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Everything posted by 2prnot2p

  1. 2prnot2p


    It's one thing to steal thousands of videos that others worked hard to make. But, it's another to ask for donations! Man, some folks have no shame. How low can they go? Yeah, the thief has a 'Donate' link on his pirate site. The default currency is rubles. He's a Russian criminal. Plain and simple. Sure, we all lift random pics from the web and post them here. That's common everywhere. That's comparable to picking off a few grapes at the grocery store and eating them while you shop. Besides, we don't ask for money. But this comrade is doing it on a scale that makes everyone els
  2. If we can choose a celebrity who is no longer with us, I'd pick Marilyn Monroe! She's my all-time fave female star. As for choosing from the living, I'd like to see Jennifer Love Hewitt and Amanda Knox pee. I think they're both very sexy. 😜
  3. 2prnot2p

    ROOM 101

    Yes, the Russians pushed the Germans back...after losing 26 million people! Of the estimated 50-80 million people killed worldwide during WWII, 26 million were Russian civilians and military personnel. They lost more than any nation, by an astronomical margin! The USA had just a tad to do with defeating Nazi Germany too. Just a bit, doncha think? 🙂
  4. 2prnot2p

    ROOM 101

    I hate CGI. I won't watch a CGI movie, period. It sucks!
  5. 2prnot2p

    ROOM 101

    Sean Connery is the ONLY Bond for me! Connery said that his favorite film was From Russia With Love due to its good story and characterization. He went on to say he thought the films got too much into gadgets as time went on. Oddly enough, my fave film is Never Say Never Again. I'm in the USA and everyone in the theater applauded at his first close-up on the screen. After 12 years, he was Bond again! I never saw a reaction like that at the movies.
  6. This is my favorite photo of Niagara Falls. I hope you all like it.
  7. Pull up a chair and pour yourself a cup of coffee. LOL! I'm not bragging, I'm just old and have been to many concerts. I've always wanted to make a list and now, thanks to Blackinksoul30, I can. I started being taken to rock concerts by my dad, then my drum teacher at the age of 9. Here's the list... Cream Blood, Sweat, & Tears (4X) Blind Faith Rolling Stones (3X) Jefferson Airplane Uriah Heep George Harrison Bee Gees (2X, pre-disco era, tremendous!) Fleetwood Mac (worst live band ever!) Eric Clapton Santana B.B. King G
  8. Blackinksoul30, I can empathize with your disability. You seem to have adjusted well to it and you have a great attitude toward it. Hang in there! I've read many of your posts and I can tell you're a very kind, caring person. We're all lucky here to have a member like you! 🙂
  9. Welcome, BronzeMantis! You'll really like it here, I promise. This is the dream site that I finally found. Trust me. You'll have fun and meet friends. Once again, welcome! 😁
  10. You're so right, Admin. All of your points are spot on. I do think people value the sense of community. I guess what I meant was that there are many who are more concerned with the movies, photos, and stories. But, as you said, you have plenty of those here too! The main thing I don't want you to change is the format. So many of the typical php boards are not very friendly looking. So, I should have said that this particular interface is excellent. I love it and I think others do too. 🙂 As for spam, I didn't mind pee-related posts. But, I would get spam like, "Win a free trip to
  11. I had an old style BBS at my site for years. It was quite busy for a long while, but I had to perform damage control daily. Between trolls (we called them "flamers" back in those days) and spam, it became too much for me. I'd had enough. On my board there was no uploading, but one could post a pic by entering the URL of said pic in a box on the post page. Or, they could also enter a URL to a website. I actually encouraged webmasters to post links to their sites. But...I still had to deal with hell. I finally said, "enough." I also had a chat room for quite a few years. Same thing
  12. Hey Speedy. You lucky duck! I've seen many vids on youtube of people who have foxes as pets and...it's nuts! They're so hyper that they'd drive anyone crazy. Plus, they will tear up any house. Still, I love 'em. I just would never try to domesticate one.
  13. I love women's legs. I love the way they go up and make an ass of themselves. LOL!
  14. Shop discreetly in the comfort of your home for DVD's in every niche, including peeing. You'll also find magazines and the best variety of sex toys on the web! Simply visit our new store at the link below. Enjoy! 😊 GOLDEN SHOWERS PARADISE Super Store! FREE GIFT of your choice with every purchase!
  15. I don't do any social media. I've never done Twitter, Facebook, or any of them. I learned early on that these seem to bring out the worst in folks. But, I do participate here, so I guess this is social media too. But, in a forum with like-minded people, one is less likely to be blitzed. Plus, I don't like the "look at me" aspect of all those sites. It seems rather arrogant to think that people will care what one person thinks or likes or whatever. Maybe it's just me, but that's how I feel about it.
  16. I've met many! I met Sting, Phil Collins, Anthony Banks, Michael Rutherford, Steve Hackett, Jane Fonda, Gordie Howe, Mitch Ryder, John Wetton, Bill Bruford, Eddie Jobson, Allan Holdsworth, all the guys in the band Chicago, Robert Fripp...uh, I think that's it. They were all very nice. I got to converse with Phil Collins for almost an hour. Sting's wife hit me on the dance floor of a hotel bar. She didn't like me calling out his name and shaking his hand, so she swung her forearm across my chest real hard. It didn't hurt and I later got his autograph after they left the dance floor an
  17. If you put a basketball on the ground and put a BB from a BB gun 93 feet away from the ball, you'd have a perfect scale model for the size of the earth to the sun and the distance they are from one another. The sun is 93 million miles from earth, so each foot would be equal to a million miles. This is one thing I vividly remember from my college astronomy class. LOL!
  18. This pic is not natural. It's been altered or is totally CGI. No leopard, jaguar, or any large cat looks like this. The lines are all swirling in a fake way. But, it's a cool made-up image, for sure.
  19. I love astronomy too. I took an introductory course in college and the professor taught it as though it was a grad school class at MIT! Needless to say, it was very difficult. I loved going to our campus's planetarium. I learned a lot and it was super interesting, but difficult. In the US, we have what's called public TV where there are many science shows. The ones on space and astronomy are fantastic. It's called PBS here, for Public Broadcasting Service. No commercials during the shows. Neil deGrasse Tyson is featured often and I really like the way he can explain very intricate
  20. I love foxes. We have them here in Michigan, where I live. I've seen them several times. We also have cougars way in the extreme northern part of the state. And black bears, moose, deer, elk, many animals. But, the fox is my fave. So cute and very clever.
  21. LMAO! I like it. Short and to the point. Good job! 🤣
  22. @Brutus...You're right. I was wrong to be so harsh. Sorry. 😞
  23. Here's another that I truly hope you'll like. When asked what he thought of the "Me Too" movement, Bill Clinton said, "I remember the good old days when 'harass' was TWO words!"
  24. Hey Fannywatcher. This is a great topic. There have been so many throughout history. It's hard to decide which ones are most prolific. I'd have to say that my top two are: "There's a sucker born every minute!" - P.T. Barnum "All religion is bunk!" - Thomas Edison
  25. Welcome aboard, Sir Pees-a-Lot! Trust me when I say that this site is as good as it gets for pee lovers. Not to come across as arrogant, but I've been visiting pee sites for almost 20 years. You will love it here. 🙂
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