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How long ago did you realise you were interested in pee?

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I'm sure I've written this somewhere else before, but can't remember where, so:

For me, my first recollections of being fascinated by pee were in childhood. I used to play in the countryside near my house and did so with friends from school including girls. If we needed to pee, we would go into a barn that had a concrete floor and pee in there. Generally the girls went in separately from the boys, but one time I was there with a girl and we were alone, so we both went in together. She squatted over the concrete and I stood and peed into the opposite corner, but I looked over my shoulder to see the pee spraying out of her between her legs. I was fascinated by the differences in the way we peed.

Later, I caught another girl peeing on a bridge, which was on an abandoned railway line. She had gone up the path at the side of the railway and gone onto the bridge where it was shielded from the road below. I also happened to go that same way and caught her with her pants down.

When I was about 7 or 8, I went camping with my family and was very friendly with the girl from the next tent. We spent a lot of time together and rather than go into the separate ladies and gents toilets, we both went round the back of the block and peed in the dirt.

I also once walked in on my sister's friend whilst she was peeing on the toilet in our house. I had heard her say to my sister that she was going to the toilet but wouldn't lock the door and that if she needed to come in then just knock. So I came out of my room, went to the closed bathroom door and knocked. She said "Come in", so I did! I saw her sat on the toilet with her knickers round her ankle, but obviously didn't actually see the pee. It was quite funny though and she later became my girlfriend when I was about 10 and we used to mess around near our house. If she needed to pee, she would go behind a garage, but she never minded me watching and I was again always fascinated by the way in which she peed.

From 10 until about 16, I used to do quite a few outdoor activities with the family including boating and walking. Of course these led to the need to pee outside and I remember female family members and friends needing to pee whilst we were out. However, they always went discretely and I don't recall seeing them, but I do remember sometimes wandering about it and wanting to try and sneak a peek

Then I don't really have any memories of pee interest until I was at university. At that point I first got aroused by a woman that I saw peeing on the pavement by the side of the road whilst I was driving past. That image is burned in my memory. Throughout university there was plenty of drinking going on and times when I saw fellow students peeing outside around the city on the way back after a night out. I also heard peeing in the communal toilets in the halls of residence.

So I think it was university when I realised that I was sexually aroused by peeing, but it has always been a fascination.

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Has your interest in peeing or watching girls pee been with you all of your life, or is it something that seems to have developed recently? Share your experiences of how long ago you realised you had this interest.

As far back as i can remember

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For me my earliest memory of "dirty" peeing I would have been about 4 and shared a bedroom with my brother who was 3. We were stood on our beds peeing at each other. When I was about 7 or 8 I remember we were playing in sand dunes with another friend, a girl, and we all needed to pee, so we dug holes in the sand, and though my brother and I both lay over our holes on our bellies and need into them unseen our female friend started over her hole with her pants down, I think she was as surprised as we were when she sent a jet arcing up in front of her. From that time I was fascinated by how girls peed

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I've been attracted to pee as long as I can remember! I remember being about 5 years old and being out for a walk in the bush with my parents and their friends. A daughter of our friends who was about the Same age as me had to be so they had her pop a squat on the trail we were walking on. I remember that even at that age, my eyes were glued to her and it excited me in some way that at that time I didn't understand. When I got older I would stay up late and try to watch the soft core Porn that was usually on late friday and saturday nights. One night I was watching this movie (I have no Idea what it was called) when this girl sat on the ground with nothing on and peed. You couldn't see anything other that the dirt get soaked around her and a stream running across the ground infront of her. It really turned me on And this was probably one of the first times I mastubated. When I was in my early teens I soon realized that porn was easily found on the net. While all my friends were looking for girl on girl action I was always searching for girls peeing. I also remember when I first started masturbating as a teen I used to pee alittle on a stuffed animal and than hump the wet spot till I came. When my stuffed animals started stinking like piss, my mom got suspicious so I told her I spilt water from my fish tank on them lol. I don't know whether she bought it or not!

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I'm not sure exactly, but I remember being a young teen when we first got the web, and finding lots of pics of peeing girls online, and well, you know what (young teen) boys like doing :D

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When I was 10-11 in the bushes near our house, I was playing with a girl from down the road. I was carefully inspecting her pussy closely. She was allowing me to spread her legs and look closely so I could see her pee hole. At first I could not see it, so she pulled her lips open. Then an awkward pause and she let her pee go full blast in my face. Although at the time I was a bit put off, over the next few month pee play became part of my "normal" activity. Now it is one of my full blown fetishes. Due partly because of that neighbour girl.

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When I was 9 years old I noticed my step-sister hadn't flushed the toilet after a pee so I went in and looked at her pee even though I wasn't sure why I was so interested. I guess that's where it started.

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I think I always found myself into pissing and scat fetishes, since I was a little child.

