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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. If you give me a few days i will clear out some room and we can have a conversation 💕
  2. I think anyone who knows me knows exactly what this answer is lol. Anywhere in Italy is fine, but I think I'd choose wherever this photo was taken: I got it from one of my Italian groups on fb and it's been my background photo on my phone for a while now. I LOVE the buildings. I LOVE the kitty. Where ever it is i would love to make a life for myself.
  3. I am not always so into men peeing, but I love these pictures so much 😌 thanks for sharing. And sorry I discovered them so late lol.
  4. I can but it's gonna take a while. My inbox is 120 percent full 😪 and deciding who gets the axe always takes some time. I am more than happy to answer your question here tho 🙂
  5. I've never done anything with pee with anyone else in person. However, through the connections I've made on here I've had some digital fun. Most of the time I take a submissive position and let my friends tell me what to do. This includes but is not limited to drinking as much as I can and then holding it until I'm allowed to pee. A lot of the time those people will take advantage of the fact that I find everything funny and will make me laugh until I pee in my pants a little, or release my whole bladder! But, personally, I don't find that to be as fun. They often send videos of them pee
  6. ✍️ Remember ✍️ to ask ✍️ MK ✍️ for some of his ✍️ lottery money ✍️ when I finally ✍️ get to meet him ✍️ at the peefans ✍️ field trip ✍️
  7. Do I sense a peefans field trip in the works??
  8. You look like you peed a Mickey Mouse shape!!
  9. My most recent pee 😋 I was disguising my handwriting lol.
  10. I don't see why in 2023 people still think men cant/don't have feelings. How foolish is this sentiment? Men are people too. I definitely heard my dad say to my brother "stop crying. Men don't cry" growing up and it never ever sat right with me. I raise my son differently. We practice (big emphasis on practice; we are still learning) gentle/conscious parenting in my house and he, just like the rest of my kids, is allowed to cry, talk about his feelings, how certain things make him feel, etc in a judgement free zone. Because I know firsthand that bottling up your emotions is not good for yo
  11. I really had to think about this one, and I think my final answer is yes. I dont touch/rub my clit with my fingers to get off, but it I'm on the fence about getting off and maybe toying around with a story or scenario in my head I notice my clit will become more sensitive to things that touch it. So my undies, pj pants, and air mostly lol. Can only assume that's because it grows a little. But I'm not certain.
  12. My personal prefrences are watching women pee without any interference from them. So no touching, no moving, no talking, etc. I'm just plain Jane pee on the carpet and call it a day lol. So there 100 percent have been videos that start out in a perfect position, perfect stream, then she starts touching herself or spraying her stream everywhere that just ruin it for me. I realize people like stuff like that and that's perfectly fine, but for me it's a turn off haha. It's part of the reason why I tend to read my porn rather than watch so I can have my own visualization in my head and I'm not rel
  13. Can you Astral project into my husband next? Trying to work on getting him to let me go to Europe alone to have fun with my pee fans friends 😪
  14. Idk I'd love to know who so I can finally say I met up with someone with my same kink for once in my life!
  15. Haha no. No carpet to pee on in my house so it's not as much fun.
  16. I LOVE this way of thinking 😭😭💟 the corner is my new ensuite!
  17. No way. My record is like a minute and six seconds or something like that 😁
  18. Good evening friends! Today i made the mistake of drinking a grande Starbucks drink and a bottle of water at work and then running out of their when my shift ended (thank you period cravings). I really wasn't thinking to use the bathroom before I left because everyone knows me by now: I hate public bathrooms. So in the half an hour it took me to get from work to the kid's school you can imagine all that liquid went right through me. By the time I parked I was joking with my husband over text that i was gonna go deep into the forest and relieve myself, and then when I was getting out
  19. @pguy2981 I was about to quote you and tell you @Kuparis definitely your go to because he sounds exactly like a nature documentary voice over person but I see now he has already volunteered 🤣 I'll be waiting for the audio book!
  20. No, ma io parlo un po italiano. And....I LOVE italian men 👀
  21. Hey guys happy new year! One of my resolutions was to see if I could post more content here during 2023, and I didn't think I'd have a new story so fast 🤣 I was working today, and for some context I work in a strip shopping center with my job on one end and a bar on the other. In between is a cluster of mom and pop shops that most people don't know exist, let alone how to get to them because they are hidden in a large open alley way i guess is the best way to describe it, so the area is almost always empty. Today is an unusually warm day for my part of the world, so me and a cow
  22. Idk about others but I know for me personally I know that parts of the pee fetish tend to stick to me if thrown at me enough by the right person. I joined the forum being into naughty peeing on the carpet and as of today I'm into a plethora of other things: golden showers, desperation and holding, and wetting just a little. This is all after getting so close to others here on the forum and discussing/role playing those particular kinks. I fully believe I have the potential to be into literally everything under the piss fetish umbrella if given the chance, so I dont see why someone else w
  23. @gldenwetgoose 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽 gg Goose. I didn't care if I won I just wanted to get more votes than you to make up for last year when I vowed to beat you 🤣 But I am happy to share the trophy with such a kind and nice man lol. Wouldn't have wanted to share it with anyone else! But, on a more serious note, thank you guys so much for the nominations and the voting. Some of you might know I had an episode back in September that has subsequently tanked my physical and mental health, and since then I haven't felt like I have contributed much of value to the forum. I couldn't believe my eyes when I
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