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Is it okay to listen to your female relatives pee by standing outside the closed bathroom doors at home bathrooms?


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I can't say I've intentionally done this, but at times female relatives have used my bathroom and peed a little loud. It's not like I could unhear what just happened, but when they came out I never showed any indication I noticed anything.

Not that my family is unattractive, but I don't have any feelings for my relatives. Well, except maybe my cousin's twenty-something daughter. 🙄 I was visiting one Saturday at her parent's lakeside cabin watching a game, when she came inside to use the bathroom. I'm not going to admit I listened, but I'm pretty sure she's a hoverer. 🤣

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10 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

I always love reading these type of posts - which start off with a question, and then more people contribute building up a picture of their preferences, beliefs and experiences.

When someone asks what is acceptable, or what is 'normal' - well of course pretty much everything we share on this site is outside of vanilla-normal. In a fifty shades of grey context, and using the biblical black as sin metaphor it's not black but it's not virgin white either.

So breaking things into steps...  my mind makes a rock-solid connection between female pee and arousal. Taking a step back up the thought processes and there's lots of related things which all cause that arousal...  seeing the act of peeing, hearing someone on the other side of a closed door peeing, seeing someone desperate to pee, hearing them express it. Seeing a puddle on the ground and a tissue.  Many of those things all rely heavily on my imagination to make the links between my senses and the things that turn me on.

Now, because I hear or see someone pee doesn't mean I want to have sex with that person - yes I'm aroused, but it doesn't mean I'm aroused enough to perform with that one person.

It's hard to explain, I suppose if I was walking down the street and saw someone eating a chocolate donut, I may suddenly realise how much I love donuts and feel hungry and crave a donut.  But it doesn't mean I'm going to snatch their donut - and my preference actually is for a chocolate caramel donut, a slightly different flavour.  So I may go to a different shop and buy my choice of donut.  I've been inspired to eat a donut, but not their donut....

I'm hungry now 🍩

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Funny isn't it, I must be a very visual person, I don't find pee sounds in the slightest bit hot unless I'm already watching. Hearing through a toilet door, or a neighbouring cubicle does nothing for me. 🤷‍♂️

Edited by mickymoist
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55 minutes ago, mickymoist said:

Funny isn't it, I must be a very visual person, I don't find pee sounds in the slightest bit hot unless I'm already watching. Hearing through a toilet door, or a neighbouring cubicle do nothing for me. 🤷‍♂️

Just another example of the immensely diverse range of responses we all have Micky 🙂 

Edited by Kupar
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I don’t think there anything particularly wrong with listening to people pee, I probably wouldn’t advise telling them as that may make them self conscious or a little weirded out though. I think it might be a little intimidating if you follow someone and noticeably stand outside for no reason. But if you were in the next room and decided to do nothing but listen subtly or stop to check your phone as you were walking past and listen then I can’t see an issue with that. I used to be very pee shy so if I heard someone outside I’d either not be able to go or would do everything I could to dampen the sound and limit everything. So I guess be aware of how they could feel if they know you are there. But overall it sounds harmless to me!

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Yes! So most of the time, pee does nothing for me. It’s just a bodily function and I don’t think about it. If I see people peeing it does nothing or me and I just look away or walk past. I don’t do anything with pee usually until I’m turned on. When I’m turned on, suddenly the thought of peeing becomes a huge thrill and I start to want to trying alL sorts of things I read on here (the lower end less risky stuff). However the moment I orgasm, all those thoughts vanish and I’m not interested again and often I feel ashamed or embarrassed about anything I did during that time. It’s complex haha

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22 hours ago, glad1 said:

I can't say I've intentionally done this, but at times female relatives have used my bathroom and peed a little loud. It's not like I could unhear what just happened, but when they came out I never showed any indication I noticed anything.

