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Thick or thin...a theory.

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6 hours ago, Simpfan said:

You would have to illustrate/photograph it in some way to prove your thesis. It's been years since I peed while holding a mirror there.

I would imagine there are plenty of people here that would hold the mirror for you, purely for research purposes only 😉😉

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9 hours ago, greedyneedygirl said:

Have you noticed the difference between a thick and thin stream? For some reason this does not occur in males, as the urethra is situated at the tip of the glans and has no obstruction and would therefore be a thin stream. However, men with foreskins might pee a thicker stream, given the extraneous skin. For women, is it the case of the inner labia? If this is unusually large and obtrusive, the pee will be thicker? In pee porn, if a woman folds the inner lips back and away from the urethra, the stream will be thin and more directed. Is the familiar hissing sound greater or lesser with larger labia? A speculative topic I think and worthy of further analysis, perhaps with illustrations! 😉❤️ 

I agree, there should be further analysis.  Also depends on what you call "a stream".  I call a fairly tight, well-defined liquid flow "a stream".  If it is fan shaped or messy, then I call it "a spray".   Either way, it is worth investigation

Yes, anything (labia, foreskin, fingers, hair, etc.) has the potential to disrupt the stream and make it "thicker" or even a messy spray.  I always like hearing people's analysis of their own pee stream.  Not some selected pic from the internet which is probably an unrealistic  best/worst case scenario.

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9 hours ago, greedyneedygirl said:

Have you noticed the difference between a thick and thin stream? For some reason this does not occur in males, as the urethra is situated at the tip of the glans and has no obstruction and would therefore be a thin stream. However, men with foreskins might pee a thicker stream, given the extraneous skin. For women, is it the case of the inner labia? If this is unusually large and obtrusive, the pee will be thicker? In pee porn, if a woman folds the inner lips back and away from the urethra, the stream will be thin and more directed. Is the familiar hissing sound greater or lesser with larger labia? A speculative topic I think and worthy of further analysis, perhaps with illustrations! 😉❤️ 

@greedyneedygirl I am not sure if you have ever posted any pics of your stream, but could you describe your pee stream to us and whether you classify it as thick or thin.  Would like to hear your analysis.

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15 hours ago, greedyneedygirl said:

In pee porn, if a woman folds the inner lips back and away from the urethra, the stream will be thin and more directed.

I find it to be much more erotic if her stream is messy and splashy from working its way out between her labia, especially if I am very close and kissing her thighs at the time.

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Only you know how full you were in each picture.  If it was due to bladder being fuller, then wouldn't the stream tighten up as your bladder emptied?

It could also have to do with how much pressure you are using to pull the labia apart.  A slight difference in pressure maybe can change the opening of the pee hole to a slightly different shape.  I think the shape of the opening (slit, versus oval, versus round) makes a huge difference, if eveything is out of the way.

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1 hour ago, DoctorDoctor said:

Only you know how full you were in each picture.  If it was due to bladder being fuller, then wouldn't the stream tighten up as your bladder emptied?

It does. Have a quick look at some of my photos. My stream goes from thick to narrow as my bladder empties. There's less pressure behind it.

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You can see here, as my bladder empties, the stream becomes narrower. I think this particular series of photos shows it best, but there are other examples.

And yes, I know I look fat in that photo. 

On 7/25/2021 at 10:37 AM, Eliminature said:

Just peeing in the toilet in a motel room. Nothing unusual here, except for the placement of the mirror. Hope you enjoy! 

I'm genuinely embarrassed that I'm so large about the waist and hips. I need to diet! 



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10 hours ago, Eliminature said:

You can see here, as my bladder empties, the stream becomes narrower. I think this particular series of photos shows it best, but there are other examples.

And yes, I know I look fat in that photo. 


Thank you for posting and responding!  That is an intense stream in that first picture, you must have been about to rupture in that one.  The stream definitely narrows as your bladder empties.  I definitely see twisting of the stream too, in the first 2 pictures.

Can I ask about if you make the hissing sound?  As a guy, I never get the 'hiss' that women get.  Does your stream audibly hiss with your labia apart?  Is it also strength dependent?

And, no you don't look fat, you look great!  I don't know how anyone could see anything other than those spread labia and intense stream.

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I’m going to suggest @DoctorDoctor and the other guys here, dropping the subject and the tone of all this presumption… ‘you must do this, that, or the other’.

Would you go into a kitchen and tell the chef in minute detail how his dough rises or the technique he must use?  Personally I’d just appreciate his efforts and enjoy the meal.

Here’s a thead doing exactly that  - from a bunch of people who don’t actually own that particular biology.

We all appreciate pee in slightly different ways. Lots of different feelings, and yes a sense of wonder.  But a huge amount of us just enjoy it ‘because we do’.  All of this mansplaining and asking more and more questions is actually not that appealing for many and especially the ladies in our community (who are a precious community).

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20 hours ago, Eliminature said:

You can see here, as my bladder empties, the stream becomes narrower. I think this particular series of photos shows it best, but there are other examples.

And yes, I know I look fat in that photo. 


I think your stream is quite unique and hard to compare to other women's stream, just as your ability to pee standing up is unique.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/3/2022 at 7:01 AM, Eliminature said:

As you can see, I produce both thin and thick streams. 



My labia is pulled back out of the way when I pee, so I don't think it's anything to do with that. 

It seems to be how much is in my bladder at the time. A fuller bladder results in higher pressure, a larger amount of fluid rushing out in search of my tiny pee hole and a thicker stream. 

Hydraulics isn't my strong point, but tjis seems to be the case for me. 

Can you control the flow rate? Peeing a thick stream even if your just a little desperate or release a thin stream with a full bladder? 

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I've noticed that the subject of women's streams seems to attract this sort of thing from men. Men complain that women don't like to discuss our streams with them. Then when we do discuss our streams and explain why they are rhe way they are, they decide they don't like that answer and proceed to mansplain what they believe to be the real reason behind it. 

Ever consider that this is precisely why we don't like talking about our streams? Men think they know better than us on a topic about which they have no first hand experience. What about considering, that your hypotheses might be wrong* and women actually know more about the topic of female streams than men do since they have been producing these streams all their lives?

*Moreover, there is nothing wrong with being incorrect and admitting as such. It's part of what makes us human. As for me, I would rather stand corrected than keep on believing in the wrong thing. It's when you refuse to admit your mistake; that's when a person becomes insufferable. 

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Coming back to the original question - and sticking to my own observations - I can contribute the following:

  • As a guy, when pulling back my foreskin, my stream will be thinner and stronger. Leaving the foreskin in place (which I avoid, as it makes the direction somewhat random) will slow the stream. As the same quantity of liquid is leaving my body at a slower speed, the stream gets thicker. You can try the same with a garden hose: Turn it on without a nozzle and water will be pattering out. Hold your finger to the opening or use a nozzle and the stream will get much stronger but thinner as the water is pushing past a smaller diameter opening
  • From real-life observations, I know that female anatomy varies, including their urethra. I've met a woman who had a very thin stream under any circumstances. The quantity of liquid per second was always rather limited when she weed, regardless of her need. Another one had a much wider opening and was able to release astonishing quantities in no time. In both cases, their labia weren't very much involved (they peed for me, after all, and made sure I could see).

Unfortunately, I haven't been intimate enough with any woman to do scientific studies into the variations of flow and stream with changing postures and positions. I'll leave that point to the female experts on the forum (not all of whom might be interested in such analyses of their bodily functions, which we must respect).

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