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    • This is absolutely beautiful work! I love that you persisted despite obstacles. You were determine to piss in the changing room!
    • Oops pre bear hasent been to pee for seven hours so real big and swuirty
    • This story is an offshoot from “Harry Potter and the Black Frilly Knickers” which sets the context. A frustrated Harry casts a spell that goes wrong. I do not own any of the characters from the world of Harry Potter or its settings. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. All I provide is an obsession with knicker wetting. Harry woke up after another night of wet dreams – he was wearing Ginny’s black frilly knickers and they certainly showed the results of the dreams. It was several weeks since he had been entrapped by Ginny when he helped her after falling down the stairs and wetting herself. Ginny had secured the entrapment by leaving her soaking wet knickers on his bed for him and he was totally focussed on her. She had ensured he got lots of looks up her skirt to see whatever knickers she was wearing (and often wetting) that day and she had supplied him with a few more pairs of well used and wet ones, but none as pretty as the original frilly black ones. Harry was aware that Ron had been entrapped by Hermione and he seemed very happy with a small collection of her regulation navy blue school pants. The entrapment had a number of effects – firstly the sight of Ginny gave him an instant erection and he could not look elsewhere when she was there – however if he tried to look at any other girl or even fantasise about them in his head he went totally limp and nothing would happen. On one hand he was quite happy being entrapped, but was very frustrated that Ginny would not do anything more, not even a simple kiss, just saying wait for now. Whilst it took a little while to sink in he realised that it was Hemione that Ginny was sexually active with and until they calmed down a bit he (and Ron with Hermione) were not going to get any action. Whilst Ron did not seem too worried (Harry was pretty sure he had seen him wearing school knickers well before Hermione entrapped him), Harry was getting more and more annoyed. In addition, Hermione had become even more bossy than usual so in spite of their long term friendship he was getting well and truly pissed off with her. He wondered how he could get back at her to teach her a lesson, but had not really found a way – until that morning when looking down at the soaked pair of Ginny’s black frilly knickers he was wearing it hit him. If Hermione was so much into wetting her knickers how about he changed things so that she had no choice. Some research in the library identified a spell that would mean that her knickers would cling to her body and could not be taken down, by her or anyone else! Being in hurry to start the punishment he also found a diuretic spell so that she would quickly get a full bladder and need to pee quickly. The next morning when he came down the stairs to the common room, he saw Hermione and cast the spells. Nothing happened during breakfast in the hall, but towards the end of the first class he noticed Hermione was wriggling in her seat, so he was not surprised when the lesson ended that she was first up and out of the door. He followed at a distance. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Hermione started to feel a bit odd during the first class, she realised her bladder was filling up much quicker than normal and wondered if she had been given a potion by an enemy. Whilst she loved wetting herself (and also wetting in bed with Ginny) that was on her own terms not someone else’s.  She held on till the end of the class before rushing out to the girls’ toilets which she just made still dry. She rushed into a cubicle, lifted her skirt and pulled down her navy knickers – or rather tried to put them down, but they would not move more than an inch before snapping back into place. Starting to lose it she knew from her past wetting fun times that the best thing to do was to sit down, pull the fabric tight and pee as hard as she could so that it would go straight through the fabric and minimise the size of the wet spot. She soon finished and on checking found she was right and there was minimal damage to the double gusset of her knickers. She noticed that the noise level had shot up outside the cubicle so she opened up to find what looked like every Gryffindor girl jammed in the toilets. The bigger girls had got there first and were emerging from the cubicles, but many of the younger girls were stood there with their wee running down their legs as they gave up trying to pull down their knickers. Hermione saw Ginny and asked what had happened for her.  Ginny explained that when she found she could not get her knickers down she panicked and kept pulling the gusset down only for it snap back so she had totally soaked her knickers half way up to the waist band.  Hermione saw two of her room mates and asked them what had happened. Parvati Patil, said that fortunately she was fine, especially as she had also needed to poo, as she had worn a tiny thong that day and everything had gone through or round the little bit of material. Lavender Brown however was in tears, and it was obvious as she waddled over that she had worn full knickers and they were full of her poo. Hermione looked in her bag for some scissors and then made her friend lift her skirt and bend over so that with a few cuts the floor received the contents of the knickers and with some water from the sink the remainder of the pants were cleaned - at least enough for now.  There was no time before the next class to discuss anything, but Hermione invited all Gryffindor girls to her common room at lunch to see what they could work out. Hermione’s year had Herbology from then till lunch so rushed off to class.  