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Everything posted by Sweets

  1. Your welcome. I can remember then sometimes. I have to think about them or talk about it right away to remember the details. Some are more memorable than others. A lot seem like Déjà
  2. @speedy3471 i did share that video with you right
  3. Sorry can’t post that one on pornhub. Fucked up and showed my face when I was trying to manage my mess.
  4. Omg I don’t know if I could have just watched. I might have slipped in and peed with him. Made my pussy wet just reading it. 😈
  5. I agree with the guys above. U just have to have a open conversation with her. See if she is comfortable with it. If not don’t push it. You could shut her down completely. As far as her hurting durning sex. That’s but normal. I had this problem after my hysterectomy. I thought it was a physical problem. It turned out to be psychological. I was anticipating it going to hurt so I would clamp my muscle shut and he couldn’t get it in, which made it hurt. I went thru 5 years of this. She should see a doctor to make sure there isn’t anything physical wrong. Tell her to be open with her
  6. I think they would fit into one of her stories
  7. I found these at Bush Gardens. They made me think of you @spywareonya
  8. Thanks for sharing. Can’t wait to hear the rest.
  9. I could try that I’ll look into it
  10. Would love to see more. I love seeing pee and cum coming out. It so damn hot
  11. Unfortunately it goes one way to the other for equality. Some women have pushed it to far. Almost to the point where we lose our identity as a woman. In my believe men and woman are not the same. Men are better at certain things and woman are better at doing other things. Yes there is a few exceptions that some woman can preform things like the normal woman and same goes for a few men. I don’t think we should limit things at this job is for men this one for woman like we use to. But I know I can’t do the things a man can. I think we should each find out what we are good at and focus
  12. That’s the best type of cream. Finger licking good 😈
  13. I can tell u a few reason I don’t use the chat. I haven’t used it yet where people answer y right away. I get bored and go look at other things or I’m at work and I have the page open and leave and come back. I find it easier to chat with my friends on Skype. It tells me when someone answers me even when I close the app. the second reason I really get tired of someone asking me if I have to pee. Or if I’m desperate. I know this is a pee forum but I don’t what to talk about my peeing all the time. If I want to share it I will. But I don’t like to Be pressure to talk about it if I do
  14. If I write something on the desk top and save it on the usb stick. You can’t see what was written in the computer. I try to stay away from the desk top my husband knows computers much better than me and can track things really well so I stay off it except to pay bills. I know how to hid my tracks on my phone.
  15. I like using the desk top but it is my husbands. I do type much better with a key board. I can type 55 words a minute using it and I do have less typos. And those programs don’t change your text like the iPhone. But I’m stuck with the phone or iPad. Thanks for your advice. Hammerheadpoilet suggested I hid my notepad too. Other people have access to my phone sometimes and I don’t what the wrong person reading my stories. They will be just for here with people who understand and no judgement 😘
  16. Later on in life as we get older we can get shingles from having chicken pox.
  17. A highly contagious viral infection causing an itchy, blister-like rash on the skin. Chickenpox is highly contagious to those who haven't had the disease or been vaccinated against it.
  18. I love sharing my naughty fantasies but as u can tell from most of my posts I have awful spelling and grammar. I have 2 different learning disability that make writing hard for me. When I was 6 months old I got chicken pox. I had them so bad I even had them in my ears and I have scar tissue on my ear drums that make it hard from me to hear words like a normal person. All the vowels Sound the same to me. And I am tab bit ADD. My mind moves a million times a minute and my fingers don’t so I have a tendency to leave out small words. Most people can understand what I’m say. I know I drive th
  19. I think u need to go back a century ago. Where woman didn’t have any rights at all. We weren’t allowed to vote, we had to wear very modest clothes. Hell the bathing suit was a one piece and covers everything. Woman didn’t work. It was expected of us to stay home and take care the house and children. Men ran everything. They could gamble, drink, whore around. And not much was said. It was a mans world. The woman’s right movement changed all that. While I am thankful to live in world where I have equal rights. There are things that are not equal still. I grew up in the 80 and it was s
  20. That’s a great picture. I’m setting here at work with my panties getting a wet. Love to see cumming out of a nice dick. 😈
  21. I have purchase some but haven’t given then a try yet.
  22. @puddles this is usually my night time pleasure. Usually chatting with my special friend or friends who get me horny as hell watching porn. And playing with myself until bed time 😈
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