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Do you ever fantasize about people you know...

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Whether it be thoughts or (day)dreams, do you ever imagine people you know in your everyday life peeing? Obviously peeing is something we all do regularly, but do you ever find yourself picturing a friend or colleague peeing?

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Does thinking back to ex girlfriends count?

You mean memories of pee fun with them? I guess so, but I was more curious if anyone actually imagines pee scenarios with people they know in their everyday life that haven't actually happened?

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Whether it be thoughts or (day)dreams, do you ever imagine people you know in your everyday life peeing? Obviously peeing is something we all do regularly, but do you ever find yourself picturing a friend or colleague peeing?

Yep, particularly when I hear anecdotes about them peeing. One of my ex's posted a story about being out skiing with her new bf and needing to pee, so she dropped her trousers and peed whilst nearly up to her arse in snow! That was fun to read about, definitely something I'd have loved to have seen.

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Generally speaking, I try to avoid fantasising too much about girls I currently know....but I regularly fantasise about girls I have known in the past. Curiously, though, I tend not to feel fully comfortable fantasising about girls I know until they have passed out of my social circle. I just feel uncomfortable and awkward nurturing sexual thoughts about females I currently associate with in a wholly non-sexual way.

The exception tends to be girls I have met on fetish sites and befriended. I feel fully comfortable fantasising sexually about them, since from the start they have been aware of my real sexual interests, and talking about them - amongst a whole load of other things that it is more typical for friends to talk about - is normal for us. There are several females I have befriended online whom I have had sexual fantasies about....and been honest in telling them about it.

One of my friends, for example, is a businesswoman about my age with a thing about peeing, and I have fantasised about her peeing on my carpet, or on me, or both. The fact that she regards pissing on a carpet as so totally wrong (in a non-judgemental way, if you know what I mean - she is not at all bothered by me being into that), just makes the idea of her actually doing it even more of a turn on! And the thought of some highly successful and respected busineswoman - pillar of the community as she is seen to be - with a secret pee fetish, just standing and peeing on my carpet right in front of me, is such a turn on to imagine.

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  • 1 month later...

I know this is going to sound wrong or sick but I think about my sisters peeing and what they look like sitting on the toilet and weather the push the pee out or let it come out naturally and what there vaginas look like if they have a bush or trimmed or shaved

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I do actually fantasize about a female Friend of mine. Sometimes at her house she'll get up and go to the loo, and there has been a couple of occasions when I've been able to hear her having a wee. I confess that in my mind I've tried to imagine her in there. I've pictured her taking off her pants and knickers, then I've imagined her sitting on the loo, opening her legs and her wee running out of her fanny into the water. It feels naughty, and sometimes it feels wrong, because she is actually a good friend of mine. But I suppose that as long as I don't tell her, then I suppose it's ok. I confess it does turn me on!

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I often fantasize about some of the women I work with or some of my friends...My favorite is embracing them in a hug, and feeling something wet and warm while keeping them close and looking up to see an embarrassed face.

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  • 6 years later...

My answer is a definite, resounding YES! I often fantasize about women I currently know, and am in contact with, peeing. I try to guess their styles, from their body language, outside the bathroom. It is one of my favorite areas of fantasizing, whenever I meet a new and attractive woman. I also fantasize and/or remember the peeing styles of all the women in my past, whether I actually observed them peeing, or not. I have no feelings of guilt, in any case. To me, it is all part of being attracted to a woman, since her peeing is a very intimate aspect of her total personality, and I want to know everything about her, if I care about her, at all. To me, her peeing is the sexiest, and most intimate and attractive thing a woman can do, and share with me, if she chooses.  

Edited by Dr.P
Clarification of the last sentence.
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Oh man, honestly, there isn't a single girl I know personally and regard as attractive/desirable that I haven't watched pee in my mind's eye... I've also watched about half of them pee in real life lol. The dynamic I tend to form with my female friends (especially those I meet in my college classes, internships etc) is quite unusual, or so I've been told; more than half of them are friends with 'benefits', so when I tell them to show me how they pee, they comply. Guess I'm a lucky guy haha.