Fortunately for her they were in the greenhouses sp shew as standing on the soils and pavers as she worked. This helped as she noticed that her blader was no longer holding her wee and then letting it all out in at once, rather she was constantly trickling wee out into the gusset of her knickers so the was a small puddle in them before it rand down her legs to the ground. This created a second problem – the small puddle allowed the think blue cotton material to “wick” up the liquid so that before long it had soaked up her bum and was getting closer to the waistband. Professor Sprout soon picked up something was wrong and called Hermione to her study to talk. I know you are the latest member of the W3 club, but you do not seem happy to have wet knickers this morning and it seems that all of Gryffindor girls have wet themselves as well she said. Hermione explained what was happening and that she was trying to puzzle out who had done this to them. Professor Sprout thought for a while and then said – “It is possible that someone is targeting all of Gryffindor girls, but I suspect one of you was being targeted and the spell was more powerful than the caster intended”. “ I wonder if you could try and think if anyone is upset with one of you older girls – or is someone missing at present?” Hermione concentrated as she thought about this, which is had with rivulets of wee running down your legs – then is struck her - could it he Harry – he had been very grumpy lately and she had not seen him at all this morning. They survived to lunch time when all the girls came to the common room – they were all in the same state soaking wet knickers and wee running down their legs onto the poop carpet – that’s going to take a power spell to clean Hermione thought. She called for quiet and explained what she had been told by Professor Sprout. She then shared he initial thought that it could be Harry. Ginny initially was unconvinced, but then said the only way to check is to challenge him. The two of them said to the rest of the girls wait a few minutes, we two will go and find out. They set of up the stairs to the boy’s dormitory where they needed to undo the spell on the door to get in – at the end of the room under the bed they found Harry who was trembling at the sight of the two angry witches. Explain! said Hermione – Harry stuttered “I’m really sorry, I just wanted to upset you Hermione for stealing all of Ginny’s time and affection, I am happy to be bonded to Ginny, but I never get any time with her. Let alone any sex activity. I must have messed up the spell somehow and it hit all the girls.” Hermione’s anger subsided a bit when she realised that she had been totally monopolising Ginny but some still remained. “First things first – have you got a note of the spells you used” she asked Harry. Harry showed her the written copies he had made and after looking carefully realised he had transposed some words which had expanded the impact of the spell. Knowing the mistake she then worked backwards to sort out how to undo the spells. She wrote the spells down and told Harry to cast them to undo the damage he had caused. As the spell finished, she immediately felt her bladder close and she stopped wetting herself. She went back downstairs to a cheer from the rest of the girls which told her the undoing had worked for everyone. She spoke to them all and explained that Harry had intended to only target her but had got things wrong. “I think we need to give him some form of punishment” she announced “all of you take of you wet knickers and put them into a pile, Harry can spend the afternoon hand washing them all as it is not fair on the house elves to make them clen up your and his messes”. The girls all did as asked, using any small dry bits of their pants to dry their legs first before heading off to their dorms to get clean ones. After the girls had left Ginny went up to Harrys room and brought him down to collect the big pile of wet knickers on the floor of the common room and he took them upstairs to his bathroom. The afternoon saw Harry taking one pair at a time, rinsing them, soaping, kneading them, rinsing them, wringing them out then hanging them all around the room to dry. He thought it was going to be a boring task, but instead he soon found it educational as he discovered all of the different styles, colours, materials etc the girls chose to wear. He was very tempted to try some of them on, but decided he could not risk getting caught by Hermione in her present mood. Just as he was finishing Ginny appeared – “I’m as annoyed as Hermione” she stated, “however I do accept that it is partially my fault that you are so frustrated”. “Lay down on you back on the floor” she ordered. He did as he was instructed and Ginny then stood over him so he was looking straight up her skirt to see a beautiful pair of turquoise silk knickers with matching lace trim on the legs. She squatted down so her knickers were almost touching his face. “Last pair for you to wash she said as she released her bladder soaking them and him. This was too much for Harry after spending all afternoon fantasising over the knickers he was washing and he immediately came into the red pair of Ginny’s knickers he was wearing making a big wet patch in them. That evening Harry lay on his bed reflecting on what a strange day it had been, his mess-ups, his punishment (all those knickers he washed and anticized over), and then a reward from Ginny, he recalled the tase of her wee and chewing at the fabric of her knickers till she came. Harry was wearing those very knickers now and enjoying the feel of the smooth cloth. He could hear Ron groaning as he played with Hermione’s navy knickers when the click of the door opening broke his train of thought – he pulled the bed curtains aside to see both hemione and Ginny wearing baby doll nighties that hid virtually nothing -especially the wet spot in each of their panties. Hermione spoke “Ginny and I have been talking and we realise that we have been very selfish and totally absorbed in each other. We do want to keep enjoying ourselves, but we have decided that you do not need to miss out -rather you should join us when we pleasure each other. Get onto the bed and whilst we 69 we will such you off – and see where we get to from there!” A whole new chapter had begun.  
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