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How do you guys make sure that a place is safe to pee?

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I just pissed on some trash in the darkest corner of a very large parking lot, but even then, very far away from any building, I was scared that some security camera would see me. (I’m a guy btw) 

When I’ve been desperate while out and about I’ve seen plenty of secluded places where I could probably piss, but I’m never 100% sure if it’s safe so I never bother. 

How do you guys make sure a place is safe before you piss there?

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If you are in town or city’s there is bound to be cctv or people looking out of the window if you pee anywhere where u think u may not get seen like alleyways and stuff. I always go to a nature or parks where they have trees or bush’s  cctv tends to not able to see that far into or see what you are doing even tho they may know. 

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As others have said a 'natural setting' is unlikely to have cameras.  If one is in a more secluded place (alley, parking garage, etc) and behind or surrounded by things it is unlikely a camera will pick up one's activities.  Additionally, camera footage generally isn't reviewed unless an actual crime (robbery, rape, murder, etc) is committed in the area; so even if a camera does see, it is unlikely anyone will see the footage.

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3 hours ago, thisguy20 said:

As others have said a 'natural setting' is unlikely to have cameras.  If one is in a more secluded place (alley, parking garage, etc) and behind or surrounded by things it is unlikely a camera will pick up one's activities.  Additionally, camera footage generally isn't reviewed unless an actual crime (robbery, rape, murder, etc) is committed in the area; so even if a camera does see, it is unlikely anyone will see the footage.

That’s true more of an crime or insurance thing. But they may spot a few who will have a sneakiness business and may make it to the front news or internet  xD 

Edited by Wolfpee
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The last few times I’ve peed outside it was in a more natural area so I didn’t have to worry. When it comes to cameras, I just will go into an area and casually look around (and up!) to see if I can find any. I don’t care about windows or anything, I could care less if someone sees me from there. But I don’t want to get fined. 😅

Sometimes if I’m out and I can’t be absolutely certain there’s no cameras but I need to go badly enough, I’ll put on my face mask and maybe even some sunglasses if I have them (even though it’s usually night). I’m happy enough obscuring my face in an emergency. 

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Cameras in hallways and parking garages are so small now.  They are minimally always by stairwells, entrances, and by elevators.  If I need to go where there may be cameras, I try to get between an object (such as a car or dumpster) and a wall or pillar.  Just recently, when I needed to pee in a garage, I found a pillar next to a wall.  Just enough room to slip in there, quickly pee and leave.  I always try to be sure that any slope runs away from a visible area, because I tend to pee big amounts when I am desperate (like a lot of people) and the river of pee will give you away, sometimes while still going.

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For me, it depends greatly on the time of day and location.

Places in nature and places like laybys, I don't worry too much at all and just pee wherever I want to pee whilst being reasonable in terms of not blatant exposure, but I may well not take that much cover so that there is a chance that someone could accidentally see me.

In towns and cities during the day, I would only pee if I could be fairly sure that it wasn't going to be on the cameras of the local authority.  I don't worry about shop CCTV as this is not likely to come back as a problem - as they are rarely monitored closely and as long as I'm not being destructive it is not worth the hassle to the store to try and follow up on someone peeing by their property.  (Inside the store may be a different matter!).   However, I know that authority cameras do pick things up and it even though it is unlikely that they would result in the authority getting the police to try and find the peeing person, there is a bigger risk with those than there are with shop owned CCTV.

So, the places I would generally pee in towns during the day time would be secluded places like back alleys, behind skips or dumpsters, in car parks between cars, behind bushes and so on.  

In the late evening, especially after dark, I'm far less concerned.   Drunk people are peeing anyway and the police have better things to worry about than catching everyone who pees.  Yes, sometimes they make an example of people they catch in person, but they are very unlikely to bother finding someone that was spotted on camera.   So, I just make sure I don't pee in front of the police and take a location that shows a reasonable level of attempt at discretion.  That might be a corner between buildings, a side street, maybe a park area or similar.   I've peed outside in towns A LOT on Friday and Saturday evenings and I've never been stopped or questioned about it.  There are some towns/cities where the policing of nightlife is stricter than others, so it is worth checking that out and only pee outside if you see that it is commonplace (i.e. you actually see people peeing or you see obvious pee puddles).   Even then I wouldn't pee in the middle of the main road.   However, I have seen situations where there are police stood on a corner watching the proceedings of the evening to ensure no trouble breaks out and I've seen both men and women pee within sight of the police.  I've witnessed the police look over but let the peeing continue without going across or saying anything.  My favourite was a woman who squatted in front of a shop in Exeter directly across the road from a group of police.   She was very drunk and her friends tried to convince her that it wasn't a good idea but she was having none of it, pulled down her knickers and flooded the pavement.  It ran right across the pavement into the gutter and the police just watched and let her get on with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

sometimes i worry about it, sometimes i don't. but, i do usually scan an area before i decide to pee. i'm more worried about physical people around that i wouldn't want to see me rather than cameras though. and also sometimes trying to decide how to pee: like is there someplace more secluded to have a squat, or can i get away with just letting go out in the open; or maybe i can better get away with wetting myself instead. 

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1 hour ago, puddyls said:

maybe i can better get away with wetting myself instead.

I suspect that wetting is always the safest option.  If you're squatting and exposing yourself, it seems like something for which you could easily get arrested.  There's no intent in having an accident (well, none as far as the cop knows, we know better).  :D  I really can't picture a lot of cops that would want to arrest someone for an accident.   

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On 5/17/2022 at 8:52 AM, Alfresco said:

However, I have seen situations where there are police stood on a corner watching the proceedings of the evening to ensure no trouble breaks out and I've seen both men and women pee within sight of the police.  I've witnessed the police look over but let the peeing continue without going across or saying anything.  My favourite was a woman who squatted in front of a shop in Exeter directly across the road from a group of police.   She was very drunk and her friends tried to convince her that it wasn't a good idea but she was having none of it, pulled down her knickers and flooded the pavement.  It ran right across the pavement into the gutter and the police just watched and let her get on with it.

I've not seen that sort of thing in real life (unfortunately) but have watched quite a lot of the fly-on-the-wall police shows where a camera crew join UK police on patrol.  There's a very common trait, which is that the very drunk lose their sense of when to walk away.

So typically a very mild interaction from the police, like asking them to keep clear of an incident will result in the drunk getting aggressive and abusive, being given ample opportunity to walk away but refusing and eventually being arrested.  The thing is that then takes the few available officers off the street for hours to process paperwork, potentially occupies a cell and ties up huge resources.

In the case you describe here where no real criminal damage or distress is being caused perhaps it's easier not to poke that bear - especially where the drunk woman clearly has friends with better judgement keeping an eye out for her.  Let's hope that pragmatic approach continues.

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