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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Hi and a huge welcome to the site. As you’ll gather there’s all sorts of aspects of the kink represented but the common theme is acceptance - so you’re in exactly the right place. We completely understand what you mean through and it’s not easy just to shrug off those feelings of being the odd one out or doing something to be ashamed of. It is a bit of a self defence mechanism, we don’t want people to know because we don’t want them to react badly. All I can off is that it won’t happen here.
  2. Marianne sounds like a proper Honky Tonk Woman, hope their fun carried on beyond that bath - in fact, really hope you're not going to tell me It's All Over Now?
  3. Welcome to the community. As you've seen, there is a huge range of different topics covered and with time it'll become apparent which people enjoy which the most. You're correct, there is a large following for female peeing both by people who enjoy seeing it and by those who enjoy doing it - but there are also members who do experience and share with us their genuine accidents, and we love them for it. So a huge welcome, whether you choose to enjoy passively or to contribute, you are a part of the gang, you are accepted amongst us.
  4. Same as myself, in some ways at least... Maybe there'll be some inspiration here:
  5. Fantastic memory - like you said, very glad you did remember it. Guessing your friend wasn’t too embarrassed at the thought of flooding the hotel?
  6. There’s really nothing better is there…. As it happens, I’m currently sat in a garden chair, in my own little world with a beer or two. Only difference is it’s night (but still very warm) and I’ve got a pair of jeans shorts on… I’m not intending moving any time soon.
  7. Loving the fact this post has just popped up from someone being kind enough to give it a reaction. Seems only fair to give it a bump then - after all - the next best thing to a pair of wet, white see through panties is surely a pair of white not-quite-yet-wet panties, is it not?
  8. You've got the job.... Wedding Photographer's Assistant. No previous experience needed. Good sense of humour and ability to perform under pressure needed. I've seen photographic evidence of the pressure behind you performing - you're perfectly qualified. More seriously, yes very relieved - although it wasn't like it was a completely desperate release. More just the enjoyment of peeing in a field and knowing the risk of getting caught was very 'inspiring'. It gave me a little energy boost to see me through the rest of the evening.
  9. As mentioned in chat, last Saturday I was photographing at a wedding, my only one for this year. Photographing weddings are a little fraught, one of those 'all or nothing' things. Many parts are very time critical and high pressure - pretty much the part from leaving my house to get to the empty church and photographing it in an empty state, racing against the clock before guests arrive to make it untidy. From that point it's full on stress and action until the time the party have all sat down to dine mid afternoon. In this weekend's case, that meant leaving the house at 10:30am for
  10. Hi and a huge welcome to the site - fantastic to have you here and to have my favourite South American country represented too.
  11. Hi @AWN_84 - and a huge welcome to the community, hopefully you're finding yourself right at home. Don't worry at all about the initial posting of the video- we're all new once and all start finding our way around for the first time once. Any questions at all or problems you find, do please just shout up and we'll be delighted to advise.
  12. Absolutely wonderful- far hotter than any bit of made up fiction I could write, absolutely love it…. And anything more than that I’ll say in private to spare your blushes.
  13. Hi and welcome back - good to have you on board.
  14. If I remember rightly from biology lessons (which were a good while ago now) our bodies are something like 70-80% water. Now as we drink any liquid, our stomach will digest nutrients from it and the water then is used to keep our body hydrated, to produce sweat, saliva etc and some of the water will be processed by our kidneys - picking up waste products and filtering into the holding tank which is our bladder - before we choose to expel it. In the case of a diuretic, my limited understanding is that is a chemical which provokes the body into pushing more of its liquid resources thro
  15. Well - Definitely seemed to be Vodafone’s issue and not the site. Now working again as this post testifies. Panic over.
  16. A slightly different kind of loading issue here.... Maybe to do with certificates? This afternoon browsing the site on my mobile (iOS 14.6, Safari in Private mode), as I often do and on a page loadup got a 'Security Certificate not valid' message. Beyond that every time I try to access the site through my phone now via 4G it gives a (maybe suspect?) 'Vodafone Restricted Content 18+' page. In a nutshell I can't access the site from 4G. With the same phone on home Wifi there's absolutely no issues - works perfectly. But with wifi off and depending on 4G it's a definite no.
  17. Hi and a huge welcome to a wide community. Hopefully you're enjoying finding your way around. One thing I will say (as encouragement more than any criticism) is that we're a forum, rather than a chat site. Why the distinction? - well on a forum everyone can enjoy contributing to the posts and topics. Every time one person posts, dozens can enjoy it as they read it for themselves. It's the quickest and easiest way to get to know people and for people to learn about you. People can of course chat through the site's messaging capability - but it's like phoning someone... very much one-
  18. It's definitely a recurring thing that 'we' of the shared kink generally wouldn't give too much of a second thought to peeing on objects, furnishings, property, even on ourselves or on other people. Of course every one of us is different in our exact preferences - but we share a common bond so that in general even if it's not exactly 'our thing' we can at least appreciate others doing it. Those into self wetting understand the joy that would come from being peed on, and those who enjoy peeing outdoors understand the feeling of holding, and so on... In that cosy safe environment amongst
  19. Right.... Just off for a cold shower...
  20. Hi and a huge welcome to the site. Do shout up with any questions as you find your way around.
  21. @LetMeWatch - When you say 'can we start a thread...' you imagined that in the last seven years of this site nobody had mentioned it? You asked for stories... I've just merged together four separate posts dating way back of people's experiences around squirting / female ejaculation. Hopefully that gives you some fuel. (The site has a really good search facility - we always encourage people to add to existing threads and keep them alive).
  22. I'm just going to drop this in.... and walk away quietly:
  23. I find that when I'm getting fairly desperate, the urgent need to pee can come (and go) in waves. It's easy to give in and decide to pee during one of those waves, especially if it's easy to do. But making it harder to pee - like say driving down the motorway, I can actually wait until the wave passes and then hold a lot longer. I've done it before now - driving along a motorway at night with a full bladder... Sign say's services in 1 mile and 15 miles... so I'll wait, and then wait at the next one and repeat.
  24. Guessing you may be up by now and dealing with all the domestic family issues - hope they or your bladder didn't disturb your chill too much.
  25. I guess worse case is, (if you're like me) you struggle so much to see without them - it could be an issue finding them in the trough.
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