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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2018 in Posts

  1. Hi all, just a friendly reminder that all discussions around morality etc should be in their own thread. I completely agree that's an interesting discussion that's definitely worth having, but under the site rules we specifically ask not to directly criticise or judge other people's pee experiences/stories. I know no harm was intended here and it's a fair discussion, but the site becomes a lot less fun if every time someone posts a story involving naughty peeing, it's met with some people saying they disapprove. If you do feel that way, please just ignore the threads that clearly involve that,
    3 points
  2. Hello everyone! I'm new here. I'm a writer and I also make 3d renders... There is an example. I do more then urine though. I also make Vore, and Flush, content. I'm trying to expand the topics that I write and render, as well as trying to integrate them as well. If you're interested in my work or have any ideas let me know!
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. I agree people adding more pictures and videos to threads is good if they're relevant, but at the same time we don't want every thread to become a pictures/videos thread as we have specific areas for those. One of the main attractions of a site like PeeFans is the discussion and interaction, rather than just media everywhere. So by all means go ahead and add a picture to your post if it helps demonstrate a point or something, there's certainly nothing stopping this if it makes sense to be there. As for male peeing, personally I think the general consensus would likely be to keep that in
    2 points
  6. @will64 what I love most of that picture is a little yet I think fully intentional detail, making it more thorough, complete, and mix romanticism and erotism in wonderful way: did you noticed that her hand laying down alongside her body got an engagement ring, or maybe an actual wedding ring, right there in the core of the pic and quite near the actual ass? it's marvellous...
    2 points
  7. and this is probably the most perfect ass I have ever seen in my life natural, not fringe-taste... crude perfection
    2 points
  8. beside the girl which is gorgeous (you do not simply born with a ass like that), the pic in itself is a masterpiece
    2 points
  9. AGREE completely, yet this also showed how polite and mature this forum and its users are... somebody disagreed, somebody politely answered, all was fixed in a few posts since I left other forums in the past due to people trolling, you guys cannot even imagine how much do I love this feature
    2 points
  10. this could be a quote from my personal life-bible!!!😍 "Not having them" also saves a woman dignity by keeping her the slut she got the god-given right to be!!!!
    2 points
  11. That was a shame that you missed a good recording opportunity when you thought you had captured it. I have used the trail camera with limited success previously in towns, but the chances of getting it sited discretely so it isn't spotted whilst making sure it is pointed exactly where it needs to be and anticipating exactly where girls are going to pee is the problem. Plus all sorts of external factors such as lighting and things you don't anticipate when setting it up come in to play. There are a few that were spring to mind. The best one that I ever caught, I have unfortunately lost
    2 points
  12. An anonymous female..... "Don't know why I do it. But every time I stay in a hotel, I pee on the carpet somewhere in the room. It feels so liberating to have a full bladder, and to just let go in such a place that is so wrong. I have found it pretty much dries up by morning, so as not to alert the maid. I got married a few years ago, and have not had the nerve to let my hubby know about this guilty pleasure. When me and my hubby are staying in a hotel, I wait for him to get in the shower (which he likes to do first thing in the morning), I then pull out the arm chair or side table, s
    2 points
  13. I think it's important to remember from a historical perspective that panties are actually a modern invention which go back no further than the mid 19th Century. For centuries women managed without and, it has to be admitted, that not having them on could well save valuable seconds in an emergency.
    2 points
  14. Hi there I am curious about many things so I'll list them up: 1) Very often, when a man is holding pee the cock gets hard (not necessarily always and/or all the time) and not precisely because holding urine is arousing, it just happens to me. I was wondering if sort of the same happens with girls who hold their pee, if their vagina gets wet or something 2) This question feels silly, but do you think it is helpful to wear a tampon to hold your pee or does it make it worse? 3) When you really really really really need to pee (near exploding), does your urethra start squeezing
    1 point
  15. Welcome! spywareonya has written down basically everything that you need to know about this forum, so I have very little to add. There is quite a large variety of members on this site with a wide range of interests. What ever it is that fascinates you about pee, I doubt you are the only one on this site with that particular interest. 😉 The total number of ACTIVE members is maybe only a hand full, with a large number of inactive members and some members that only reply to a topic if something specific piqued their interest. I am on of those. I am curious about what e
    1 point
  16. These flowers are confused by the cold, girls seen this on an early morning walk.
    1 point
  17. Blessings be, and a kiss also unto thee. Wow, this quite a welcome. Thank you! In regard to your question about me, I'm neither. To go further, I've never been in a relationship with a straight girl, or a gay man.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Hi!!!! Happy to have you here!! Beside the quite smart teasing (quite cultured indeed) about being "fluid", are you a girl or a man? Here you can find a lot of inspirations, there is a lot of stuff around that can help you expand yourself just take in consideration that this forum is divided into categories to avoid people getting puzzled and disoriented, there are sections about sexual contents unrelated to pee but the forum in itself IS about pee, so take your time to explore it, understand what it can offer to you, and how to use every portion of it the Staff here i
    1 point
  20. after reflecting, yes, what you said is right we should boost things up without dismantling site's structure
    1 point
  21. shit, I'm so sorry understand, and agree 101% the same feeling when you have not been eating for 24 hours though not being pressure, it is some kind of pull, an uneasy feeling, comparable to a pressure, yet not exactly like when you need to fart/poop, is more like somebody actually sittin on your arm, but felt in the belly the cramps you feel are the urine pressure disturbing your MALE muscles we women, more than cramps, feel something comparable to little stings...