Now I can't actually remember my age back then, but it was probably in first or second grade in primary school, when I had got my first ever mobile phone with a camera (and old LG) and I think back then I was already into this fetish, in fact I used to record myself peeing and I always browsed google for girl pissing and pooping porn instead of "normal" porn, even nowadays that I am 19, I still look for girls peeing and pooping and I 99,9% never go for "action" porn (if you know what I mean).

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Although I peed outside on a number of occasions when I was younger, I never really gave it any thought and it was always done out of necessity. There was always the feeling of doing something naughty, my bare ass being exposed and the possibility of someone seeing me.

The turning point was when, at the age of 17 was out “parking” with a boyfriend. We were “making out” in the car in a spot along the river. So far, our “make out” sessions consisted of touching each other and mutual masturbation. We just started this particular evening when he told me he had to pee. He got out of the car, unzipped his jeans, pulled out his cock and started to pee. I had never experienced watching a guy pee before. Sure, I’ve seen guys peeing, but they would always turn away so you couldn’t see anything. I was fascinated, watching the strong stream, the sound it made hitting the ground, and the way he stroked it to get the last drops out. When he finished, I got out of the car and leaving the passenger door open, I squatted, lifting my skirt and pulling down my panties, I peed in full view of him. I looked at the way he was staring at me and the erection in his pants. When I was finished, I got back in the car and lost my virginity.

I haven’t been the same since!

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I can't really be absolutely sure when it began.

There are a few things in my memory and the main one that sticks out is being out with my mother and sister at a rally (car) event in my home town. I was probably 8 or 9, making my sister 4 or 5. My father was in work so it was just the 3 of us. My sister had been whining about needing to pee for about half the walk into the city centre but there were no public toilets near at the time. To event was in castle grounds meaning there were plenty of bushes and trees around, so eventually my mother took my sister behind one of the trees. I can remember her squatting and holding my sister off the ground behind her knees - she had her feet resting against the trunk of the tree - but my mother had told me to keep away so I don't think I saw any more than that. I think this has always been a part of the fetish for me - the fact peeing is seen as something quite dirty and private by so many people, it's a massive turn on for me to see someone just doing it outdoors, whether out of need or for enjoyment. Anyway once my sister had finished, I deliberately ran around the back of the tree and could see where she'd been. My mother just gave me a disapproving look, but didn't really tell me off. Given this was fairly early in life, I tend to look at this as the point I started my interest, whether I knew it then or not.

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I became interested in it when I was around 14 years old. It was totally by accident too! But, after the accident, I realized that it felt good to wet myself, and then I started looking into seeing women pee themselves. Been into it ever since, as a matter of fact, I plan on wetting myself today!

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Has your interest in peeing or watching girls pee been with you all of your life, or is it something that seems to have developed recently? Share your experiences of how long ago you realised you had this interest.

I can't remember the age I was, maybe 9 or 10 but I do remember playing with a girl who was a lot older maybe 13 or 14 or who took me behind a hedge in the country we were all alone and she said she had to pee so she pulled her knickers down to her knees bent her knees and peed. She said you have to do it now, so she pulled my trousers down held my cock and said "come on its your turn". I did get an erection while doing this and I have read that it's not possible to pee if a male has an erection, this is not true I can still pee now if I have an erection. I tried this with my girlfriend (now my wife) who held my cock when I peed, I still do get an erection when she holds my cock and enjoys the way she can"wave it about" as she says and directs the pee in different directions. Thanks to the young girl who did it to me first, that was my first and not the last of my introduction to peeing as a sexual thing.

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When I was 7 I had to pee while me and my grandma were doing a road trip. So I told her and she pulled over. At that time didn't know how to pee in a bush. So I laid down and I watched my pee. Then I started getting interested. So I guess that's when it started.

Also when my dad and I were fishing he had to pee so he peed in a bottle. So I watched him. Then I had to pee. While I was peeing I listened to the sound and watched my pee.

Around the age of 10 I would always go pee by a tree and I would rub my pussy against a branch and watched the streams. Then my dad cut down the tree after a few months.

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Around the age of 10 I would always go pee by a tree and I would rub my pussy against a branch and watched the streams. Then my dad cut down the tree after a few months.

I found that amusing. I read somewhere that urine is bad for plants, so by your wording, I imagined in my mind that months of your relentless peeing on the tree poisoned it to death. Thus, your father was forced to methodically cut it down before it rotted and took out some telephone wires in a bad windstorm. Welcome to my mind.

