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What motivates authors of fictional stories and real experiences?

Authors: Why do you write stories?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Did you already write a story?

    • No, never thought about it
    • Thought about it, but not yet
    • Yes, but I'm keeping it to myself
    • Yes, I'm planning to share / publish it, but haven't yet
    • Yes, and I've shared / published it
  2. 2. Do you write fiction or real experiences and observations?

    • My stories are pure fiction
    • I'm writing down real experiences and observations
    • Augmented reality - a bit of fantasy increases interest and protects privacy
  3. 3. For yourself or for others?

    • I'm writing essentially for my own pleasure - if others enjoy it, good for them
    • My stories are for you - my own pleasure comes from your feedback
    • Both, to be honest - I enjoy writing, but I also want to attract readers and bath in a little bit of fame

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Dear writers,

I've always been intrigued why people write stories and share them on this forum or on other places on the web. There are a number of questions in the poll, but please also comment and describe what made / makes you write.

PS: I'm also intending a poll for readers, but one thing at a time...


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This is a good question, and really difficult to answer. I didn't think I would write fiction, but then I read some of @gldenwetgoose's stories and thought "Wow! Erotic pee fiction doesn't have to be all-action, dialogue-driven fantasy pee-fests involving college students (much as those are what many here like to read). It can be grown-up, literary, thoughtful and descriptive prose. Maybe I could try it. I have a few scenarios in my head." So that's why I did the first few stories. Totally inspired by my fiction-writing mentor. 

After that, a few people asked me to write things with specific characters, or in response to other stories, and by then I had found that I really liked writing these stories - they turn me on when I am writing them for one thing, and seeing other people's reactions is lovely. Everyone likes to be flattered from time to time.

I think my output has dried up over the last year, but sometimes there's the right combination of inspiration, motivation and time. 

Finally - I write the sort of fiction I like to read.

Does that help?

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All of my stories have always appealed to me sexually because my fantasies inspire me always. My thoughts are usually "well I have this fantasy but can't find any content that I like about it, and that frustrates me a lot." So to the keyboard it is! 

I actually have one that I've been meaning to write based off of a really hot dream I had, but I haven't had the time, as per usual lol.

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You're too kind @Kupar.    I think in my case it's a mix of writing for myself, and also knowing that a few people will enjoy it.   But it is literally a few, and there's no narcissist tendency in there for their adoration.

I've ticked all three options on question 2 which is perhaps a little exaggeration.  Most of the fiction I've written is based on anecdotes, sightings or just imagination.

I have maybe an unusual way of writing, which is that a scenario will develop in my mind and I'll allow it to tick over and grow into something plausible.  It has to be realistic, down to the individual characters involved.  Once that's in place I'll have 80% of a story written in my head.  The rest will usually be the final outcome which is develops as the words hit the screen.

Sometimes writing it down can be the means of exorcising a recurring fantasy from my brain.  A bit like an earworm, but a lot more arousing.

Anyway - as long as someone likes it lol.

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I tend to write about my own experiences and/or adventures.  I always hope others will enjoy them, but my success rate is probably under 50% ... I still tell the stories (occasional, I admit) so I'm clearly not looking for fame.  Writing is a form of release/exhibitionism.  My sneaky adventures are carefully executed and no one would know about them if I didn't tell the story.

In reality, I think I write more to find out if there are others who think like me rather to excite or turn on the audience.  I have found likeminded individuals this way, and been able to communicate with them, and for that I'll be eternally thankful.  Not being alone is a gift beyond price.

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I usually write about my own experiences (I am not good at fiction) and they are usually writen for myself, I enjoy reliving the moment as I am writing. But I also share them on the forum for others to enjoy and truly enjoy the feedback I get from them. Even though they are primarily written for me, if I didn't get any feedback and reaction I would not post them.

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I've been writing erotica on and off for 20 years, much of it involves peeing and pee-related activities.  Initially I wrote for my own enjoyment, but now I have a follwing of over a thousand readers, who are eagerly waiting for the next installment. 

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Thank you for the great feedback so far - I never expected this to gather as much attention. I'm always curious about others and grateful you share your motivations so openly. Please don't hesitate to add a link or two to your stories, so I (and others) can have a look without searching 🙂


Interestingly, I started writing for a totally different reason than what has been cited so far: I had been discovering the Internet and browsed a number of TGPs (anyone remember them? In those days before google when finding stuff was not that easy?). Somehow, I had ended up at Shara & Ger's site, and started reading in their collection of female desperation stories. There were other sites I was more attracted to, like exxxhaust.com (now pissbank.com), but apart from a few preview pics all required sharing one's credit card details. I didn't want my name connected in such a direct link to a porn site. So I started feeling like a leech and wanted to give back to the community. I asked Shara & Ger, and they were willing to publish my story. That is how "Bunker Break" came to be. Like @Kupar, I had been inspired by an author, in my case Gillian. True to the site theme, it contains a lot of female desperation and panty peeing, but I added things that I'm more interested in like naughty / outdoor peeing, soft domination, and in later chapters lesbian watersports and piss drinking.

