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Everything posted by speedy3471

  1. Spoken from the bottom of a beautiful and bottomless heart. We are very lucky to have women in this world They bring a wonderful light to a otherwise dark world
  2. No it does not Haha. It sure melts a hole in the snow hahahaha
  3. One of favorite pee spots is in our garden. I don't find it naughty at all just a normal thing to do As for a favorite naught spot at home is my dirty laundry basket haha
  4. My wife says the same thing about the sprinkler setting on the wand in our tub haha
  5. Shower jets work good for stimulation hey hahaha
  6. And we all adore you for that hahaha
  7. Thought I would continue the trend as well. Go ahead and fire away, I will answer your questions if people have any
  8. Do you have a favorite gaming console?
  9. I don't belive for a second that we are alone in the universe, galaxy hell likey even earth. I find it hard to believe the human race is the smartest race in existence. Now don't get me wrong, humans can be very smart at times and yet so dumb as well
  10. Yes you are haha. Some lovely women has to do that hahaha
  11. I thought the crazies was a decent movie
  12. Good topic haha. Lots of choices
  13. About 20 minutes ago. I was burning garbage in my incinerator and just because I can as well haha. I pee outside as often as I can
  14. O absolutely hahaha. Plus there is a wand the works just right for her clit haha
  15. We don't have a hot tub, we have a big whirl pool tub in the bathroom tho haha
  16. Our mutal masterbation sessions usually end up in bed as well. Usually always starts on the couch or living room floor tho hahaha
  17. Your very welcome. Like spyware said, your admired, and adored here
  18. Thank you you much for the nice comments. Life works in funny ways, one minute your partying with your friends, the next your hanging out with other couples haha. Still partying but not nearly as much. Sometimes iam still amazes that my wife is still at my side When our son was born, our whole world did change. He is just fun to be around. Just about 11 months old now lol
  19. Its usually agreed upon by the time tested rock, paper, scissors game hahahaha
  20. It's hard to aim strait in the heat of the moment lol
  21. Never ever have I cheated on my wife. We also have been together 10 years. I've never cheated in any relationship I've been in As far as watching porn and fantasising both my wife and I are guilty hahahaha
  22. I can understand you having a 'servent' helping you with your pissing would be a little embarrassing. I would be if I were in your shoes. Life changes, we all head down different paths each day. I was a lot wilder 10 years ago that's for sure hahahaha I can also see that you got totally turned on witnessing another women seeing alex in all his glory. Hell the sight of you two lovely ladies turned on would have me raring to go as well hahaha
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