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Do people naturally want to pee in the same place or a variety of places?

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I've been wondering...

In the absence of toilets, would people repeatedly pee in the same place or a variety of places? 

Did people pee in a variety of places before toilets or generally make a habit of peeing in the same spot repeatedly (the same tree, wall, bush etc.)?

Did the invention of toilets push people towards the psychology of always peeing in the same place?

Do people without access to toilets now choose the same place or a variety of places?


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Some very interesting questions.

My preference is to just release my pee wherever I happen to be while sitting, standing, or laying down. That said I do prefer to spread it around a bit so when I go to the pub for example I try and sit in a different chair each time so they all get a fair share as it were.

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10 minutes ago, Paulypeeps said:

Some very interesting questions.

My preference is to just release my pee wherever I happen to be while sitting, standing, or laying down. That said I do prefer to spread it around a bit so when I go to the pub for example I try and sit in a different chair each time so they all get a fair share as it were.

Is this for out in public or do you pee everywhere at home too?

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16 hours ago, sd91 said:

I think its the same for me really. When I'm weeing outside I have several places I know I can go which are 'safe to go' but generally speaking there's something to enjoy about them too, so there's usually not a lack of desire to go there. Theres a road I often have to drive down for work, where I know there is a place to pull up, enter a field, and pee under the same tree. I get to see the hills and be fully concealed whilst I wee. I've completely lost count of how many times I've been there but I'm still completely undisturbed.

I town there's also a parking area surrounded by the back end of some shops which has an alleyway as the only way to get there. I love to wee down there one the way home from a night out or if I'm passing by. It's a bit naughtier and riskier but again still quite concealed with the main risk being people might see out of a window. It's nice to have a street pee location. I still remember one time in broad daylight I saw one woman in workout gear come out of that alleyway and adjusting her leggings as she came out. I have no idea if she had peed down there too or just parked up but we can imagine. 

In the local park there's also a few places, mostly in the woods that I like to enjoy a wee, especially if I'm out running.

Equally these are all far from the only places I go and whether travelling, running/cycling or drinking I'm up for weeing in a lot of places even if I'm somewhere less familiar.


I guess in the past people had to just pee by the side of the road a lot of the time, as needed. I remember reading a victorian erotic journal which documented a lot of pee experiences, and oftentimes there were regular spots you could find women squatting and weeing in an alleyway, or over drains, or in the churchyard between the mausoleums. So I guess people had to dig out these spots. So a bit of both I guess.

Much of your thinking is concerned with concealing yourself. However, in a world where everyone had to pee outside in big cities before toilets, concealing yourself is less of an issue. So in that case, do you pick the same spots all the time or just spread it around?

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On 9/13/2022 at 11:33 PM, Havelock said:

I've been wondering...

In the absence of toilets, would people repeatedly pee in the same place or a variety of places? 

Did people pee in a variety of places before toilets or generally make a habit of peeing in the same spot repeatedly (the same tree, wall, bush etc.)?

Did the invention of toilets push people towards the psychology of always peeing in the same place?

Do people without access to toilets now choose the same place or a variety of places?


I always like to pee somewhere different 

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On 9/13/2022 at 6:33 PM, Havelock said:

I've been wondering...

In the absence of toilets, would people repeatedly pee in the same place or a variety of places? 

Did people pee in a variety of places before toilets or generally make a habit of peeing in the same spot repeatedly (the same tree, wall, bush etc.)?

Did the invention of toilets push people towards the psychology of always peeing in the same place?

Do people without access to toilets now choose the same place or a variety of places?


Personally, I  like to pee in a variety of places, although I  am partial to 1 or 2 spots. I guess most people are creatures of habit, and pee in the same place over and over. And I  guess it could depend on how bad you hafta go.

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Ok im not sure if you want the fetishy what would be cool answer or the realistic answer. 
Lets go with realistic: 

I think most people would go to the same place because of the smell. I mean look at train stations or other places where people regularly pee in public. There is always the piss corner which you first notice by smelling it. 
In a world were pee has no smell it would probably be something else. But in real life i think most people would prefer having one smelly place instead of multiples. 

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7 hours ago, MaxWasTaken said:

Ok im not sure if you want the fetishy what would be cool answer or the realistic answer. 
Lets go with realistic: 

I think most people would go to the same place because of the smell. I mean look at train stations or other places where people regularly pee in public. There is always the piss corner which you first notice by smelling it. 
In a world were pee has no smell it would probably be something else. But in real life i think most people would prefer having one smelly place instead of multiples. 

This is an interesting observation. I wonder if in the times before toilets people picked places based on smell? Or was it collectively understood that certain places were peeing spots and then smell would just reinforce it to others? Of course in many big cities, many places probably smelled like pee. 

Upon reflection I have a feeling that people would collectively designate places that were societally endorsed for peeing. I have this thesis because we see it happen today in cultural contexts where people gather and lack toilets. Many of us have witnessed concerts or events were a few people start peeing in one location and then everyone else uses the exact same place. Sometimes that's not even the best place but it just happens. At playgrounds a certain tree or bush often becomes the "pee tree" or "pee bush" not because it's any more suitable than other trees or bushes but because the local custom has been established.

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After talking about the theory from my last post with my wife, I think it may be culturally dependent. We discussed the example of the community endorsing a "pee tree" she said that she's only seen that established in a western contexts. For example, she says in China there are no community designated pee trees or bushes at a playground. Children are just allowed/encouraged to pee where ever, not in a specific or repeated area.  In general she argues that China and some other asian cultures like Vietnam etc. are very open in pee locations and peeing in general growing up and it societal psychology caries over into adulthood. She mentioned that the same goes for littering, spitting etc. in China. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love this question! It appeals to the historical part of my fetish. I have wondered this too. Like in prehistoric times did people have favored pee spots near the cave? Did they pee in the cave if it was too cold out? Or did they worry about the smell building up over time?

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I definitely support and love the idea of pissing wherever you want, participate also.

However, when friends and I have backyard parties there is usually a "spot" or "corner" outside designated as the go area. 

In my fantasies, I always imagine my girl having like one place on the carpet she would go. 

In both cases I don't intend to restrict the behavior, but I find it a turn on to know there's a spot. I can look at it later or know we share it even.

Edited by Burnzie
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59 minutes ago, Burnzie said:

In my fantasies, I always imagine my girl having like one place on the carpet she would go. 

Yeah, I like this. I like the idea of having a single spot on the carpet that's my go to when I have to pee. A familiar spot or two that's always wet and smells like pee so the rest of my house is still comfortable.

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On 10/6/2022 at 8:26 AM, Bacardi said:

Yeah, I like this. I like the idea of having a single spot on the carpet that's my go to when I have to pee. A familiar spot or two that's always wet and smells like pee so the rest of my house is still comfortable.

I had the perfect spot at my old house, sucks I never got to use it with anyone before I sold it!

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On 10/7/2022 at 8:49 AM, Burnzie said:

I had the perfect spot at my old house, sucks I never got to use it with anyone before I sold it!

You should have sold it to me. I would have continued it's legacy lol.

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