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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. If the sexy mod @Sophie, or @spywareonya, want to piss on my grave they'd be more than welcome, lol. My only complaint would be, why the fuck couldn't you piss on me when I was alive? I'd have died happier, lol
  2. Was listening to this over a few beers yesterday. It is by far Pink Floyd's most political - and anti-war - album. The Final Cut....
  3. We love people like that around here. You should fit right in.
  4. I know of people - mostly females in my experience - who are at least as much into desperation and holding as the actual peeing. I would suggest that it be considered a recognised niche of our fetish.
  5. And @Sophie, top marks for your bravery in being the first to pee. I know that if I were at such a party I'd defo wait until somebody else went first.
  6. Awesomely sexy read, all the more so for being a true account. I know - almost certainly mistakenly - you don't rate your own ability when it comes to writing fiction, but your descriptive ability with factual accounts and true tales is second to none. I truly cannot wait for the whole weekend to be gradually written about. I look forward to it, and am already wondering if you peed on anyone or had them pee on you. My mind is having fun imagining whatever you and the others might have gotten up to, lol
  7. Politely informing someone of where they have transgressed is not something mods will get uppity about. It kind of helps us out really. Repeat offenders or particularly bad offenders of course should be reported to us.
  8. Love you too, Nancy. Glad you are ok.
  9. @Sophie, I have never done anything like that before, so in terms of advice, my guess is really as good as yours really. All I can really advise is to be true to yourself, go with the flow doing whatever floats your boat, but don't do anything you are uncomfortable with. And definitely tell us all about it afterwards, lol.
  10. A truly awesome account as ever, @Sophie. I love your naughty ways.
  11. That has got to be the funniest ad I've seen in at least a decade, lol
  12. Wow @Sophie, what an exciting true account. Your true tales are always awesome. The thought of you sitting on that toilet - fully suited and booted with jeans and knickers still on and peeing through them - is very erotic. I am enjoying the images you have planted in my imagination. Nice one.
  13. And, @Peefreak99, I wasn't trying to tell you off in any way. My post was meant as an explanation of general principles, and was not a criticism of you personally, just quoting your post as an example. I was posting as just another member, not a mod. Apologies, I should perhaps have made that clearer.
  14. No worries, lol. There is no harm in thinking deeply.
  15. I think I would go for the time machine. Gambling on the survival of humanity, I could use it to travel far enough into the future to gain access to advanced technology like instantaneous teleportation anyway. Hopefully. Though I might discover we've destroyed the planet and become extinct, so risky.
  16. I am a boringly straight male, but not the least bit gay averse, By that I mean that in my searches for porn I sometimes inadvertently stumble across gay male stuff but it neither shocks or offends or disgusts me in any way, it just doesn't float my boat. But live and let live. But I am also that curious and highly common straight male phenomenon in that I greatly enjoy lesbian porn. I think most straight guys do. I have loved male friends in strictly platonic ways, but have never had any sexual attraction for a guy, nor ever had a man crush. Only ladies have ever attracted me
  17. There are two brand new state of the art devices available to you. A teleportation device that allows you to travel absolutely anywhere in the universe instantaneously, space suit provided. And a time machine that allows you to travel instantaneously to any time past or future, environmental protection suit provided if necessary. But you are only allowed to take one of these two devices. Which one would you choose and why?
  18. Just a poll to see how the ratios of the membership pan out in terms of sexual orientation
  19. Which other fetishes besides pee do you have an interest in?
  20. @Admin, it seems the level of interest in such an issue is relatively low, and the margin in favour of any change - 5 - 4 - is hardly a sweeping endorsement. And those opposed include both yourself and @Sophie. It is no great shakes or biggie and not worth the hassle of changing, I suppose.
  21. That might be strictly true. But it is also true that if we caught some lady pissing in the open window of our mother's car, we'd feel pissed off about it. Yet if some lady were to rock up here with a true account of pissing in a car window, most of us would be turned on by it. To live up to the true ethos of this forum we have to separate the personal from the general, and enjoy the latter without condemnation or coming across all negatively when it does not affect us. And be non-judgemental. Same applies for peeing on graves. We can all see situations where we could take such
  22. Have you ever been peed on or is it as yet only a fantasy but something you'd like to happen? Or would you even prefer not to be peed on at all?
  23. My morning routine. Get up, head to toilet for pee, though might pee in sink if feeling naughty. Then head into kitchen to make coffee. Sit drinking coffee, then run bath (I prefer baths to showers). Whilst bath is running, shave and brush teeth, then get into bath. Will usually pee in bath whilst there. Will wash body and hair, then get out to dry myself. Then will go online to check out the latest posts on various forums including this one, usually over a second coffee. Then will get dressed and head off to work - or not if it is a day off.
  24. I dare not mention my funniest moments, because they are so well known amongst my nearest and dearest that anyone who knows me well could recognise my identity through the description of them. Pity really because I have one or two.
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