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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2017 in Posts

  1. It is a very British tradition I believe. Most UK people will be very familiar with Cinderella and this is indeed based on that. Fairy godmother, magical coach and the pivotal glass slipper all to come. to whet your appetite further: Chapter 6 - Fairy Godmother While Cindy was sobbing her eyes out, there was a flash of light and almighty CRACK! A vision of beauty with long blond hair and shapely figure adorned in sparkling white short flared dress appeared before Cindy in the cellar. “on’t be afraid. I am your fairy godmother and I have seen the evil which has befallen
    4 points
  2. Wow @spywareonya, all these naughty pees, you're so hot ! You said you had mainly done between cars and in flower pots, but in real, you've made in a lot of really naughty and public places ! I love all of this, you can't imagine how much of a turn-on this is ! I'd love to have pictures, or better, films of any of the above in your reply to @katary, so I'm joining his requests too ! Motorcycle helmet, door mat, slide, picnic table and bench, and in hallways, is really exciting ! All of this feels like we haven't had all of our Christmas presents ! I must say lots of thanks in advanc
    2 points
  3. Thanks from the heart Not only is something like that Always heart - touching to read, but also THIS was the kind of friendship I wanted to build when I decide to become more active on the forum, therefore I am very happee to read that!!! Done countless times. It is naughty and avoid splashes Too high!!! Though I peed on leftlets in blocks hallways those times too to avoid splashes, but mainly out of plain - out kinkiness Done. It was night and Alex and I were outside. We ended up in a similar place while walking, and I peed down the slide. He got
    2 points
  4. hi spywareonya, i've been reading your posts for a while and i'm becoming a big fan more and more, as i'm also a great fan auf naughty pees (especially outdoors) regarding to your great offer i'd like to post some suggestions where you could realize your naughty pee: -on someones front door mat - into someones postbox - at a playground (down the slide, or all over any playground facility) - down a bridge on passing cars/ train - into a helmet someone left at a motorcycle - into someones pool or pond - into a public fountain - at a bus sh
    2 points
  5. so a few weeks ago, i had gone to have a massage and i guess i was way relaxed afterwards. plus it didn't help being kneaded while not having been potty for awhile. ? anyways, despite using their bathroom to tidy up a bit, i opted to hold instead of go potty. i was going to walk around the shopping center a bit, and maybe eat, but that pressing feeling was becoming more urgent. it wasn't long before i found a low pillar that offered some privacy from the main parking lot. i slid my pants and undies off, my pee began escaping as i squatted.
    1 point
  6. Ok guys! As already promised, now it is time to take action!!! Soon I'll be free from all relatives at home and therefore I will be free to look for my camera which is a bit lost So, now, all of you: you read me as I wrote that I can be anything people desire (or at least I wish, and I try!), that I was willing to give a hand in realizing your fantasies! Soooooooooo Where would you like me to pee? How, which position? Would you like me to wipe? Spread my pussy? Talk to the camera (anyway NO face)? I am NOT promising I would be able to do what has
    1 point
  7. This morning I arrived at, “The Lot” about 2:20am. The temperature was about 59 degrees so I knew there would be people out. I had scouted out my positioning the day prior using Google Earth. I did a drive through of the lot before parking on the street in the free spaces. From my spot on the street which was on the opposite side of the street from the lot I could see under the cars parked across from me along the curb so if some ladies returned to their cars and took a piss in the gutter which they usually do, I had a view of the ground. No action there. I entered the lot and parked back
    1 point
  8. For killing time I play computer-games, mostly SciFi related stuff, but also stuff like Thief or Ethan Carter. Another "hobby" of mine would be listening to audio books or plays, though I do this mostly at my job which is kind of... not very intellectually challenging. Thats basically it... apart from the other "hobby" we all sort of share.
    1 point
  9. Last night, lol. We had some dinner on the way home yesterday, and the girls had a large coke with it, and after a 45 minute drive, they were bursting. Maigh got the house unlocked and made a bee line for the potty, Mary following and instead of waiting, just got into the shower and let go, turning her blue jeans black. The groans of relief were fun to listen to, and seeing Mary, in the shower, hands against the glass with a huge smile, was worth it. Maigh laughed at her and helped me unload the car while Mary cleaned up, it was a fun way to end the day.
