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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Yes, back then the BBC had no concept of preserving for the future - recordings on early studio magnetic video tape were recorded over as the tape needed to be reused. Hindsight is wonderful.
  2. Must admit I have done in the shower occasionally, imagining how it would feel transitioning from holding in sheer desperation, to feeling the hot flood released.
  3. The middle one looks more fun and less uptight than the other two somehow. And has a nicer pussy...
  4. Chapter Eleven - Road Trip - Part Two “Ow” grimaced Lucy, her eyes still closed, “I’m not sure I’ve ever been this desperate before, I really hope I’m not injuring myself or something.” “I know” replied Jenny, “I’m sorry, I’m trying to drive as carefully as I can, but at least we’re here now. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, I was hoping this place would be deserted....” With that Lucy looked around, seeing a few cars. The picnic area was only small, really just a grass banking surrounding three sides of the gravelled car park. The couple of picnic benches were occ
  5. All of them sound amazing - plenty to keep you occupied through the holiday. A bit of simple desperation would fit nicely between each too. Look forward to hearing all the details...
  6. I'm nominating my 'no toilet challenge' (patent pending). In a nutshell, pick a timeframe - I'd suggest 48 hours as a starter and in that time the toilet is out of bounds - but anywhere and everywhere else is fair game. Appreciate you may need to use the loo for another reason - and that's allowed, but ideally empty your bladder first. So - sinks, showers, carpets, vases, jugs, laundry, towels - anything goes except the toilet. And of course keep a diary...
  7. At night I sit.... In the dark, if I get up to pee, I don't want to turn the light on - and also generally don't want to spray the bathroom walls and floor, so sitting is a good way to make sure my aim isn't off. Every other time it's a proud alpha-male like (not that I am!) standing position!!!
  8. Like they said, you’re being really tough on yourself. Appreciate it’s really tough for you to post them. We really get that - and you’re amongst friends who (a) accept you irrespective and (b) can see absolutely no evidence of you being, in your words, ‘fat’ or ‘horrible’. Thanks for posting. We’re open to more and we’ll keep telling you you’re wrong - in a nice way. We know you won’t believe us, but the cycle can carry on anyway. 😉
  9. It seems that about 90% of most desperate involve car or other vehicle journeys... I don't tend to find myself with a particularly large threshold between needing to go and bursting, but a couple of years ago I did decide to have a deliberate hold on a solo car journey. I'd been photographing a weekend's music event in the southern tip of England, pretty much as far as it gets, at least an hour if not two past the end of any motorway. As it happened the last band on the Sunday night were particularly keen for my services so it was about 1am when I got onto the roads - which were at lea
  10. As Jenny awoke it took her a good few moments to work out where she was. Something was strange, the morning light from the wrong side, the pillow different that she was used to in her own bed. She became aware too of shallow breathing next to her and opening her eyes suddenly realised she’d spent the night asleep in Lucy’s double bed. As her brain awoke a little more she became aware too of her dull headache, caused no doubt by at least the quarter of a bottle of Sambuca she’d downed. That wasn’t the only ache - her bladder was also insisting that she should get up and take care of it.
  11. Seeing a slit photo always helps me 😉
  12. It's funny how opinions change with time. Growing up in the eighties, being gay was something of derision in the everyday world. Everyone understood it was there, but nobody (not in school boy circles at least) admitted it or acknowledged it. Back then I'd have never believed you if you'd told me I'd one day snog another man.... albeit it seems to have been a one off experience and I thing he was the one turned on by it 😉
  13. Ok - I've tried not to dwell too long on each question. The response are all based on the partner being equally excited to be taking part. I've said before that if it's not something they're enjoying (eg desperation and wetting) then it loses the attraction for me. Hence in the absence of a partner fitting that bill there's a lot of hypothetical answers in there. Living in hope though....
  14. If I said that was cute would you want to slap me...? TBH though, I do love the innocence in 'wee', 'pee', 'tinkle' and any manner of other gentle phraseology.
  15. Incredible @Riley - in so many ways, glad you enjoyed it - an awesome account!
  16. I’m curious..... you mention having bought the incontinence pants for travel emergencies. From what you’ve shared about yourself, I’m imagining that you’d be quite self conscious about wearing them when out and about... Have you ever had to do so? If it came to doing so out of absolute desperation I’d imagine it wasn’t too much of a turn on at the time, but retrospectively maybe? PS - Guessing there's some tales to come later on the 'new challenge of not peeing in the toilet the rest of the night'...?
  17. Have to say this is one of my favourite threads.... every now and then I'll add an image to my hard drive folder, for personal viewing. Funnily enough all of the non-pee ones seem to be slit related. Mmmmmmm
  18. Six little words... and you wouldn't believe the impact they've just had !!!
  19. Aaaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh..... Two hours late to the party again - but it was 4:30am here. Hope it was a good one!
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