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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2019 in all areas

  1. Well today it finally happened. Coming home from work and traffic is at a complete stop due to a wreck. And what do you know, I have to pee so bad I can hardly contain myself. I kept squeezing my legs together and shifting from side to side hoping to make it home. Out of nowhere some jackass cuts me off and startles me, and the flood gates open. As hard as I tried to cut the flow off, it just didn’t happen and I peed and peed. All down my legs, soaking my seat and the floor of my brand new car. Below is just a quick clip I was able to capture before traffic started moving again. *sorry it
    2 points
  2. One of the comments on the feedback survey was about how long quotes can make pages particularly long and difficult to read, especially in the Pictures section. Whilst there has always been the option to highlight specific parts of a post and just quote that, clearly this was not always used. I have now set it to that only the first few lines of a quote will display, but with an option of 'read more' to open the quote in full. Hopefully this will work better, but let me know if you run into any issues with this. Thanks.
    2 points
  3. Ok allo everyone, people ask me question of me pee on toilet seat. I message publique here. I pee on toilet seat yes many times. I not know how much times. My fiancé is like to lick pee. I sometime pee on toilet seat, he go lick seat after mamy times in 1 week. Voilà! Lolol
    2 points
  4. This site just keeps getting better and better! Thank you
    2 points
  5. And here is an example of what I'm talking about.
    2 points
  6. Just a quick update to let you know that the search bar on your PM inbox has now been improved. There's a little wheel icon next to the search bar when viewing PM's, which lets you select whether to search by username, conversation title, inside messages etc. So for example, you could decide to search for just conversations with a certain member. Not exactly brand new functionality, just far more efficient, as you'll hopefully find out if you ever want to search for anything. Hope it helps.
    2 points
  7. I might have done this one again😂 I was wearing blue jean shorts and a blue shirt. It was also over 30° outside for a few days where I am due to a heat wave so everyone was in shorts and t-shirts pretty much. I walked into the grocery store and felt like I wanted to have some fun so I drank some water, well maybe a little more than a bit of water and started getting the few things I needed. I continued drinking as much as I could and pretty soon I felt the urge to go pretty badly. I got in line to check out and was starting to really need to go. Waiting in line kept getting harder a
    2 points
  8. I let Emily guide me out of the room with her glittering eyes and intoxicating smile. She lead me to the kitchen where she procured two large glasses and handed me one. We both drank, smiling and giggling at eachother over how odd of an act this was but both enjoying it nonetheless. I felt her hand yet again wrap around mine and my heart slightly skipped a beat. We both kind of just started at eachother for a little while. All I could help but do is just admire her beauty and not be able to believe how this wasn't a dream. We slowly got closer to eachother again and kissed again, t
    1 point
  9. This is excellent, thank you. I try to edit as I go, but this helps a lot. Does this copy the thread again? Or does it just internally link to the old one? (thinking storage)
    1 point
  10. She's probably a little busy. Calling her a scammer so soon seems ridiculous.
    1 point
  11. Sorry about this, thanks for flagging it. I personally just use the default (yellow) theme so I wasn't aware of this. I've just been through and tested all the themes and as far as I can tell it is only the Professional theme that is affected, and weirdly it only seems to be the Profile page that causes the error. Have you experienced an issue on any other pages? I've contacted the theme developer to try and get this resolved. In the meantime I suppose you could switch to another theme when viewing profiles (or in general until it's fixed) - I realise that's not a great solution, but
    1 point
  12. Great to see so many pins dropped all over the map, showing how global the site is. 🙂
    1 point
  13. Thank you so much for sharing this experience with us! It was extremely hot to read!! Females getting desperate to pee during car rides is one of my favourite scenarios, so I do appreciate this story very much! 😊😊😊
    1 point
  14. Thank you guys so much! I honestly didn't expect people to be interested in this story but I thought I would write it anyway 😂 Would it be of interest to do something like this again? I don't know how I could make it more exciting but if anyone has ideas or just wants me to do this again I guess I could😂😂
    1 point
  15. Well I work with my dad and brother with one hired man, so no pee talk at work hahahahaha
    1 point
  16. Indeed, there are plenty of posts here that I do necessarily care for, or that are of little interest to me. And that's fine because not everything has to be for me! The things I like certainly are not for everyone.If I see something I don't like, and it isn't actively harming anyone, I simply move on.
    1 point
  17. 1. I would say at least 30 minutes. 2. Probably that one as some line ups were too long so I endded up finding another place to go.
    1 point
  18. 850ml isnt a small bladder lol
    1 point
  19. I agree with EVERY SINGLE THING YOU WROTE Really each one I am particularly happy with your (very polite, quite your style, I would have been slightly more stern) answer about seeing people sex without going to the profile. What are we, a supermarket for perverts? If they consider reading people's profile a waste of time, upon what do they want to make an interaction to rely?! I am also definitely curious to see the darker skin, I use the blue and winter ones as blue is relaxing, but a darker one would be Amazing Also greatly agree with your opinion about the di
    1 point
  20. Section Four The vast majority of people seemed to find us by searching (mainly on Google). This does highlight the need for promotion elsewhere, which I will try to do. I would ask that all members continue to refer people they know of who may be interested, including sharing the link on appropriate other sites. It really does help make the site better and more active. Thanks a lot to everyone who has already been doing that. Obviously the more people who chip in with promoting the site (especially as some people seemed to have some good ideas of where/how to promote), the faster we'll g
    1 point
  21. I'm sorry if my response is not very good and I assume it's different for everyone but for me it's like a pushing force that kind of slowly gets worse. It's like something pushing on the exit of my urethra harder and harder trying to force it's way out if that makes any sense. I may wait till I have to pee and update this thread because now I'm like questioning myself😂😂 I still hope this helped!
