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I seem to be in the minority with an uncircumcised cock, I have a couple of questions:

How many out there are cut / uncut?

If you are uncut, do you pull the foreskin back when you piss?

What do the ladies think of an uncut cock?

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Uncut, especially if there's not too much skin at the end of the head. It has to be CLEAN! Cut is alright, too. I think what matters most is what's at the other end of the cock.

If I'm holding a cock to help a guy piss, I will usually pull the foreskin back, otherwise the pee can be hard to aim. I like to watch the pisshole with the stream coming out>

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Uncut, and yeah, pulled back to pee. My wife has a thing she does, bites it gently, holding it closed, and pee fills it making it swell, then the pee splatters everywhere.

She loves it, and always gets a giggle when it "goes off".

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It seems as though most responders, myself included, are uncut. I think that the proportion of cut/uncut depends very much on your location. Here in the UK, I think that uncut is more common.

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  • 4 weeks later...

As was said above, I'm pretty sure this depends on where you're from. Circumcision is common here in the US, and my fiancé is cut, but I have a few online guy friends from the UK and they're all uncut.

I've never been with/seen in real life a guy who was uncut, although I've seen pics from one or two of my UK friends. Personally, I don't think it matters, cut or uncut. I certainly like cut just fine, but uncut would be okay too.

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Even if I lived in the US, I'm not sure I could have my son (if I had one) circumcised. I would leave him as nature intended and let HIM decide when he's an adult if he wants to be cut.

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Maybe it's the Jew in me, but I definitely prefer my cocks to be cut! I've only been with one uncut guy and it was a little odd. I know nature intends it that way, but my favorite part of a man's cock is the head, so I like to keep that where I can easily see it!

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I'm glad to be uncut, I never pulled my foreskin back to pee as a child and often I don't neither nowadays, in fact I rarely pull it backwards because, probably since I'm used to it, I feel it more "protected", also it really hurts a bit if I accidentally touch my glans.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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