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Everything posted by Alfresco

  1. Excellent sighting there- and I can confirm that buses arriving into the city often provide good opportunities. I have seen some great sightings of girls running from buses desperate to pee and heading for the nearest alley or bush. I have seen this in several cities and multiple times. Often I think people drink at home before they head into town and then by the time they have ridden the bus for half an hour or more, they are desperate on arrival. Of course, once they have done this once or twice then it becomes a behaviour that they may follow regularly on arrival into town as they k
  2. Sounds perfect. I bet you really enjoyed that quick peek as you went by. If I see something like that then it makes my day and I am just a little happier for the rest of the day, with a lovely image in my mind.
  3. I always swore I would never be one of those people who let their kids overtake them with computer and tech knowledge, but guess what? My daughter now sorts out issues on our phones and iPads in no time that have had my wife and I flummoxed. Glad you are back on line.
  4. I regularly pee whenever and wherever I am whilst out in nature, but I don’t walk around naked. Sounds like a lot of fun, but I have two problems with the idea; firstly I get bitten by very bug around and secondly I am usually too close to populated areas and paths I have been known to take all my clothes off for a short while when I am in the woods and need to pee, but I don’t tend to leave them off for any long periods of time.
  5. No, but I have tasted pee from random ladies who have peed outside, but only if it is very fresh and I saw it being produced. E.g. a women peeing on a bunch of leaves and some of the leaves hold a small amount (few ml) of pee or if they pee on a dry place and leave a large enough puddle that I can soak my handkerchief in it and then suck a little pee out of it. I am sure it is not a good practice and there are probably all sorts of things I could catch from it, but it is a very rare indulgence and a tiny amount in any one go. Sometimes I just can’t resist.
  6. Excellent experience, @Kupar! I can attest to how good this is, as my wife has done this for me a few times, although without the clothing. She has only done it in hotels and we also had the experience that quite a bit pooled on the floor.
  7. Very nice. Does show that some ladies are willing to pee in more public situations when desperation calls. I love the way people “hide” between car doors but hang their bums below the level of the door. I am never sure if they don’t realise how much is on show or whether maybe they would rather hide their heads from view. Of course there is very little chance that you would be seen by someone you know, so that might also make people think that they are better off peeing in public than being desperate, uncomfortable and waiting to find a toilet.
  8. Good that you saw a couple of sightings, but definitely less sightings than you would expect for such a big event. Sorry you missed out on more.
  9. This is impressive that they actually pulled in to a lay-by that already had a car in it and still proceeded to pee. Did they pee by the car or head into the woods? We’re they visible or did they make an effort to hide? We’re they solo travellers or with others who were also peeing?
  10. I think that there have always been some people who are willing to pee in lay-bys if needed, but I do think people got more relaxed since Covid. At that time, many public toilets were closed and people had no choice but to improvise. Some people who probably used to make an effort to hold on and go out of their way to find a toilet probably realised that actually, peeing next to the car or even in the bushes at a lay-by ther were already passing was easier, quicker and not really a problem, so they have continued to do it. Of course there are many (including my wife) who would rather wait
  11. Firstly bear in mind that English beaches are not often host to warm seas and 5he times I go there are usually evening or early morning. Therefore not that many people seem to go into the water just to pee. Those that do pee in the water usually go in and swim, so there is no way o telling when they are eyeing. There are not many people who do the walk in to waist deep, pee and come out routine. The beaches where I go most have toilets, so people prefer to use those rather than get cold and wet. I am sure there is some peeing on the beach later on in the evening, but they are either d
  12. I think it is far less taboo these days than it used to be. Certainly in the UK I have seen ladies peeing by their cars in lay-bys a good few times. Yes, men do it more, but I don’t think it is because anyone would think less of a lady peeing in a lay-by, it is more that the ladies themselves are often reserved and don’t wish to be seen - even by strangers passing at 60mph. The other factor is that ladies are more discreet, so it probably happens more than people realise. Men tend to stand facing the verge and it is pretty obvious. Ladies tend to either walk into the bushes a little o
  13. Definitely enjoy adding to puddles left by the rain and I also have had times where it is warm and muggy and a light rain shower is refreshing. I have been out in my garden naked in this kind of rain shower and just let my pee go whilst enjoying the feeling of rain on my skin. The other good thing about rain is that you can pee outside and no sooner have you finished than nobody can tell what you have done.
  14. Fantastic @Bacardi I am pleased you had some fun with it even if the end result was a bit messier than expected.
  15. Great that they were accepting of your interest rather than being negative. It is always so difficult to know whether to tell people or not and in this case you got a great result.
  16. Nobody really answered your question @okay_mate . Many people share their experiences virtually on this site either as written accounts or with pictures. The forums are laid out with focus on different areas and if you are including pictures then make pictures are best placed in the men peeing sections. if you want to share videos, that is great too, but they can’t be hosted directly on the site. Best to place them on a site such as erome and then post links to them here. Hope that helps and enjoy your experience here.
  17. Just because you have a hotel room and car to enjoy doesn’t mean you are limited to only those places. Yes, they give you multiple options to explore, but don’t forget the wider options and the great outdoors. You haven’t said anything about the type of destination, but if it is a town or city then you can go out to pubs or bars wearing a suitable skirt and take a sneaky pee on the seat or onto the carpet in front of the seat. On your way back to the hotel you can enjoy a quick squat in an alleyway or car park. If it is a more rural area then just go for a walk and enjoy peeing somewhere
  18. Great story, but my only thought was that whilst Emily pee loads, her brother didn’t need to pee at all. I loved Emily’s attitude, but think that some consideration towards the brother’s need to pee would be good. Whether that be that he was trying to hold it because he thought the options were inappropriate or whether he was OK with peeing discretely in the pool or even if he felt the need to go to the main changin area to use the toilets. Emily may even have convinced him to pee somewhere else due to the lack of toilets.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJ2zphBHl1M Peeing starts from 1:28 when the lady goes around the back of the buoy and then drops her trousers to sit on the wall. Very poor quality for the most part as it is badly lit except when a car goes by. You also see her standing and pulling her trousers up.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ7ra488Zjw&t=2424s Start at 30:09 (or start at 27:32 if you like girls in tight shorts). This one has two girls who go round the back of the buoy. The first one to go round is wearing a yellow summer dress. The second one is wearing tight shorts and a snug fitting top. The first one disappears round the left side of the buoy and you can just make out her shadow squatting down (I know, sad to spot that). The second one goes to the right and you can see pulling down her shorts then two other girls come into the frame from the left (presumably girls
  21. One channel that has a few captures from this webcam is https://www.youtube.com/@LiveCamClips631 One of his recent videos, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sMEq0DPHVI has several interesting scenes. At 8:43, a couple arrive on the scene. She is wearing a white flowing dress. She initially looks like she needs a wee but is weighing up her options. She tries to squat on the wall to the left of the buoy, with the guy holding her as she hangs her bum over the edge, but she aborts that. They go to the other side of the buoy and the guy demonstrates sitting on the wall with his bum h
  22. Resurrecting an old thread, but thought I would share this with you. There is a webcam which shows the Southernmost Point of the Continental USA (Although if you look at the map you will see it is not actually at the most Southerly point, but let's not worry about that). There are many people that go there and take photos in the day and often people visiting it even late at night. Some of the late night visitors are a little worse for wear and some do some interesting antics. Also, some decide to pee there. As is typical for these types of cameras, the peeing is not particularly exp
  23. I'd definitely pee there. Now if we could also add some squat toilets for the ladies with a similar viewing window.......
  24. I thought they were both brilliant. And I have to agree that the Vernier Calliper one was a bit painful.
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