    1 point
  22. I woke up really desperate to pee again😂 When I woke up I just felt a massive pressure on my slit trying to let pee out. I slammed my hand into my crotch and felt a spurt of pee squirt out. I slowly got out of my bed dribbling an speaking as I went until I felt my desperation about to overwhelm me soon a panic I just lowered my pajamas and started peeing on the floor next to my bed. About halfway through my stream I was able too, with much difficulty, stop my stream, and I ran to the toilet to finish😂
    1 point
  23. Satan Lord of Earth sitting in the core of the spiritual world, worshipped by the luminous souls of the few accepted in His mighty and terrible presence
    1 point
  24. Kali Aloof, archetypical, paramount One of the best about Her, I even used it for meditative purposes
    1 point
  25. A woman, portraying as Marzanna (russian Lilith) during a festival
    1 point
  26. Kali's frantic fury The absolute power of the one true "God" of Earth
    1 point
  27. An Aghori, ascetic devotees of Kali, is preparing a human skull retrieved from a funeral pyre or from the Gange river to be used for ritualistic purposes You can actually see there is still blood encrusted on the back portion Likely it was stolen from the pyre while still with some meat on it: Aghoris eat cadavers. It is considered a huge honour by the deceased's relatives, sometimes they even (going against the prohibition about talking to them or attempting at influencing their judgement) look for Aghoris and offer them stuff if they will pop up "by chance" during the very funeral
    1 point
  28. A little reminder In Witchcraft we play HARD. Though absolutely despising rude people, after conquering the certainty that the one you're speaking to got a good heart, then there is no room for embarass. I am a woman that can appreciate the above-shown joke, to the point of posting it myself. Guess how hard I am. Guess what made me like this.
    1 point
  29. One of my favourite It represents a view of the worls of spirits, obviously not for how it is, but for how we would feel were we to visit its most peaceful portions The Gods often gather here to look for peace and solace, and also good souls come here to be happy between lives This is what we fight to protect, and we strive to make the world like this... It can also be used as wallpaper!
    1 point
  30. Lilith, as Goddess of the Dead, both of great ones, and of those sinful looking for redemption, She remains Paramount and Glorious
    1 point
  31. Pan, in all His nightly glory
    1 point
  32. I answered to you in upskirting
    1 point
  33. Ok let me explain Only a full committed Witch, I mean somebody who sold her Soul forever (like I did thousands of years ago, and They re-claim me as Witch in every new life since Egypt), have an actual Patroness Still, all humans have a patron, but not among the Gods. Among the ranks of Exus and Pombagiras, former humans, servants of the Gods, now ascended demigods, who stop rebirth, and live in the spiritual world. Every human can summon them all, but we all got a particular patron or patroness among their ranks, depending on some complicated astrological computations
    1 point
  34. Lilith have on the unconscious the same effect you have on soft modelling mud after you buy it hard and cold and you slowly make it soft by manipulating it She teaches you what is safe and what is not, where a desire is simply erupting and where is secretely (and wrongly) vengeful, She helps you to master all your secrets Plus, She is the Patroness of the fetish of this forum!
    1 point
  35. When we Witches will rule the world, all my handmaiden will be dressed up like this ahahahahahah
    1 point
  36. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I have to come to the conclusion many here wouldn't consider me a lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  37. @Scot_Lover Wow these girls are THOUGH!!! Look at those bodies, you'll never get floppy that way
    1 point
  38. lovely scenario to be there with you...
    1 point
  39. You are too good as a contributor to risk to put things bad thank you for your great understanding and gentleness
    1 point
  40. One of my most beloved Lilith, shown in all Her superhuman perfection A completely otherwordly beauty, paragon of marvels and delight All pleasures, both happy and dark, and love and romanticism, and respect, a wholesome embracing of the soul...
    1 point
  41. Lilith I know a lot are about Her but indeed She is, though unvoluntarily, the most frequently described by people's imagination, because is among the closest to Humanity of all Gods Here, in Her link with the Raven
    1 point
  42. Inari, Goddess of answers and penetration of mysteries A living star in the darkness of unknown, and a guiding beacon among the black ocean of the unpredictability of daily life
    1 point
  43. Oh, this is really particular. "Archangel Michael", Lilith's husband. I will have difficulties in describing Him when the main thread will come. No words can describe the goodness of His heart, and His ability to purify people's hearts... He is Light embodied
    1 point
  44. A marvellous image of Shiva (Indian's interpretation of Satan/Marduk/Odin) made of stars...
    1 point
  45. Lilith, another one The Raven is Her primary totem. Witchcraft, necromancy, thought reading, healing of both body and soul, and carrying heavy secrets on one's shoulders. Her expression tells all of this at once...
    1 point
  46. For those who stumbled on this page first, there were more images posted in the previous page between my previous last posts and this one which engendered page 2
    1 point
  47. This is from Sout America, Kiumbanda, one of the most powerful misunderstood and Dangerous forms of Witchcraft of all History, you can definitely feel its ominous actual power
    1 point
  48. I meant it could despoil the feeling of pleasure by despoiling the secrecy of it, not in the guise it could bring people to back off from you about that, Stark, I have to admit I am quite firm My philosophy is quite "If you don't love my fetish, you don't love one of the most important things which make me myself, so how could you say you love ME? FUCK OFF!!!" All girls fart while they pee it is just that my farts are really great loud and bassy so sexy in me, is just mildly less strong than the pee one sometimes I can finger till cumming
    1 point
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