Not that my family is unattractive, but I don't have any feelings for my relatives. Well, except maybe my cousin's twenty-something daughter. 🙄 I was visiting one Saturday at her parent's lakeside cabin watching a game, when she came inside to use the bathroom. I'm not going to admit I listened, but I'm pretty sure she's a hoverer. 🤣

Now that I mention it, my situation is similar to yours. I don't intentionally listen, but I can fuckin hear them through the closed door. Sometimes I wonder if they can hear me peeing through the door, oh god that would make me so self conscious.

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I am very visual, so the sound doesn't do anything for me unless I can also see that is happening. Listening behind a closed door, to me and I accept others have very different interests which is fine, has no real interest.

At the end of the day each to their own, and this interest encompasses a whole load of variety and long may it carry on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would say it is no worse to listen to relatives peeing than it is to listen to anyone else peeing.   I have no qualms at all about listening to ladies peeing - but I don't advertise the fact to them.   I'm sure they sometimes know that I can hear them, but they probably are not bothered by that.  On the other hand, they probably just think of it as a noise that is made and that I hear and they probably don't realise that I enjoy it.  So, for example, we have a secretary that works in our house.   If I am in the kitchen, she makes various noises in the office (the next room over) from talking to people on the phone, coughing, rattling paperwork, shutting cupboard doors, none of which she would think twice about.   Then, if she needs to pee, she goes to the toilet, she closes the door and I hear the door shut, her clothes rustle, the tinkle in the toilet, the toilet roll being pulled off, her clothes being adjusted, the flush, the tap being run and the door opening.   She doesn't think anything of doing that and she probably doesn't think that I'm listening to that any more than I listen to her banging cupboard doors or using the photocopier.    The fact that I am listening more intensely at that point is not known to her and she, being none the wiser, probably doesn't care.   If she did know that I was enjoying it, I'm not sure whether that would change her to be more discrete about her timings, or whether she would actually like to know that someone appreciated her sounds.   I do think she would be shocked if she found me right outside the door when she opened it though.

As to the reverse situation, I work upstairs, so normally pee in the upstairs toilet and she might think it weird if I came down and used the toilet next to her office, but when I do pee, I happily aim for the centre of the water and make plenty of noise about it.   She must hear it and I don't know whether she likes it or whether she just treats it as another noise in the house.   She is obviously doesn't consider peeing to be something that has to be overly secretive though because one day I was mid pee in the upstairs toilet, which is immediately opposite the top of the stairs.  I was hidden by the door which was between me and the toilet, but was not fully closed when she called me from the bottom of the stairs.  She must have heard that I was peeing before she called me, but I replied and said "Just a minute, I'm peeing".   She said "no problem" and then carried on to ask me the question that she wanted to ask and we had a conversation whilst I was peeing loudly into the water and she was standing just at the bottom of the stairs. I finished in the bathroom and came out and continued talking to her with no mention of the peeing or an apology for interrupting me.   It was just the same as if she had come out of the office to talk to me whilst I was making a mug of tea.   It surprised me a little bit - I thought that if she'd come to the bottom of the stairs to call me and had heard me peeing then she would have gone back to the office and tried again a few minutes later.   

I have peed in the toilet next to her office when I've been downstairs helping her and the phone has rung, so she has answered the phone and I've nipped to the adjacent toilet rather than going upstairs.   Likewise, she has been to the toilet when I've been helping her with something and she left me to it whilst she went to pee just the other side of the wall.   As others have said, she probably just sees it as something we all do.

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The question I have is for OP, can you tell the difference in the sound by their parts?

If we rephrase this question you're asking it could border on "Is it ok to invade my family's space and privacy?" Might they view you as that creepy uncle that no one invites to family events?

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I think that @WetNightmare was just using the term 'uncle' as an example...   The real question touching on that fact that many people in the wider world think that our deep interest in pee is weird.  So I think the question being asked was - ignoring whether it's right or wrong, if a person was caught whilst they were standing outside a bathroom door listening, would it cause problems within the family. 

Really, each one of us has to make up our own minds about what we feel is acceptable.  It is a trade-off between satisfying our kink, against the risks we may take in doing that.

