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Being Naughty "both ways"?


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Please, do tell. I can tell you from experience here with my fictional stories that you will always disappoint some people, but there are just as many if not way more who will like what you write and you can't magically change what you like to appease the naysayers. If your something else is way off topic, there is a forum here for non-pee stuff too. Either way, let's hear it...or read it!

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On ‎28‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 10:40 PM, Maggie_555 said:

As well as a naughty pee I also like to do 'something else' in the same naughty place when the opportunity arises. (By the way THANK YOU to someone I've seen describing it that way here and I'm sorry I can't remember your name right now!)  OK I realise this won't be a turn-on for everyone, and in fact a 'turn-off' for some, but when I tell of things I've done I like to tell the full story.  How do people here feel about this?  Is it OK to include the 'something else' if I was successful in that way as well as a naughty pee? 

I think I can guess what you are referring to. And to spell it out bluntly, do you mean taking a shit in naughty places too? Well, on a personal level I'd love to hear about it also and get turned on by ladies who like to do that.

But I must advise of the following. Whilst it is ok to post such stuff now in the other adult content section, Admin is under pressure from payment providers in terms of content. Nothing has been decided yet, but there is a definite strong possibility that some types of material, including this - much to my regret - may have to be banned at some point in the near future. If that happens, all such posts or threads - including some of my own - will start getting deleted, and a ban on such posting put in place from that point on. I personally hope it doesn't come to that, but if it does we will just have to live with it.

For that very reason, I would strongly urge you to post your tales whilst you can, so we can all enjoy them for now, and possibly save them. And of course, no ban on anything will apply to private communications between members.

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Oh you were talking about the new content restrictions that are likely coming. I thought you were just worried about getting dislikes. But as Steve said, be quick and post your shit stories while you can. I like naughty shitting as well as pissing.

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For me personally, I don't really have an interest in that sort of thing, except for when it relates to the naughty part. Somehow it ticks the same boxes for me as naughty peeing, even if I don't care for it in itself. So in my opinion I would love to read it, mabye post it with a disclaimer. Or perhaps we would have a section for this?

Edited by petal123
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Thanks for clearing that up I thought anything poop related was off the table. While I'm speaking on this though, who the hell decided that it was worthwhile to ban credit card companies from processing transactions for scat material? It's so absurd and specific. A boardroom meeting actually took place where all in attendance agreed that the answer to their problems was..."we gotta stop the global scat movement." That would be like a boss firing an employee for his diet. "Hey man, gotta let you go, I can't have employees that eat sandwiches. I hate sandwiches, they're so typical. Get out."


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10 hours ago, Brutus said:

@Admin While I'm speaking on this though, who the hell decided that it was worthwhile to ban credit card companies from processing transactions for scat material?

“Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.” H.L.Mencken.

The world is full of people who devote their entire lives to being killjoys.

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On ‎02‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 11:39 PM, Admin said:

Just to clarity there would never be a ban on discussing scat fetish material, the only ban would be on uploading images or video of it. 

- A 

Thanks for clarifying that. That is much less far reaching than I think we all assumed. When and if you lay down a firm ban on all such images I will delete my ladies shitting pic of the day thread, which I have in the meantime stopped updating. But most of the discussion of the subject can remain, which at least still gives us an edge over our main forum rival which bans even a hint of it.

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On ‎03‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 0:05 AM, Brutus said:


Thanks for clearing that up I thought anything poop related was off the table. While I'm speaking on this though, who the hell decided that it was worthwhile to ban credit card companies from processing transactions for scat material? It's so absurd and specific. A boardroom meeting actually took place where all in attendance agreed that the answer to their problems was..."we gotta stop the global scat movement." That would be like a boss firing an employee for his diet. "Hey man, gotta let you go, I can't have employees that eat sandwiches. I hate sandwiches, they're so typical. Get out."


Quite so.

I think that the basic issue is that the US government - under pressure from Christian moralists and others who are politically influential - began to put pressure on the main payment processors who happen to be based in the USA and certainly do a lot of business there. What form this pressure took I am unsure of, but it was effective. Because they have "voluntarily" introduced guidelines against processing payments for certain types of material, including golden showers.

This is representative of a problem that exists in all western democracies to a certain extent. Large numbers of the electorates in these countries are judgementalists when it comes to sex, with little "live and let live", and instead a strong desire to see the banning of this or that just because THEY don't like it. They will often cite religious moral reasons, or use feminist arguments about the alleged exploitation of women, or something else, but it often really just comes down to personal taste. When it comes to sex, many just want to limit the choices of others to force them to conform to their own personal tastes, equating anything they personally are not into as somehow morally bad.

These people are often very self-righteous and excessively - and often unjustifiably - confident in their own moral superiority. And they all have votes! Some of them write to their political representatives. Some of them are influential in the media. Some of them form or become members of pressure groups. Some of them themselves become influential political figures. Older members based in the UK will already be very familiar with the ludicrous figure of the late Mary Whitehouse, who nevertheless gathered behind her quite a puritanical following and influenced politicians.

