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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2018 in Posts

  1. I was in Cambridge last night and took advantage to have a wander round to see the “sights”. It was raining steadily, so not the best night but it was Halloween and quite a lot of people out. I had 10 genuine sightings and at least three that I knew peed but I didn’t see the act. First sighting was when a young lady and her man crossed the road from a nightclub queue and went down a path that leads to a car park. They. went all way down side of car park and round the corner. I followed at a distance and rounder the corner just in time to catch The tail end of her squatted down and was
    6 points
  2. I started writing stories when I was 12 years old to cope with bullying at home and at school. Boys in school bullied me. My father worked a lot. My older brother verbally and physically abused me. I felt alone and unloved. So i wrote love stories to 'fill that gap' and give myself the comfort and joy that I as a preteen needed/wanted. Fast forward a few years and students in school found out about my writing and bullied me about it. My best friend at the time loved my writing though. We'd actually write for each other. Fast forward to my mid teens.... I kept writing... I went from short
    2 points
  3. One pic of the puddle left by the two girls that I didn’t get to see in the underground car park. And the other of the puddle at the bus stop. I didn’t take any others as the ground was too wet from the rain so it was pointless
    2 points
  4. Wow! This thread is sorta troubling. I love this site, as is! I truly don't think it's lacking anything at all. I realize that this thread was started long ago, but...why any disgruntled people? Having been around the block quite a few times with pee sites, I think I'm in a pretty good position to evaluate things. I moderated a big site's forum for years in addition to running a chat room and message board at my own site for years. Pee fans might not realize how good they have it here. That's just my 2-cents worth. This site is fine! Leave it alone.
    2 points
  5. I feel so badly for you that you have had to endure these pains with your writings. I don't think that I would ask you for any of your writings without knowing what they are about. If I did I would feel obligated to read and comment on your writing. My Aunt wrote a book about her family's life. She did NOT use the real peoples names, but substituted other names. I have the book, but I just can not bring myself to rewrite it and put in the real names. I don't know that the family would bother to read the modified book if I did, because I haven't brought myself to read it.
    1 point
  6. That sucks, that is sad, but please do not stop writing. If it helps you in anyway whether shared or not, please continue. Hugs
    1 point
  7. Why not try asking them? And of course casually get round to what they do when they have had too much to drink and it needs to escape. And then of course, let us know.....
    1 point
  8. Well I didn't have the "piss scared out of me" I did find my self needing to pee as we were walking down the sidewalk tonight. I just adjusted my costume, pulled my cock out and peed all over the sidewalk. My wife laughed and said my turn lol
    1 point
  9. Sorry for the late reply. Your wish is granted😂😂
    1 point
  10. I think girls with black hair are being under represented😂😂
    1 point
  11. I must confess that I love the amateur videos of wives and girlfriends being shared with other men. Of course, peeing videos excite me a lot too. That goes without saying. But, a woman being spit-roasted is still my favorite. Only amateur vids though. No professionally made movies will do for me. I go to xhamster or xvideos for them.
    1 point
  12. Holy shit, yes I watched Shock Video on HBO as well. I remember that bit about the Japanese girls peeing down those pipes. That was the first time I realized that Japanese women seem to have big bladders. There were at least 2 of those documentaries, and I'm almost certain that one was Shock Video 2002. It also had another scene where a guy was enjoying sex with his new wife after their wedding and then she goes to the bathroom to pee. He crawls over and peeks in, seeing her standing over it like a man. It was fake and the actress was probably holding a water bottle or something, but still it
    1 point
  13. As kids we used to go around our neighborhood and all pee behind bushes and trees and what not. It was just a common thing to do, but I always really liked it. I purposely would hold it or drink way too much liquids so I could pee outside while playing. Then, when I was in the 11-13 range I saw a special on HBO called something like shock video that featured sex shows from around the world. One of them was from japan and involved women peeing down these elaborate slides or something. Whoever filled up the thing at the bottom first, or maybe whatever team, won I think and that absolutely
    1 point
  14. My second experience was a breath taker and let me explain why. At the time, I was single and living in a cheap appartment building. Across from my appartment was a single young woman. I felt bad for her because she had a 1 year old and had no support from the ex.. donator if I may call it. I remember an occasion when she knocked on my door, when I answered, she seemed to have been crying. She had asked me if she could borrow $10 because she had no food for her and her child so I gave her a 20$ and told her not to worry about it. She just jumped in my arms and said thank you. Its not something
    1 point
  15. Mine started very very young. I never was a bedwetter or anything like that but I remember being so fascinated with the ideas of nappies for seemingly no reason. My mother childminded for years while I was small and one of her kids was going through potty training so I was there seeing her learn to pee in the potty. She never wanted mum to help her, she always wanted me, so I saw her pee all the time. When we got older, I helped her transition to the toilet and for some reason, when we played together, we were very open about our peeing needs. We’d often pee openly in front of each other while
    1 point
  16. Hopefully this helps @nopjans and @PissDude😂😂
    1 point
  17. The following story happened about a week ago. I was taking night classes at a local university and class had just let out. I was talking with a cute red-headed girl i had been partnered up with for a group project. We decided to go to the library and finish up our project. We were in the library for about an hour before i noticed that my partner was squirming. I asked if she was okay and she told me that she needed a bathroom break. She left to go find the bathroom, and came back a few minutes later and we continued working on the project. Another fifteen minutes passed before i notice
    1 point
  18. The odds were in your favor! Lol
    1 point
  19. Looe - Emma and Mark Return to the Apartment By Leaky_One Footsteps could now be clearly heard coming up the stairs and the three young girls were in a state of panic. Whilst Tina did her best to soak up the cooling puddle of piss on the living room table top, Emily was busily trying to remove the pee stain on the wall by the curtains. Meanwhile in the kitchen, Sally was hard at work with some hand towels drying up the puddle of their pee that lay over the floor tiles. She still was mopping up the collective pool of piss, her hands all warm from moving about through the hot urine, wh
    1 point
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