The first chapter or prologue to "Walk Home" was also mostly motivated by fitting into Shara & Ger's site. The following chapters would probably contain less panty wetting had they not been written for them, but the general storyline builds on one of my oldest phantasies (I shouldn't tell you, but the real Alpian had been dreaming of this when he was still a fair number of year away from the official coming of age).

The last story in the line was "Tribute" (not yet published), a sequel to one of the stories of an author going by the name of Gillian. Again, I tweaked it in my sens - significantly reducing the physical discipline and desperation aspects, increasing the lesbian watersports and more psychological dominance / blackmailing aspects, adding piss drinking and naughty peeing to the mix.


As others have written (@Paulypeeps, @Bacardi), one of my main motivations since has become to create something to my taste. Night-long writing sessions have become the most sexually exciting experiences in my life, often followed by a weeklong hangover as reality simply does not provide for this type of experience and realization that I'm unlikely to ever meet someone kind enough to not scare me away yet naughty enough to push me into this kind of activity usually hits hard and hurts. Sharing my stories is certainly driven by a secret desire to find that unique person out there, a bit like @Sexismygod wrote it and @LovesToWet hints at. The later chapters of "Walk Home" or my latest story "Awakening" have come about this way. For the latter, it started with a post on this forum that somehow touched me. I was disturbed yet fascinated by the description, and then a couple days later, I searched for the post, copied it to Word and started writing. In the morning, I published the story and went to work. Usually, they are not publishable as-is and my hunger for positive feedback make me push back sharing sometimes for years (I'm far from @Maclir's success - congratulations!). Also, as dusk becomes night and night becomes dawn, my fantasies become somewhat recurrent and repetitive, as they repete the same sort of activity in more and more extreme settings and lose more and more their credibility and realism. That one time, I didn't procrastinate and just put it out here...

Contrary to what @gldenwetgoose writes, I must write a new fantasy down immediately. Many, many stories have gotten lost because I fantasized them e.g. during a long walk. And when I got home, I had climaxed, the story had gotten somewhat stale, and rekindling it never leads to quite the same slow build-up and credible development as the first time round. It's more like jumping straight into the third chapter. It doesn't work.


Writing erotic stories has changed me. The way I think, I feel, I fantasize. It happens that I'm in the middle of a daydream, or playing with myself in bed to a new fantasy, and my brain suddenly stops dead and says "This is not credible. How do you get from the previous scene to this development? Explain!" There are no more innocent, absurd fantasies. They must have an element of feasibility, as unlikely as it might be. Like @Sophie, I like to go back to my stories, read them over and over again, adding a paragraph here, a dialogue there, using them as a thread to build my arousal and climax at the exact right point.

Looking forward to reading more about you and your writing experiences!

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It is great to find out others thoughts on the writing process.

The 'Is this credible?' question kept cropping up in my early writing. I would read stories, and suposedly true accounts, and find them very hard to believe because I thought it could not be credible, but I have been inspired to try new things and discovered that what I once thought could not possibly happen is perfectly possible and has now become something I do as a matter of course. I have not tried everything that is in my fictional writing (yet!) but now I don't doubt that someone has. I have often written something I thought was a bit far-fetched, and then found myself doing just that some time later having been inspired by my own fiction.

My story index here:-


Edited by Paulypeeps
Aded index
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@MonsterKane46, that's a great idea to include peeing in a mainstream novel. When I was young, the slightest hint at a woman peeing got me hard, and I enjoyed the most pudic books in a sexual way if something like that was mentioned. Mainstream authors definitely need to get our kink out there and into their reader's minds!

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I write fiction occasionally, but a lot less than I once did.

I write it when I do mostly for my own pleasure, though appreciation is nice. Without either a few positive comments or just a few like icons the writing would seem pointless.

Because although I write for my own pleasure, it would still seem pointless if others were not enjoying it. If I ever ceased to gain any sign of approval for my efforts I would cease bothering.

So its a bit of a weird one. Although I write mostly for my own pleasure, some measure of approval from others is also clearly important as it lends a "making my efforts worthwhile" air to the whole thing.

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Many if not most of my stories have some sort of factual or semi factual basis behind them, but also contain elements of fiction and fantasy.  My "Anne" stories are perhaps typical of an augmented reality genre where desperate situations turn into accidents.   Also my "Jonah Falcon" stories are essentially fan fiction, but they generally contain a decent amount of verifiable fact for those who are willing to google to check.  

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I decided to fill a niche by writing stories I'd like to read, which are fun to think of and create on my end. A lot of it is just unfulfilled fantasies and I try to weave in some real experiences I've had, either in sightings or something I've done myself.

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