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    • I am not a real big pisser usually but with my girls around and watching and peeing in front of me when I need to go I always have a semi erection. My piss comes out real slow as I am aroused so volume is probably a liter only. My girls are far superior to me in that and every category. MIL just had a monster piss this evening when she came home from a dinner and shopping with girlfriends. She hates public toilets. She was wearing a black short tight skirt, pink silk blouse with black lace bra. The wife and SIL were upstairs so I got to get a nice look and listen to MIL. From the start she was all tinkling mixed with hissing in the bowl and lasted 4 minutes if including in stop and start tinkling from minute 3 on. She was very full and desperate. We had a very nice conversation and I even got to rub her breasts some as she was draining out. I was so fuckin horney. I need to make a pass at the wife tonight so I can unload. Horney Old Owl
    • Guess your urine is more diluted than mine, although I am fairly hydrated and my pee is a very lite yellow. Except for my first of the morning pee , which is darker ,which I also did on the weed.  I peed on the weed almost every time I had to go, so that  adds up to a lot of pee . That may make a difference. You may be peeing on a hardier plant.
    • Question for the ladies.  When you pee on the toilet normally, do you tend to splatter/drip on your thighs or butt cheeks and require lots of paper to clean up, or is your stream more neat?  I’ve asked a couple of girlfriends this question and got different responses.  I imagine it might vary from time to time too.  One of my girlfriends seemed to do it every time, others said they never had this issue.  There are others still whom I’ve never asked, but have my theories based on the sounds they made!
    • Forcing myself to stop midstream can hurt.  Some people, guys and girls, seem to naturally pee in a stop-start style though, from what I’ve heard.  I suppose I do occasionally, especially toward the end, but usually it’s a straight shot.  I had a female roommate who I’d heard many times and she was so loud, always like  “ WSSSHHHHT!! *pause* SSSHHHHHHH!!! *pause* Ssssssss!!”  The girl always gushed like that in short bursts.  I did tease her once or twice.  She was in there and I called out “You know, you pee reallly LOUD!” She just played fake-indignant and said something like “well, why are you listening!?” But it never went any further than that.  Funny thing is, years later I heard her mom pee and she was the exact same way!  
    • Just had a really desperate one for a minute thirty seconds.  Personal record maybe?  In any case I cannot compete with any of you!
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