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OMG @Chrissy89! That is amazing. I love it. Thanks so much for taking the time to write about your lovely evening for us. You're very good to us ❤️

I am so pleased that you had such a nice meal out, walk home, and an exciting time ... and, more importantly, that trying out the pee thing worked out for you, even if N isn't into it. You still got your fun, and it sounds like ultimately he did too. Thanks again, and sleep well xx

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My oh my Chrissy. I am LOST for words! That was both incredibly wonderful to read and also extremely arousing. Thank you so much for sharing!!!!

I am so so so happy for you!!

I might need to dig out my handcuffs ...

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Sounds like you had fun 🙂

I don’t know why he wasn’t incredibly turned on by you peeing either. But I have the opposite problem, I am incredibly turned on by my partner peeing — she thinks it’s weird, and isn’t 😂

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Aw guys 🥰🥰 thanks again for the most wonderful comments. I really don’t know what’s more arousing, the actual event or getting it out on words and reliving the experience second by second! 
I’m still buzzing from it all last night! 😆

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31 minutes ago, Chrissy89 said:

Aw guys 🥰🥰 thanks again for the most wonderful comments. I really don’t know what’s more arousing, the actual event or getting it out on words and reliving the experience second by second! 
I’m still buzzing from it all last night! 😆

The gift that keeps giving lol.

Huge thanks for sharing with us - and I'll echo everyone else's reactions.

Maybe you'll have chance to discuss the events with N at some time coming up ?   Perhaps to explain that weeing with him right there felt a little taboo and naughty, and that made it feel arousing somehow -  and that you wouldn't of minded if he wanted to take a peek.   A subtle emphasis on peeing with him right there, without trying to explain the pee kink?

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Aww @gldenwetgoose who knows. No mention of it has been said this morning which massively relieving for me! Who knows hun! Maybe I’ll find the courage to and maybe not. What matters the most to me right now is the fact that we’re epic this morning and that I have memories that are going to last a lifetime and be hard to beat! 

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Super hot experience @Chrissy89 and I love the way that you turned it to your advantage.   The very fact that N didn't hesitate to come with you to the toilet and that he accepted you putting his hand between your legs when you wiped means that even if he is not exactly "into" pee, he at least isn't repulsed by it.   I am sure some men would have looked for an excuse to get out of coming with you and would have insisted on removing the cuffs or at least when you passed the paper from your free hand to your bound hand they would have resisted that change.  He may well not be keen to make anything of it, but there is hope that he might at least allow you to bring some pee play into the relationship.   My wife doesn't understand my love of pee, but she does indulge me from time to time.   Maybe N will come to be the same with you.

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  • 6 months later...

Right, that does it! I am buying some decent handcuffs! If asking *politely* for pee-play with my husband won’t work, maybe I will just hand-cuff him to me as my captive, do whatever I like, pee wherever I like, make him drink til he pees for me, and generally have my own way. … and just ask for forgiveness later. 😉😆💚

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  • 1 month later...

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