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My thoughts on pee chat with the female members

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Im so glad Autumn raised this.As a guy,its very easy to just wade in with possibly obscene comments,and while the ladies may go along with it,they dont just want to discuss sexual things the whole time.I know i probably pushed the envelope a bit now and then.Anyway,i say,if the girls being pervy,you get pervy,but dont push it!:thumbsup:

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Im so glad Autumn raised this.As a guy,its very easy to just wade in with possibly obscene comments,and while the ladies may go along with it,they dont just want to discuss sexual things the whole time.I know i probably pushed the envelope a bit now and then.Anyway,i say,if the girls being pervy,you get pervy,but dont push it!:thumbsup:

Just treat the girls with respect. Pretty simple. We like to have fun just as much as you guys do, so it's not like you have to walk on eggshells around us. We do enjoy the pervy chatter or we wouldn't be on a sex site! Just don't aim it AT us if it's not asked for.

Also, I've seen multiple times now where guys are asking girls if it's "that time of the month". Seriously guys, come on. That's just disrespectful. Just because she says she's not feeling well doesn't always mean she's on the rag! You guys are like middle schoolers sometimes.

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All of these posts are excellent, and Autmn, I think you are so cool to bring this to light. My ladies read every post and agree totally with you and all the other responses to this issue. We know first hand what this can be like, my wife was tricked into saying to much one time and it developed into a stalking situation, the guy was in our yard looking in windows. Neither of them will join a site, are happy to use my account and join in discussions as a team, the only problem there is you don't know who you are talking to. PS didn't like this much as other members may remember, this is so much better, much more friendlier.

These posts have shed some light on their mutual concerns, and things my improve with the way they interact. Just be aware they are reading too, if I go off line suddenly, someone has reached over and killed the PC ;-)

I, for one, are in shout box for the chat, believe me, I don't need to be engaged in pee talk, it is enough to know that everyone in the room, has a similar interest.

Thanks again, Autumn, well done.

Scot_Lover, Maigh and Mary

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As someone who has been pretty much neutral in matters like this; The first thing I would like to say respect is earned not given. What can you expect on a site that centers around sexuality, there will always be people who disregard social etiquette. It would be great to have everything tailored to suit my needs but some matters we have to deal with and move on.

Now , some of the guys who are not fully pervy all the time acting immature or whatever. You got to realize some of them live in a society where insecurity and immaturity rule. So they don't know anything out of it, sometimes it just might be a honest mistake. It is no better to demean people just because they treated you poorly.

The thing is, I am an old soul of sorts. I put romance before sexuality. So dismissing someone because of their gender is so shallow, get to know them before judging them.

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As someone who has been pretty much neutral in matters like this; The first thing I would like to say respect is earned not given. What can you expect on a site that centers around sexuality, there will always be people who disregard social etiquette. It would be great to have everything tailored to suit my needs but some matters we have to deal with and move on.

Now , some of the guys who are not fully pervy all the time acting immature or whatever. You got to realize some of them live in a society where insecurity and immaturity rule. So they don't know anything out of it, sometimes it just might be a honest mistake. It is no better to demean people just because they treated you poorly.

The thing is, I am an old soul of sorts. I put romance before sexuality. So dismissing someone because of their gender is so shallow, get to know them before judging them.

I hear what you're saying, but not knowing any better, honest mistake or not, is exactly WHY I posted this. Some guys DON'T know better and obviously aren't getting this help in their real life, so that's why I posted this - for those guys!

Just curious of what you mean by "respect is earned not given"? And, while I do get that my expectations may be a little higher than they should be, but if you want the quality women to stick around this site, you HAVE to have higher expectations on here, in my opinion. For some reason, I have a soft spot for the guy who just doesn't know any better. I feel for them and want to help them have better success with women, both online and in real life. Being that this is more of a community and not just passerbys, I figured it would be helpful to give the guys some insight into us girls and what works and what doesn't with us. Is that so wrong?

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I disagree with some of what you said ironbladderman.

As someone who has been pretty much neutral in matters like this; The first thing I would like to say respect is earned not given.
That may be so, but we are not talking about a "respected scientist" or "respected athlete" where these people have a particular respect that must be "earned".

We are talking about meeting people in a social situation and treating them with respect. That does not have to be earned, it is simply good manners and everyone has a right to expect it.