    1 point
  22. Nice morality indeed and very nice and deep explanation of the anatomy, I never got to read about it. Thank you so much😀. However, you didn't quite answer my question about feeling cramps in the urethra while holding. So let me ask it in a different way. What do you feel down there exactly when you are in the need of peeing badly? As for what you said about bringing girls to the point of desperation, I have a girlfriend who isn't into peeing stuff and I'd never ask her to do anything she doesn't want to. But if someone gets pleasure from being desperate to pee and I can enjoy the view, b
    1 point
  23. no problem in asking, it's my job to answer people, my fee is simply a lot of likes HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA let me explain it better the muscles around female urethra are linear, used mainly to control urination but they got no micro-nervatures toward the physical conduit in the males the thig is different because the same muscles that help erection (erection is NOT due to muscles!!! it's due ONLY to blood pressure but is helped in its backbone by some little muscles that keep the tissues tight) also enwrap the urethra giving the males a higher degree of control obviously we
    1 point
  24. First of all, thank you for your accurate replies. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you said that women lack the muscles men have in the urethra and, thus, when the bladder is full, pee just comes out? Can't you hold it back? Isn't it possible to keep holding it back to the point where you start to feel sort of cramps in the peehole? I feel dumb asking the same question again, but I just got impressed by your reply, that's it
    1 point
  25. Ah, OK. Well, I have no idea who these people were - I am afraid they didn't sign the visitors book. Yes it is a church window. The entrance to the church is on the right hand end of that building. So basically the road goes between buildings and turns to the right (beyond the road works that are fenced off), then the entrance of the church would be on the left.
    1 point
  26. Good news! I found the missing clip. My memory wasn't quite right, but was close. The girl in question squats low to start with and waves at someone before stumbling into a high squat. I was going to try to load it in the Videos section, but can't immediately see how to do that. So, for now, here are a couple of stills extracted from it. Also another one from a different video where a girl is squatted whilst looking at a bloke next to her peeing.
    1 point
  27. @spywareonya I'm glad and happy that you and everyone else enjoying looking at these bare bottoms 😀
    1 point
  28. 1 it's due to kidney modifying blood pressure it doesn't work the same for us 2 no, a tamp is less comfortable than people may think there are even men who got a fetish about them because they looks like intimate, but a woman who is not compelled to do elsewhere believe me prefers to us wide external pad during period, fuck if it's not sexy, self-respect first 3 it works that way for men because your muscles enwrap the urethra, that is also why "accidents" for men happens on a neurological stance, due to stress, alcohol, or age girls simply do not have those muscles, w
    1 point
  29. absurd I got the same numbers being a girl myself!!!
    1 point
  30. Well I've certainly peed in full view of girls many times. Their reactions are interesting (proportions are very rough and by observation rather than scientific research): 70% walk on by and don't comment, but might take a sneaky look. 20% take a good look without hiding the fact and may even slow down, pause, or in rare cases, go past then come back for another look. 5% take a good look and make some appreciative or encouraging comment. 3% make a negative comment but have a look whilst making it. 2% make a negative comment and turn away making a quick exit.
    1 point
  31. Not so sure I'd want to be around when you found that your camera hadn't worked then......
    1 point
  32. I'm an aviation fan, and in 2003 I've benn to Oshkosn in Wisconsin for the biggest airshow in America. Neil Amstrong was there, and he gived a conference.
    1 point
  33. Here is a confession from another lovely lady, location unknown..... "I only pissed on my carpet because it was going! It did feel very naughty to just piss on the carpet mind! If I'm entirely honest, going on the wood floor doesn't feel as naughty. Mainly because there's no real long term consequence I suppose. It still feels very naughty to just squat down and piss at random, but its nowhere near as naughty a feeling as pissing on the carpet."
    1 point
  34. An American lady...... "I've peed on my carpet many times. Actually, I've probably done it in just about every room of the house. Thank goodness for my steam cleaner or people would flip......."
    1 point
  35. From an American lady..... "I've peed on the carpet lots of times. Its amazing to me how much pee it takes before you can actually see the puddle on the surface. I try not to do it that often because I know there's no way I'm getting it all out when I clean it up, but it is fun and something I've done since I was a teenager still living at home."
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Indian women have the freedom of pissing in anywhere when they need to pee. It is better than hypocritical stupid values.
    1 point
  38. In the hypothesis of talking about this with her, use Odin Marduk brings along too many stuff about some weird people on the Web, of some kind of neo-pagan babylonian resurgence who got strange agendas it's all ok Steve, we'll come up with something simple and friendly what I cannot understand are which are your concerns knowing them would be easier for me to start debunking eventual things I treated in a superficial or exceedingly dry way
    1 point
  39. now you got me man I would really react that way... it's just that... that is the way I am...
    1 point
  40. That is a long pee. I have pee long as that video. I have a video of my longest pee.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Definitly some great advive and to answer your question Alfresco I definitly meant being discreet because people are around. 😉
    1 point
  43. with a cheerful face like the one she has, I'd gladly fuck her clear across a room!!!
    1 point
  44. For the ladies and because Tom has twisted my ar, or twisted something of mine !!
    1 point
  45. Independence Day boating mishap So for the Fourth of July festivities, our friends invited us and two other couples out on their boat to watch the fireworks. Our plans were that we all would pack a cooler with picnic food to share and a second cooler with drinks. We all met up around noon at the boat docks in our small town. Alot of people usually go out on the river to see the fireworks show, so we decided to meet early to beat the crowd. About quarter after twelve, John pulled in with the boat. The guys loaded all of the coolers and all of our other belongings onto t
    1 point
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