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On 11/5/2023 at 7:12 AM, Schmitty20 said:

Hi Sophie have you ever been busy working around the house and had to pee but wanted to finish what you were doing and were really squirming trying to hold it and ended up not making it to the bathroom and accidentally peed your pants? 

were you ever busy working around the house and had to pee and didn’t want to take the time to go to the bathroom and just went in your pants on purpose.


To be honest, no, not really. I often put off going to the toilet when I am washing up and at worst I have had a little leak but I've never had a full blown accident. I'm stubborn, but I'm not that stubborn.

I have never ever just wet myself on purpose because I didn't want to go to the toilet.

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9 hours ago, Kupar said:

Can I ask you a question? I know you have some bone-conduction headphones so that you can be responsible, careful and situationally aware on your bike. But what do you listen to when you ride? Do you have a special cycling playlist, and if so, is it all "Eye of the Tiger" / "Born to Run"-type motivational songs to get you up those hills? Or more calming and reflective, to suit a relaxed ride in the countryside? Or maybe you listen to podcasts on science and technology topics like "Advanced Python Coding for Chemistry Teachers" or " 101 New Ideas for 3D Printing"?

Of course you can! What I listen to depends on what I am doing and how long the journey will be. For example if I am just nipping to Tesco to pick up a few things but I still want to listen to music on the ride I listen to just whatever is on my phone. Usually the kind of stuff I'd post on here. A bit of Taylor Swift, some Billy Joel, A little Fleetwood Mac. I don't have a specific playlist, I just want some music in the background.

If my ride is a little more intense and more of a workout I like to listen to music with a fast tempo. Eye of the Tiger, 2 Unlimited - No Limit, The Final Countdown. That sort of thing.

For my longer rides I tend to listen to podcasts. I get bored of listening to music after a while. I started listening to "My Dad Wrote A Porno" with the wonderful Alice Levine but I couldn't properly enjoy it because I was still focused on my ride and where I was going. It was funny but I wasn't fully paying attention to it. So now I listen to Lateral with Tom Scott. It's like a comedy quiz game show. About 40 minutes long. It's what caused me to shout "Jane Fonda" at a poor passing cyclist!

Awesome question, thank you! Please let me know if you want me to go into any more detail.



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5 hours ago, Sophie said:

Of course you can! What I listen to depends on what I am doing and how long the journey will be. For example if I am just nipping to Tesco to pick up a few things but I still want to listen to music on the ride I listen to just whatever is on my phone. Usually the kind of stuff I'd post on here. A bit of Taylor Swift, some Billy Joel, A little Fleetwood Mac. I don't have a specific playlist, I just want some music in the background.

If my ride is a little more intense and more of a workout I like to listen to music with a fast tempo. Eye of the Tiger, 2 Unlimited - No Limit, The Final Countdown. That sort of thing.

For my longer rides I tend to listen to podcasts. I get bored of listening to music after a while. I started listening to "My Dad Wrote A Porno" with the wonderful Alice Levine but I couldn't properly enjoy it because I was still focused on my ride and where I was going. It was funny but I wasn't fully paying attention to it. So now I listen to Lateral with Tom Scott. It's like a comedy quiz game show. About 40 minutes long. It's what caused me to shout "Jane Fonda" at a poor passing cyclist!

Awesome question, thank you! Please let me know if you want me to go into any more detail.



Thank you! Very enlightening 🙂. K is a big podcast listener, when she's driving to work, or doing housework etc. I am not sure if she listens to Lateral. I will ask 🙂.

Do you find you match your cycling cadence to the BPM of the music, and if so, is that a good or a bad thing? When I run, I run in silence. I can't imagine listening to music, but I know many people love to do it. 

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9 hours ago, Sophie said:



It's excellent seeing how the contestants' brains work, as well as the way they go off at a tangent 🙂 And Tom is good at giving them clues. Thank you!

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On 12/23/2023 at 2:31 PM, Schmitty20 said:

Sophie Have you ever peed in your pants in front of your husband? If so did you ever let him change your pants for you? 

