, what ethical consequences you think there are between the genders when it comes to toilet floor pissing? One would think that it's looked down on in general.
  14. Yeah obviously you try to find a spot where you are the most of sight. What I meant to say that public pissing for men is seen that bad here, given you at least try to conceal yourself.
  15. Oh damn, English is hard apparently... I thought you meant different consequences to the action of floor pissing, not different consequences of different organs. Yeah, I get what you mean now lol.
  16. Yeah exactly! Never in my life have I seen a full puddle in the stall of a men's public toilets, just a few times piss sprayed all over the place, most likely from drunk guys as it was at bars.
  17. avatar


    Hey @Rosita, welcome to the community! Your experience sounds very much like a lot of people here (including myself), so I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here, having people to relate to even with the weird things like pissing yourself for fun lol.
  18. Basically as the title says, have you ever walked into and peed in the other gender's bathrooms (not the unisex bathrooms) on accident? Not like going there becase your's are closed or the line is too long, genuinely choosing the wrong door. For some reason I've just randomly remembered something funny that happened to me a few years ago. I was alone at a mall in another city, had a coffee and needed to pee after some time while shopping. I headed into the public toilets, walked in what I thought were men's ones, went straight to the stall like I always do (I hate urinals), did my thing a
  19. Don't really see why it's that unexpected. Might just be the attitude around here but men peeing on grass/bushes is a pretty accepted thing for me, especially little boys up to a certain age.
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