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I have actually seen a photo of someone i used to know at school (and quite fancied on the QT) , completely naked and pissing in the woods. I was amazed and quite turned on

Edited by Cuckoo42
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Most definitely, I remember having a dream where I came across a girl I knew when I was at school (who I'm gonna call Rose) in the woods having a high squat piss. Rose just happens to be one of those girls who is very vocal about her peeing habits, she's told people a number of stories such as one time she was on a bus and was hovering over the toilet (you know one of those crappy toilets you get on some buses) even though the door wouldn't shut properly. She also once told me that one time a teacher wouldn't let her go to the toilet so she threatened to piss on the floor of the classroom (unfortunately I don't know what happened next). Needless to say, these stories made my imagination go wild.

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Guest UnabashedUser
10 hours ago, Dr.P said:

It is one of my favorite areas of fantasizing, whenever I meet a new and attractive woman.

Me too!  When I encounter an attractive women of legal age I immediately picture her dropping panties and hovering over a toilet and pissing noisily while I observe on my knees in front of her.

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Glad to see I'm not alone....   I'm almost constantly considering the 'what-ifs', what is she wearing under that skirt or jeans,  is she shaved, trimmed or fully natural?  Does she need to go, what would her attitude be to pee, what would she do as a last resort.   All of those questions and many more.

Obviously these are always just personal musings. I find it easy to keep these thoughts separate as pure personal fantasy - nothing improper apart from my thoughts. 

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UnabashedUser said,

"Me too!  When I encounter an attractive women of legal age I immediately picture her dropping panties and hovering over a toilet and pissing noisily while I observe on my knees in front of her."

@UnabashedUser, That's my favorite fantasy, too!

Specter said,

"Oh man, honestly, there isn't a single girl I know personally and regard as attractive/desirable that I haven't watched pee in my mind's eye... I've also watched about half of them pee in real life lol. The dynamic I tend to form with my female friends (especially those I meet in my college classes, internships etc) is quite unusual, or so I've been told; more than half of them are friends with 'benefits', so when I tell them to show me how they pee, they comply. Guess I'm a lucky guy haha."


You most certainly are a very lucky guy! At my advanced age, I have very few female friends with actual 'benefits,' anymore, but I make the best of what I have. The dynamic I tend to form with female friends has always included encouraging open, uninhibited, conversations, in which they reveal intimate aspects of their sometimes secret lives to me. In many cases, these conversations have eventually led to intimate behaviors and relationships, in reality. Even in the present, these conversations can become quite intimate and exciting, in themselves.

Here is an example, taken from Part 1 of my story about "Leah" posted recently in the Fictional Pee Stories forum of Pee Fans. (Part 1 is the factual introduction to the fictional story.)

"In one of our first flirtatious conversations, not long after we met, when we were drinking in a bar, at "happy hour," after work, she revealed an incident from her youth, growing up in Northern Europe, when the boys in her rural school, sneaked under the girls' toilet, actually an outhouse, and watched her pee. After telling me her story, she marveled at how easy it was for her to talk to me, and reveal such an intimate confidence. I asked her if she had ever told her husband about the incident, and she said no, she had not. I thanked her for her confidence in me, and assured her that she could tell me anything, without fear of my revealing her secrets. I wondered if she was squatting or sitting, when she peed, during this incident, but I didn't dare ask her, at that time, although I was sorely tempted."

Since I still talk with her daily, on the phone, I plan to revive this story, and ask her this question, among others, when she seems to be in a sexy mood.



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Just to add to my previous....   exercising the imagination when it comes to people I know, just as much as an attractive stranger in the street.

Yes, if I see an attractive (to me) person in the street then I may get that spark of imagination about them....  But the added factor is that with friends and acquaintances there's more chance of them fuelling the imagination like throwing a bucket of petrol onto that spark.

Like for example giving a lift across town to a client's assistant after she'd supervised a cold outdoor photo shoot and her first words on getting into the car were "I really need a wee".   Or a month or so back, a wife's friend and her daughter sitting in our back garden and daughter comments that mum never plays on their trampoline. Cue a slightly embarrassed mum explaining why...    The young barmaid who lives in a converted outbuilding at her parent's house with no bathroom, who's overheard telling a drinker she often doesn't bother going into the house at night for the toilet....

These situations are of course like lighting the blue touch paper.  It doesn't mean I'm going to let on to them at all about the effect they've just had on me.  Even if they are 'one of us' it doesn't mean I want them to know that I am.   That's not my point.  My point is that those sort of moments which happen relatively regularly add an extra dimension. Telling me something in their own words.  Without them, it's just a silent random stranger in the street who may as well be a flat cardboard cutout. 

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