So these people have clout and are ultimately the driving force behind puritanical moves to restrict sexual freedoms. And politicians often reason that there are more votes to be gained than lost by pandering to these elements.

And the nature of sexual fetishes is such that very few people - inside governments and parliament, in the media, or amongst the population at large - are willing to be loud and proud in defence of their sexual freedoms. A lot of us here for example are publicly in the closet with most people we know in real life. The fact is that the puritan narrowminds are much more vocal in their narrow-mindedness than we ever will be in defence of sexual freedom.

Even on forums such as this we see people sometimes openly attacking or condemning the interests of others just because they don't like it, when as fetishists themselves they ought to know better. Our main rival forum went through a period when fans of naughty peeing were being constantly attacked, which contributed greatly to the early success of this place, most of our founder members being fans of that niche looking for somewhere more welcoming.

So the "if I like it it's ok and if I don't it's bad and ought to be banned" impulse does rear it's head even on forums like this sometimes.

That it is a very common impulse amongst so many in the general population is simply a sad fact of life which those more wedded to sexual freedom amongst adults have to deal with.

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The irony is that many of these religious people in power passing judgment on fetishes are themselves very disgusting people in many ways, often sexually as well. Guarantee that many of them engage in extramarital affairs behind their spouses back. I saw a documentary years ago where prostitutes were telling how many politicians and other government officials they service on a regular basis. Many of them are blasphemous according to the very scriptures they are supposed to live by when they condemn others instead of love thy neighbor. Not to mention that they willingly ruin lives and contribute to deaths of thousands of people across the planet by waging war and helping to develop policies that cause social unrest in whatever countries they have their eye on. They will support  policies that will destroy an entire country if there is money to be made. Most politicians have blood on their hands, either directly or indirectly by sitting back and enjoying the power. 

This abuse of government power is a dangerous thing and it's the stuff that causes countries to fall. Today it's banning scat material, tomorrow it could be anything mentioning ass, the next it could be anything sexual at all. It inches closer and closer to communism until the line is thin enough that it can't be seen anymore. Next it's government imposed curfew and marshall law with armed guards patrolling the streets. America is probably in it's final few decades before total collapse into a 2 class system of super wealthy and the dirt poor. Our freedom of speech has already been tightened down to the point that saying something even remotely offending can and does get people fired now. Feminists have such a stronghold that it is legally rape in California if 2 people have consensual sex after drinking alcohol, the woman does not have to be pass out drunk and incapable of decisions, she can climb on top of a guy and control the sex and it is still rape. He is however, capable of consent while drunk because he is a man and feminists behind these laws hate men. It's disgusting that this happens in America but it's real and it happens because the politicians align themselves with these kinds of people that want to control others. It's only getting worse.

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For me, Ive NOTHING to do with religion, I believe in nothing, but I can see, hear, smell, taste, or feel,

I say only what is for me delicious, and what is for me not, and I qoute the story, how delicious/disgusting it feels for me, only a personaly qoute. I dont judge !

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2 hours ago, paul66 said:

For me, Ive NOTHING to do with religion, I believe in nothing, but I can see, hear, smell, taste, or feel,

I say only what is for me delicious, and what is for me not, and I qoute the story, how delicious/disgusting it feels for me, only a personaly qoute. I dont judge !

Ok, fair enough.

But try to bear Rule 5 in mind, which states as follows.....

Don't criticize the fetish behavior, confessions, pics, experiences, or fantasies of other members.

This is why most of us try not to be overly critical in public about each other's interests. The rule is designed to deter an excess of negativity here.


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On ‎31‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 0:30 AM, Maggie_555 said:

  By the way in my Confession(2) where I peed into the water tank I also did 'something else'. Up til now I've felt uncomfortable with admitting this, but I did push while I had the opportunity and succeeded into the water with a worryingly loud 'plop' sound as I did so. 

That's ok, Maggie.

You know I have an open invitation for any lady who so desires to come here and piss on my carpet. But in the spirit of admitting to things we might feel less comfortable with admitting - even on a fetish site - if any lady out there wants to come and take a shit on my carpet, you're welcome! :5_smiley:

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On 10/30/2016 at 8:30 PM, Maggie_555 said:

Thanks for your reply Steve, and yes I did mean that but wanted to suggest it carefully in case it caused problems.  By the way in my Confession(2) where I peed into the water tank I also did 'something else'. Up til now I've felt uncomfortable with admitting this, but I did push while I had the opportunity and succeeded into the water with a worryingly loud 'plop' sound as I did so. 

Oh, you did, now? ... Well, I hope no one looked in there afterward! Relieving oneself of urine in a domestic water supply is already naughty enough. That sounds positively scandalous. But hey, I suppose a storage tank is already similar enough to a toilet bowl. It might lend itself to that. I can't judge.

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