Now , some of the guys who are not fully pervy all the time acting immature or whatever. You got to realize some of them live in a society where insecurity and immaturity rule. So they don't know anything out of it, sometimes it just might be a honest mistake. It is no better to demean people just because they treated you poorly.
Asking people to be polite is not demeaning them. If they don't know better then it's a good idea to help them.
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Whilst I agree in some sense that respect should be "earned" in the sense that it should be deserved, respect for others - especially guys treating girls respectfully - ought to be our automatic default setting. In fact, we should all intereact respectfully with each other regardless of gender, unless someone gives us very good reason for not doing so.

And girls on this forum are to be very much welcomed. So let's all treat them with the respect that will make them enjoy being here and want to stay.

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I hear what you're saying, but not knowing any better, honest mistake or not, is exactly WHY I posted this. Some guys DON'T know better and obviously aren't getting this help in their real life, so that's why I posted this - for those guys!

Just curious of what you mean by "respect is earned not given"? And, while I do get that my expectations may be a little higher than they should be, but if you want the quality women to stick around this site, you HAVE to have higher expectations on here, in my opinion. For some reason, I have a soft spot for the guy who just doesn't know any better. I feel for them and want to help them have better success with women, both online and in real life. Being that this is more of a community and not just passerbys, I figured it would be helpful to give the guys some insight into us girls and what works and what doesn't with us. Is that so wrong?

What I mean by "Respect is earned not given" is that I see so many women these days preaching for guys to respect them; when they won't do the same for the guys at all. Its just I was raised on to be stand tall and be the best I could be ; along side the morals and views of a gentleman. That being something like not knowing any better or what have you is not appealing. It just seems like when a guy is so helpless, the women who date him are more of choosing a new toy rather than a romantic partner. To play with him only to toss him aside when they get bored.

Its just not about what works and does not work in my experience, its just a biased pandering to self serving desires. In short its just counterproductive, because other women would not think like you. Its not wrong in the least, it just would be great if guys who treated for their own merits and not just pitied and passed around with back handed compliments.

It would be ideal if people where treated with respect regardless of gender but some women act so spoiled and entitled and some men have ego issues and are just on some sites to perv. I mean it seems a bit illogical to bring up an issue of men being pervy if men who are not don't get treated any better than the guys who are pervy. It might seem right to think of it in the manner you do when you already have a comfortable place in a community. Its just cruel to bait people with acting a certain way will get them acceptance from people who would rather not let anyone in.

To be blunt, if they where of such quality; they would stick around no matter what. It's just seems like a bunch of selfish pandering , making " just be yourself" irrelevant.

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I have been meaning to post in this ever since it was created and even promised Autumn I would (sorry!). I've written something a couple of times but then deleted it because I couldn't put what I wanted to say into words. I'm just going to wing it so I apologise if this is a bit short or even a ramble, or if it doesn't make much sense.

Autumn has hit the nail on the head with all of her posts, we don't expect to be treated like princesses, we're not some super delicate creature that gets offended with every dirty comment. We like talking about pee or we wouldn't be here! All we're asking for is a little respect. Talk to us like you would with anyone else on the forum. We're no different. What I dislike is how people sometimes treat us like objects for their pleasure, and solely that. We must talk about pee constantly, we must always share every detail about every story.

We like talking about pee or sex or other things like that, but we like talking about other things too! As peegirl91 said "I'm more than happy to chat to people about sex, but I like chatting about sex as an equal, not as a sex object." What annoys me is how some people like to steer the conversation straight to sex, often without even a simple "how are you?" Some of my favourite members to talk to I have known for years, and the reason I enjoy talking to them so much is because we talk about a variety of topics. We're freinds. If the conversation naturally turns to pee, great! I'm all for it. But please don't have a one track mind and only want to talk about one thing.

I understand this is a site all about pee, and I understand it is an adult site and these things should be expected. But if I feel like an object rather than a person it drives me away. I've quit chatrooms before because of how I was treated more like an object, and I've nearly quit here too because of some of the comments.

"if they where of such quality; they would stick around no matter what." So if we're a decent person and a decent poster we have to put up with shit?

Just my two cents, I'm sorry if it doesn't make much sense or I come across as a self-entitled whiney cow.

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I have been meaning to post in this ever since it was created and even promised Autumn I would (sorry!). I've written something a couple of times but then deleted it because I couldn't put what I wanted to say into words. I'm just going to wing it so I apologise if this is a bit short or even a ramble, or if it doesn't make much sense.

