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PeeFans has talent!


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Steve 25 805,

I know how you feel and understand how important your GrandFather's service was to the U.S.A. & to that of Helping to win tW.W.II .

As one of my uncles who served in the Army in forward recon. Was under General Montgomery . When the unit He was in liberated a German Concentration camp.. That what He saw in that camo froze his blood . That he really never wanted to talk about it at all with anyone back Home after the war was over.

He finally told me about what he was part of . That he remembered how his commanding officer . That of second in command of his unit . Had taken the German commandant of the camp . Out into the surrounding forest. In which when his commanding officer and his second in command . Came back into the camp . The German officer wasn't with them. He had been executed !!

I was the only one in my whole family . That my uncle told and no one else. Because I had told him. That I understood . How Horedouis it was to have experiencethe fight , the killing & the Death . As well as the destruction . That war had brought upon on who had to fight in that war . That my Uncle finally broke His silence and told me what he had experienced.

I could tell that a very great weight . Had beed lifted off his shoulders . That of being able to let go of those tremble times he had been a part of in hiss life.

He now has passed away but , I do have a photo of him & my other Uncle who served in Southern France . In that they both met up with each other in Frankfurt . Where the photo of them were taked right after the war was over.

I had a great grandfather who fought in the British Army on the Somme in 1916 with all his mates. When they went "over the top" they were nearly all gunned down by machine gun fire. My grandfather survived by taking shelter in a shellhole. All his mates were killed in one day, in fact all within less than 15 minutes.

He carried lifelong survivors' guilt. On his deathbed in his 80s I remember him apologising to all his mates for not going with them but how he was coming to join them at last now, and begged their forgiveness for living on when they had gone.

It must have been a terrible day, that day in 1916.

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Have a skill or talent? Share it here!

I can play piano and guitar but I think my most useless 'talent' is I can solve a Rubik's cube.

One musical instrument I can be very good at playing when I am in the zone is the fool.

When I set my mind to it I can be very good at playing the fool. :biggrin:

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One musical instrument I can be very good at playing when I am in the zone is the fool.

When I set my mind to it I can be very good at playing the fool. :biggrin:

My husband said he's excellent at playing the armpit yesterday!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Flute, piano and organ. I already hear the wise comments!

I have an organ you can play with. I doubt you'll get much of a tune out of it, though. :biggrin:

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  • 2 months later...
Have a skill or talent? Share it here!

I can play piano and guitar but I think my most useless 'talent' is I can solve a Rubik's cube.

Hey! I never noticed this thread before.

I can fly small planes, but I haven't done it since more than ten years ago.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey! I never noticed this thread before.

I can fly small planes, but I haven't done it since more than ten years ago.

I've wanted to get a pilots license for a while but it's just too much money and work for me to pursue it.

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Guest UnabashedUser

I play harmonica. Women love it because it's the instrument where you have to SUCK and BLOW at the same time :)Bonita, my wife, is excellent on skinflute.

Edited by UnabashedUser
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I love working on jigsaw puzzles.

This one is a tough one.

[ATTACH=full]66349[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]66350[/ATTACH]

Back to report the completion of a puzzle.

As suspected from the original post this puzzle was tougher than expected.

By the end of March we had reached this status with the puzzle.

The activity had gone way down by this time.

I worked for another month and only got about 10 more pieces put in place.

I was about to give up. Then I had an inspiration.

The die to cut the puzzle pieces was used twice to cut this puzzle.

Therefore, each puzzle piece shape was in the puzzle twice, and placed symmetrically about the center.

All I had to do was to pick a string of pieces and find the compliment shapes and pick them out of the puzzle

I already had the remaining 900 pieces laid out by shape type. It was easy to take a piece in hand and search thru the shapes of that type and find that exact shape and put it in place.

So, in about three days I had the remaining puzzle put together.

After viewing the results for about a week. I split the puzzle into nine equal sized segments, and put the segments into the original box.

If I so desired I could reassemble the puzzle with about an hours work.

Well Christmas is coming and I am sure we will once again tackle a puzzle with a nice view.

It sure eats up a lot of space in our living room.



Edited by Guest
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I like this topic, sadly I wasn't reading as much and I am late on it, plus I miss Kevin :frown:

I can play piano,

I have good cooking and baking skills (at least I think so lol)

Does knowing how to change a tire a good skill? Because I can :thumbsup:

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Changing a tire is an important and very useful skill. I guess you could call it a talent, why not?

Best I could come close to as far as changing a tire is calling the motor club. Getting them to come out right away for a "Damsel in distress" might be considered a talent.

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