I have wet myself in front of my husband many, many times. I have written about it a few times on here so if you take a look through my profile you should find some posts.

I have never let him change me, it doesn't appeal to me in the slightest.

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4 hours ago, MC Cumzy said:

Did you get anything nice for Christmas?

I got some photochromatic cycling glasses I am looking forward to trying out. At the moment I have been having to deal with swapping lenses between clear and tinted, now I have a pair of glasses that do it automagically!

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Have you ever sexted with someone on the site?

Took my time reading some threads and catching up some precious time I lost while not being here lol, and I saw that you once got turned on and used it to start the orgasm race with your husband, do you think that in some way the forum, the people and their stories here contribute in a very good way to your irl sex life?

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3 hours ago, Sophie said:

Have you ever sexted with someone on the site?

I have had many sexy chats with some of the people on this site, people I regard as very close friends. I wouldn’t say I sexted with them but I have gone into detail I wouldn’t with most people, I have masturbated while talking to them, or I have talked about masturbating before heading off to have my fun, I have described in great detail about my sex life and orgasms with them.

Took my time reading some threads and catching up some precious time I lost while not being here lol, and I saw that you once got turned on and used it to start the orgasm race with your husband, do you think that in some way the forum, the people and their stories here contribute in a very good way to your irl sex life?

The people and their stories have contributed tremendously to my IRL sex life. Whether that is directly through their chats giving me suggestions or turning me on beyond belief, or it’s through their stories planting seeds in my mind and sending me down a very sexy path. There has been a lot of spontaneous sex with my husband that began with a naughty chat with my friends. I have a lot of people to thank for how much they have helped me, and I try to give back by sharing my stories on PeeFans. If they help someone in some way, that is fantastic.

That was so hot and so nice at the same time! Hope to make some very close friends here as you did, is so nice that we can share all kind of stuff, and at the same time feel so welcomed, its crazy how I ever wanted this site but never heard of it. Thanks for the answer !!

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37 minutes ago, ante said:

That was so hot and so nice at the same time! Hope to make some very close friends here as you did, is so nice that we can share all kind of stuff, and at the same time feel so welcomed, its crazy how I ever wanted this site but never heard of it. Thanks for the answer !!

Welcome! And many happy hours of looking at the huge amount of great content here awaits 🙂. Have fun!

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18 hours ago, ante said:

That was so hot and so nice at the same time! Hope to make some very close friends here as you did, is so nice that we can share all kind of stuff, and at the same time feel so welcomed, its crazy how I ever wanted this site but never heard of it. Thanks for the answer !!

You are very welcome. If there is ANYTHING you wish to ask me, I would be happy to answer!

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1 minute ago, TrashyToni said:

Does the thought or sight of a guy pissing recklessly (in public) or men engaging in naughty peeing turn you on?

Not particularly. My fetish is almost entirely centred around women peeing. A guy peeing might catch my eye but it doesn't usually do much for me.

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2 minutes ago, Sophie said:

Not particularly. My fetish is almost entirely centred around women peeing. A guy peeing might catch my eye but it doesn't usually do much for me.

Iteresting. Being married to a guy, do you still have sex with women? Is you relationship closed or open?

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Just now, TrashyToni said:

Iteresting. Being married to a guy, do you still have sex with women? Is you relationship closed or open?

I'd call my relationship closed but there is a woman I have slept with.

To expand on my previous message, I occasionally hold my husband while he is peeing, or I will watch him while he is peeing, and I do get turned on, but it's not really the peeing that does it for me. It's sharing something so intimate and personal. It's the sexiness of doing something as a couple rather than the peeing itself.

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Just now, TrashyToni said:

So occasionally you do stray? Only with women or also with men?

I wouldn't call it straying, it's something my husband and I have agreed to, and only with a specific woman.

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1 minute ago, Sophie said:

I wouldn't call it straying, it's something my husband and I have agreed to, and only with a specific woman.

But you only have sex with either of them separately? Or do you also engage in group sex?

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1 minute ago, TrashyToni said:

But you only have sex with either of them separately? Or do you also engage in group sex?


Can we please move on from this topic.

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