Autumn has hit the nail on the head with all of her posts, we don't expect to be treated like princesses, we're not some super delicate creature that gets offended with every dirty comment. We like talking about pee or we wouldn't be here! All we're asking for is a little respect. Talk to us like you would with anyone else on the forum. We're no different. What I dislike is how people sometimes treat us like objects for their pleasure, and solely that. We must talk about pee constantly, we must always share every detail about every story.

We like talking about pee or sex or other things like that, but we like talking about other things too! As peegirl91 said "I'm more than happy to chat to people about sex, but I like chatting about sex as an equal, not as a sex object." What annoys me is how some people like to steer the conversation straight to sex, often without even a simple "how are you?" Some of my favourite members to talk to I have known for years, and the reason I enjoy talking to them so much is because we talk about a variety of topics. We're freinds. If the conversation naturally turns to pee, great! I'm all for it. But please don't have a one track mind and only want to talk about one thing.

I understand this is a site all about pee, and I understand it is an adult site and these things should be expected. But if I feel like an object rather than a person it drives me away. I've quit chatrooms before because of how I was treated more like an object, and I've nearly quit here too because of some of the comments.

"if they where of such quality; they would stick around no matter what." So if we're a decent person and a decent poster we have to put up with shit?

Just my two cents, I'm sorry if it doesn't make much sense or I come across as a self-entitled whiney cow.

Agreed Sophie,its often as nice just to chat about the little things in life too..I know I have been an arse a bit,but i get what you and Autumn mean.Great!I guess some of us are single guys,and maybe were guilty of getting over enthuasiastic here.It would be indeed a great loss if our lovely ladies were to quit the site,so be nice,guys.

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Hopefully I come across on here like I would be in real life. I'd like to think I'm a gentleman, just not a perfect one.

I consider the women on this site as friends, equals, peers and, admittedly, sometimes pee-ers, too. While I like to talk about pee, it's not the only thing I'm interested in. I can probably converse about most every subject under the sun. Just ask. But, I don't think most of you are on this forum to talk about politics, the environment or sports.

Perhaps I am a bit less inhibited in front of women here than I would be on a first date, but it's not much different than I would be on a hike. From most all the conversations I've had, I'm pretty sure of you are going to want to watch.

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  • 5 months later...

I thought I'd bump this post. It's spring and, while the sap may have risen, a lot of us guys are still behaving at a lower level. I know, like other things, our social skills probably got rusty over the winter, but it's time we renewed our efforts to treat the women with respect and as our equals.

Of course, that doesn't mean we can't talk about pee-related topics. But, sometimes the conversation, er, flows much better when we at least make the effort to be interested in what's going on in their life. If you can't do that, you're better being like my farmer neighbors and stick to talking about the weather.

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It's sad that nearly ever forum on the internet has to have this same discussion but it's an excellent reminder here. I've seen more than one fun forum killed when all the friendly women get sick of the BS. Be a gentleman, even a slightly pervy one perhaps, and everyone has fun. Like the OP said, these girls are not going to suddenly run away with any of us. And the ones who say they will, 50/50 shot they're not really girls :P

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  • 4 months later...
This is in NO way directed at every male on here. Just food for thought for many of you and the new males who join this site. Please understand that women usually have their defenses up when it comes to men. Take the approach like you do with water - dip in slowly and gently - not hard and fast! That totally came out sexual....oops!

I think your post is good advice. I would only try the mildest of interactions if there were any women here in my age range. I would say that would be 55+ and I doubt if there are any.

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My thanks to those who found this thread and bumped it. It's well worth reading and there are some great comments made.

The way I see it, talking to people online is no different from meeting someone at a club or in any other social context. "Can I see your tits?" isn't an acceptable opening line at the pub so why do people think it's ok here?

A little decency goes a long way. Be yourself, be polite and have a chat. Make a friend and who knows where it might lead, but having a new friend is a pretty damn good result all by itself. :thumbsup:

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My thanks to those who found this thread and bumped it. It's well worth reading and there are some great comments made.

The way I see it, talking to people online is no different from meeting someone at a club or in any other social context. "Can I see your tits?" isn't an acceptable opening line at the pub so why do people think it's ok here?

A little decency goes a long way. Be yourself, be polite and have a chat. Make a friend and who knows where it might lead, but having a new friend is a pretty damn good result all by itself. :thumbsup:

I could not agree more! You hit the nail on the head so hard it's gone straight through the wood.