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Mine started pretty early too. One of my first memories of being interested in pee came when I was about 6. My bedroom at the time had a bathroom in it. Not like an en suite, where it's a separate room within a room, complete with its own door, but just a toilet and a sink tucked into a little alcove in my room, meaning that if someone wanted to use that toilet, everyone generally had to leave the bedroom. Once, while a neighbour girl was over playing in my room with me, she stated that she had to pee and that I should leave the room. I remember telling her that I could just hide on the other side of my bed, around the corner, and promised not to look. She didn't really like that idea, saying she would rather I just left the room, but she had to pee too badly to really argue too much. I did as I promised, not looking, but for some reason it was so exciting to just be in the same room as a girl peeing, and getting to hear the tinkle of the liquid in the bowl. When she finished, I told her that I had to pee, and that she should stay in the room, because it's pretty exciting, and before she could object, I whipped it out and started to pee with her standing there. She freaked and ran out of the room, and I chased her, my little wiener still hanging out, dripping, and I was saying "awe come on, it's more fun than you'd think".

She never came to my house again.

Then when I was 10 and I had the "Talk", the first and only thing I could think about was how in the heck girls peed without a penis. And I made it my life's goal to find out exactly where and how it came out.

I first starting to suspect that my "interest" and "curiosity" in peeing might actually be sexual when I was 13. I was in sea cadets at the time, and one day we were out on a sailing trip. Each of the little sail boats fit two people, and I was lucky enough that day to go out with this girl I had a crush on. After we'd been alone on the water for hours, she announced that she really needed to pee. I spoke up and said that I had to as well, and she suggested I hop out of the dingy into the water and just pee. I said that it was too cold, and maybe I'll just go off the side of the boat. I said we could do it at the same time off the opposite sides, so her butt would be hanging over the water one way, and I would be facing the other way, so neither one of us could be able to see the other. As I was suggesting this, my heart was pounding so hard at the possibility that this could happen I thought I might have a heart attack. That's when I started to suspect that I might be a little more invested in peeing as a sexual experience. :P

But I knew for sure a few days later, when I had gotten back from that sailing weekend and was working at my part-time job in a restaurant. Toward the end of the night, I was on bathroom cleaning duty, and since it was a small restaurant with few staff, I had to do the female washroom as well. I waited until it was empty, and started my job. I was just about finished when a girl, whom I realised later was drunk off her ass, came in. I tried to tell her that I would be done in under a minute, as I only had to replace the paper towel waste bag, but she just said, "Oh that's ok, I don't care," and went right in the stall. I stood mesmerised as I heard the unzipping, the clothes rustling, and the pee start to pour out of her. I caught a nice glimpse of the whole scene through the crack between the stall door and the wall, and I was instantly hard. Before anyone else came in and caught me peeping, I hid my erection as best I could, ran across to the Men's, and it was the first time I masturbated to thoughts of girls peeing.

Fast forward to now, and I'm posting (too long) replies on a website dedicated to girls peeing! :D

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I found out maybe a year ago. One evening my partner and I were having a lovely night at home and at one point I really needed to pee. I got up, and whwen my boyfriend asked me where I was going, I told him: "I need to pee, you can watch if you want" at the time it was sort of a joke, but it made my partner open up to me and confess he'd actually really like that. we talked about it, and tried it. Watching each other pee, peeing on each other, drinking each other's pee. Love it! Now, when we have a night like that, we also love to massage each other when we're wet from being peed on, and of course watching a lot of peeing video's together.

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Same as a lot of others here, always had an interest in it, when I was young it was exciting to pee outside, when I got older it moved into the sexual side of exciting. Now pee videos are pretty much the only porn I watch and am lucky enough to have a great girlfriend who is also into it!

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I'm 27 now but I would say in my teenage years, I was on a family vacation and I was with my cousins female friend and we were walking around the beach in Mexico. We talked for a while when suddenly she starts figiting saying " i need to pee " we eventually find a bathroom , she proceeds to tell me, " can you stand guard? " I said " sure but I can't go in the girls bathroom, I'll just stand by the door " she says ok, rushes in a stall, I can hear her unzipping her pants, she then relieves herself with a sigh and all I can hear is a huge gush of peeing in the toilet... All I know is at that time my heart started beating faster and I proceeded to get very aroused by just listening to her peeing. Ever since then I have had an obsession to simply listening to girls peeing
Hi,where i work,the ladies is adjacent to the gents,and if you get in the end cubicle and put your ear to the wall you can hear the pee sound,and also the wiping sound.Best thing is i know there is only 2 cubicles,so if you can see a sexy girl heading there,you can get in before her and often hear her peeing.lovely.
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My real pee fetish began in Jr. High. I was 14 years old...before the internet was accessible (remember Gateway and dial-up..lol) there was Hustler. I was able to sneak a copy of Hustler into my bedroom. No, I did not use Hustler to masturbate, but to answer some ever growing questions of the female anatomy not open for discussion with my parents or friends for that matter. Any-who, flipping through the pages I discovered a girl who posed while peeing...yes, Hustler digs the whole pee fetish thing. So, from there I was hooked on the pee fetish thing.

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