    1 point
  10. Glad that you liked it! I love being able to share the details of my journey towards actualizing my fetish & have them be appreciated, for all of their intonations & intimate value.
    1 point
  11. Hey everyone, I found this place after doing some searching about a situation that happened to me recently. My parents got divorced and my Mom remarried... to another Mom. Which is fine, I have no problem with that. I however, ended up with a new older step-sister. Things have been a little strange between us; she seems to treat me like someone she is babysitting. I am not that much younger than her and she is in college, so you kind of see what I mean when I say odd. The thing that happened just recently though has really altered our interactions... and I can't seem to read her anymore.
    1 point
  12. Christmas day today and I had been with my wifes family about 2 hours from home. On the way back, I was travelling with my wife, daughter and Mother in law (MIL). i had to drop MIL off before returning home. Wife fell asleep in the car. when we got to MIL’s, daughter said she really needed to pee. She went inside and went straight upstairs to the bathroom. I carried MIL’s bags in and left her inside to unload them. i needed to pee as well but I figured with daughter in bathroom and MIL also likely to need the bathroom, I would pee on the path that goes up to woods next to her house. I
    1 point
  13. No problems at all with the site. All it really lacks is a dedicated video gallery but we somehow need a guaranteed income for that. Voluntary donations, even with myself contributing regularly, probably don't suffice. I do ultimately worry about running costs outstripping donations, and the site closing eventually because of this, or on the other hand having a video gallery which is pay-per-view or subscription or something like that to finance the site, but then find ourselves mortally wounded by payment processor restrictions. I don't really know what the easy answer is. I w
    1 point
  14. Ive been looking for somone to do this for ages but no ones got it right so far... Having a shower half way threw you walk to the edge and pee out all over the mat then continue showering like nothing happned
    1 point
  15. I NEVER wear panties and Always wear only short dresses or short skirts Though I didn't understand the second sentence... amd thigh highs?
    1 point
  16. Very nice story! You could have taken a leaf out of the pool cleaning ladies in this video. They go into the pool to pee. Listen to the commentary.
    1 point
  17. No problems at all with the site. Just want to thank Admin for saving the site from a near death, and the people that helped at the time, without this kind of assistance, we wouldn't be here today. Thank you for the fantastic work you have done to make this site what it now is. Have a great Christmas and all the best for the New Year. Scot_Lover, Maigh and Mary.
    1 point
  18. Sincerely, I have had no problems at all. The server had always worked fine, posting never underwent problems of any type, ever. People are marvellous, site rules are few yet worthy of respect, and nobody is pointlessly strict about them. Videos and pics had been posted with good regularity by the usual colossal contributors, who keep the wheel turning. I personally deeply endorse the fact that the site do not separate peeing and wetting because though one can be into one and almost absoutely-not into the other, what really matters is to keep the community a
    1 point
  19. That was a very sexy story! Thank you for sharing!
    1 point
  20. Hey, so my sisters and I have been into pee play for quite some time. We actually got started really young, because we are triplets. We actually figured out our streams and arc are almost exactly alike too, so we would do things like squat facing each other and start going at the same time, the two opposing streams would arch up and hit splashing all over the place and making us giggle. The other thing's we can pretty much synchronize when we start. So if we want to, all three of us can count down and pee in unison. I have an advantage though; my bladder's bigger so I get to pee even after my
    1 point
  21. Hello everyone! This is my first post and story on this new forum that I was referred to by another member here. This is also a new story of mine, but I have a couple of other ones that I posted on another forum, and I'm guessing I'll post them here too eventually. Anyway, this story is written in the form of a letter to a certain fictional 'pee magazine' that some of you may be familiar with from this certain other forum. I hope it's not too long (wow, it actually ended up way longer that I anticipated...) Enjoy! Disclaimer: All of this is entirely fictional. Any resemblance to real p
    1 point
  22. I'm a bisexual girl currently shacked up with another lady called Charlene. We had long enjoyed watching each other pee in the toilet, and sometimes even in the shower. Watching each other pee was a turn on for both of us. But one evening, after drinking a couple of bottles of wine between us and feeling pretty tipsy, we took it to another level entirely. We had already raced upstairs numerous times into the bathroom to watch each other pee in the shower. By the time we had polished off the second bottle I needed to pee again, and told Charlene to come upstairs with me. But she giggled and s
    1 point
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