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Ive often chatted with several of our lovely ladies(you know who you are,dirty girls!:)),and had a LOT of fun with them..just a shame there are thousands of miles between us..Once you get to know someone,then more pictorial fun may/may not follow,but its always nice to have diverting chats.Thank you girls..x

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I must agree with your post. The key here is make the woman feel... Loved, respected and be interested in what she has to say. You would be surprised how everything else falls through.

I think men and women are actually quite similar in this regard. Yeah, there's always some guy barging in with "Which of you girls wants my 9" ..." or something like that (and seriously, has that EVER worked ... anywhere? :banghead: ) but if we can get past the irritants, the people having conversations seem like people I could chat with over a pint.

No one likes to be hassled, pushed or harassed. Now I'm off to the shout box to say hello. :thumbsup:

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Hi all,

I've wanted to write about this for a while, but my days have been pretty busy, so I thought I'd take a few minutes on this lazy Sunday morning and share with you my thoughts about the whole pee chat discussion that has come up a few times lately.

I've been a member of WGP for about 4-5 months now and I've noticed an interesting trend with many of the male members on here with regards to the females. Now, this isn't my first rodeo and I do understand that this is a site with a sexual topic. None of us would be on here if we couldn't view or discuss this fun fetish we all have, right? One of the things that drew me to here was the ability to connect with others who enjoy pee stuff like I do. It's much more friendly than other sites I've checked out!

I've had a profile on Experience Project for about 4 years and am a former webcam model on MyFreeCams. My EP profile has almost 10,000 fans/friends. Needless to say that 90+% of those fans are male. I receive a TON of messages from them. In my year and a half of camming and the four years on EP, I've learned a LOT about the male psyche and the DOs and DON'Ts of the web world when it comes to interacting with women.

You may or may not agree with these, but if you're one of the male members on this site and have struggled with your interactions with women online/in real life, you may want to pay attention!

1. Female members are NOT your play toy. They are members here who enjoy pee just like you do, but they aren't here to help you get your rocks off. (Some of them MAY be here for that, but they are the exception and not the rule)

2. We enjoy real and genuine conversation, whether it's about pee or not. When you're trying to open up a conversation with a woman, start with something less up front than, "Hey, you have a sexy pussy. I'd love to fill you up sometime" or "Hey, wanna cam?" Trust me, this shit DOES happen all the time. Now, to be fair, it's a LOT better here than on EP, but I've had some similar things happen.

3. Men tend to be more crass and straightforward about their desires than women. Women want to be charmed and made to feel good about themselves. We also enjoy getting to know more about a man than just how big his dick is! After a while, they all look the same. We want to see YOU and not just your tool. We also want to know YOU and not just your sexual desires. Find something in common and chat about that. You'll get a lot farther with the conversation that way.

4. Big one here, NO, WE ARE NOT LOOKING FOR A HOOKUP. Seriously, guys. This one gets old. Resign yourself to the fact that none of the girls on here are wanting to fuck you. Especially if she's hot (or, at least moderately attractive) the sheer number of guys she could have at any given time with one Craigslist ad or jaunt to the club would blow your fucking minds. We can smell your desperation from a mile away!

5. Tie in to #4, by actually being kind to the girls on here and opening up the lines of communication, you will learn a LOT about how to treat girls in the real world, too. Maybe even learn a thing or two about how to find girls who DO want to spend time with you and, eventually, even have sex with her. Confidence is key and not being pushy on YOUR needs is incredibly important.

I know that my bluntness here will probably be taken the wrong way by some of you, so I want to clarify some stuff, especially regarding the shoutbox. Some of you have a one-track mind. It's pee/sex all the time and you think that everyone on here feels the same way. It's pretty easy to tell when a girl is wanting/not wanting to engage in your sexual satisfaction discussion. If you present something sexual to her and she starts answering in short one or two word responses or doesn't answer your question at all, it's time to back off - she doesn't want to go there with you, at least not right at that moment. Try talking about something else if you start to notice this. Asking questions is always a good start!

I'm sure some of you may be thinking, "WTF? Why would I want to be on a sex site if I can't chat about sex?" This kind of thinking tells me two things - 1. You don't get it and maybe never will, because that's NOT what I'm saying and 2. You're using the internet as a way of interacting with women in a sexual capacity because you probably don't have this option in the real world. If it's option #2 for you, I challenge you to retool your thinking about sex chat. It's one thing to chat about pee/sex and it's a totally different to chat with a woman you see as your sex object.