So to keep the example - if for example we were talking about you listening to your sister, mother, aunt or cousin, it really doesn't matter what I think.  It's your own decision how far you want to go.  There is always some risk to everything we do in life.  And if you're standing outside a bathroom door I guess there is a chance they hear a floorboard creak, see a shadow under the door, or the risk a different family member could find you standing there.  If you were caught what effect would that have on your relationship with the girl and with your mutual relations.  No judgement of course - just thoughts.


Also, you'll see I have removed a couple of threads. Hopefully you understand why.

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Here are my general answers to the original question here.

I love to hear a woman pee and imagine what is going on behind that closed door. For as long as I can remember I have tried my best to listen to any woman pee possible, family member or otherwise. In my house there are three bathrooms. One is positioned sort of in the middle of where people easily walk back and forth (some people don't like it there honestly) and I often time my walking back and forth to try and pass by the bathroom door while guests are peeing.  The drawback of the bathroom being where it is, is that the light and fan are on the same switch which makes it more difficult to hear.

The two upstairs bathrooms are literally right next to each other. So if the wall were taken down the toilets would literally be side by side. During big parties when people tend to use the upstairs bathroom I occasionally sneak into my master bathroom quietly and just listen through the wall when I see an appealing female guest heading up there.

I of course have listened to women peeing in countless locations over the years. Is it appropriate? Probably not! But it is fairly easy to get away with by behaving casually and quite easy to laugh off if you get caught from time to time. But...there is also nothing wrong with it whatsoever.

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  • 8 months later...

I did this a lot in the 1960s when I was a kid. My mom would host weekly meetings of the local womens club... and some of our aunts would be there. I would follow all the ladies to the bathroom and would listen at the door. We also had a door that did not close all the way, and I would peek a lot too. 

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@Bob3322, I did similar things as a kid, in the 1940's and 1950's, and continued doing them, but VERY discreetly, all the way into my adult life. I still maintain an awareness of opportunities, even at my present, advanced age (80's). My mom, aunts, and sisters made it easy for me, since they usually left the bathroom door partially or totally open, so both sound and vision were often possible. They relied upon their very secretive peeing style, sitting all the way down on the toilet, with their thighs pressed tightly together, bending forward at the waist, to achieve or maintain whatever modesty they wanted.

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3 hours ago, Dr.P said:

@Bob3322, I did similar things as a kid, in the 1940's and 1950's, and continued doing them, but VERY discreetly, all the way into my adult life. I still maintain an awareness of opportunities, even at my present, advanced age (80's). My mom, aunts, and sisters made it easy for me, since they usually left the bathroom door partially or totally open, so both sound and vision were often possible. They relied upon their very secretive peeing style, sitting all the way down on the toilet, with their thighs pressed tightly together, bending forward at the waist, to achieve or maintain whatever modesty they wanted.

Interesting... it seemed like when I peeked in on the ladies, most would sit on the toilet.. with knees together hands on knees back straight.. very prim and proper..lol

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@Bob3322, Yes, that is a good description of the style that was apparently popular, in the 1940's and 1950's, with the additional caveat to bend slightly forward, for the sake of neatness. It seemed to me that it was actually considered "proper" by the ladies, particularly the mom's, of that earlier time, too. My mom trained all three of my younger sisters to use that style, I remember her yelling at one or another of them, "Bend over, so you don't get (the seat, your panties, or your legs) wet."

As you point out, this style was "prim and proper," and also very effective at hiding the action going on, in the toilet, so much so, that some girls and women didn't find it necessary to close the bathroom door, for privacy. My family apparently followed that theory. My aunts and my mom were quite irritated when my grandfather remodeled his house so that he had an unobstructed view of the toilet, from his favorite chair, in the living room, when the bathroom door was open. They buzzed about it for a long time, calling him a dirty old man, etc. Leaving the door open was probably a matter of convenience, so they were not isolated from other activities going on in the house, like kids getting into mischief, while they were taking a brief pee.

Edited by Dr.P
Added quotation marks to a direct quote.
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