Autumn I totally agree with you and we'll said I think everyone should be treated with respect and that way we can all chat about pee stuff

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Hi all,

I've wanted to write about this for a while, but my days have been pretty busy, so I thought I'd take a few minutes on this lazy Sunday morning and share with you my thoughts about the whole pee chat discussion that has come up a few times lately.

I've been a member of WGP for about 4-5 months now and I've noticed an interesting trend with many of the male members on here with regards to the females. Now, this isn't my first rodeo and I do understand that this is a site with a sexual topic. None of us would be on here if we couldn't view or discuss this fun fetish we all have, right? One of the things that drew me to here was the ability to connect with others who enjoy pee stuff like I do. It's much more friendly than other sites I've checked out!

I've had a profile on Experience Project for about 4 years and am a former webcam model on MyFreeCams. My EP profile has almost 10,000 fans/friends. Needless to say that 90+% of those fans are male. I receive a TON of messages from them. In my year and a half of camming and the four years on EP, I've learned a LOT about the male psyche and the DOs and DON'Ts of the web world when it comes to interacting with women.

You may or may not agree with these, but if you're one of the male members on this site and have struggled with your interactions with women online/in real life, you may want to pay attention!

1. Female members are NOT your play toy. They are members here who enjoy pee just like you do, but they aren't here to help you get your rocks off. (Some of them MAY be here for that, but they are the exception and not the rule)

2. We enjoy real and genuine conversation, whether it's about pee or not. When you're trying to open up a conversation with a woman, start with something less up front than, "Hey, you have a sexy pussy. I'd love to fill you up sometime" or "Hey, wanna cam?" Trust me, this shit DOES happen all the time. Now, to be fair, it's a LOT better here than on EP, but I've had some similar things happen.

3. Men tend to be more crass and straightforward about their desires than women. Women want to be charmed and made to feel good about themselves. We also enjoy getting to know more about a man than just how big his dick is! After a while, they all look the same. We want to see YOU and not just your tool. We also want to know YOU and not just your sexual desires. Find something in common and chat about that. You'll get a lot farther with the conversation that way.

4. Big one here, NO, WE ARE NOT LOOKING FOR A HOOKUP. Seriously, guys. This one gets old. Resign yourself to the fact that none of the girls on here are wanting to fuck you. Especially if she's hot (or, at least moderately attractive) the sheer number of guys she could have at any given time with one Craigslist ad or jaunt to the club would blow your fucking minds. We can smell your desperation from a mile away!

5. Tie in to #4, by actually being kind to the girls on here and opening up the lines of communication, you will learn a LOT about how to treat girls in the real world, too. Maybe even learn a thing or two about how to find girls who DO want to spend time with you and, eventually, even have sex with her. Confidence is key and not being pushy on YOUR needs is incredibly important.

I know that my bluntness here will probably be taken the wrong way by some of you, so I want to clarify some stuff, especially regarding the shoutbox. Some of you have a one-track mind. It's pee/sex all the time and you think that everyone on here feels the same way. It's pretty easy to tell when a girl is wanting/not wanting to engage in your sexual satisfaction discussion. If you present something sexual to her and she starts answering in short one or two word responses or doesn't answer your question at all, it's time to back off - she doesn't want to go there with you, at least not right at that moment. Try talking about something else if you start to notice this. Asking questions is always a good start!

I'm sure some of you may be thinking, "WTF? Why would I want to be on a sex site if I can't chat about sex?" This kind of thinking tells me two things - 1. You don't get it and maybe never will, because that's NOT what I'm saying and 2. You're using the internet as a way of interacting with women in a sexual capacity because you probably don't have this option in the real world. If it's option #2 for you, I challenge you to retool your thinking about sex chat. It's one thing to chat about pee/sex and it's a totally different to chat with a woman you see as your sex object.

I totally agree with this, and reading it brought a few tears to my eyes since I for one know I have been guilty of some of those. I do regret the things I have done but I am trying not to make the same mistake again. I am not saying this for people to feel sorry for me but just being honest. Women deserve to be treated with respect and not used as a play thing for a bunch of horny guys. If I could apologise to the ladies I had done some of those to I would. Hopefully I can make some friends here of both genders.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm new here, but I had very good experiences at Elite Gold several years ago. The opportunity to interact with ALL genders at such a wonderful place as that was one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life. I remember being one of the salivating dogs in my first few visits, but then actually taking the time to get to know both the women and the men present there. I hope to do the same here. And BTW, is the "shout box" the same as the chat room? I guess I will eventually find out :unsure:

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  • 2 weeks later...

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