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How important is it for a significant other to be into pee?

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I have almost no experience with dating and sex. I’m a shy person in general who has trouble making friends. This doesn’t present me with many options when it comes time for me to have a relationship in the future. If you have experienced sexual relationships, how important was it that they were also into peeing? Was it something you could ignore if they didn’t like it? I have been into pee since before puberty, so it is kind of like a part of me now - hard to let go I guess. There are all these posts about how your SO isn’t into pee and it sounds like it sucks. 

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For me.. My big thing is marking.. It's something I do daily, everywhere and anywhere... And something I will continue to do..


Now That being said.. If I where to ever actually settle down with a gal. I would prefer she was into it as well.. But I would settle as long as she accepted and acknowledged that I will continue to do so.. And wouldn't be offended with me doing it around her (I.e. in public someplace )

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I haven't had any guys who have broken up with me over my fetish, but I am always worried that will happen.  I have also yet to find a guy who shares my fetish.

As long as my partner accepts that I have this fetish and that I get off to looking at piss pics and videos during my "alone time", then I'm fine.  If my partner was into letting me watch him pee that would be great, but that is not a requirement.

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My wife isn’t into pee at all like she thinks its gross but she accepts that im into it and it doesn’t bother her. But well in the end do i wish she was into pee: absolutely but then again in all my years of partying and sleeping around before being married i’ve not even ONCE found a woman who shared my fetish or liked to try and so in conclusion i gave up the idea of having an significant other that would be into pee a long long time ago.

Edited by DxD
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I don't think they have to be into it but they would certainly have to be open minded and understanding.   Naughty peeing for me is a lifestyle choice.  I enjoy it regularly. I don't always need to do it but I like having the option when the mood strikes me. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I always pee in my bedroom.  I don't usually clean it up at the time but I use a steam cleaner and give the carpet a thorough cleaning every few months.  If someone wasn't open to this or understand of it then it would be difficult to have a relationship.  This is one of the main reasons I'm still single.

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Her acceptance of my interest, at least at the level of amused tolerance, is very important to me. Of course, enthusiastic embrace of my interest is ideal, but I have only encountered it a few times, in my thankfully long life. But discovering her attitudes and feelings about my fetish is very important to me, every time I meet an attractive woman, just in case our relationship becomes intimate, at some point. And it is always more fun to have casual conversations with women who are aware of, and accept my interests, at least to some degree, so I will not shock or offend them, with a casual remark.

Unfortunately, our fetish is still not widely accepted in "mainstream" society (pun intended). It encounters such strong disfavor, that even discussing it openly with casual acquaintances or potential partners, is socially risky, even in this day, when other fetishes, such as S&M, are much more widely accepted. ("50 Shades of Grey" for example). So it is still very difficult for potential partners, of either gender, to openly reveal their own interests, or discover those of others. So those revelations and discoveries are usually left to chance, which can jeopardize a relationship, which is otherwise good, when they are discovered or revealed, accidentally.

Dr. P.

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35 minutes ago, MiaDarling said:

So.... I always feel funny responding to other people's posts cos my responses never really fit in. I know for sure when this question ( like 99 out of every 100 questions here ) was asked, you were not looking for the perspective of an incontinent girl in pampers. Anywho...

I was curious about how men ( and women, .. I'm bi ) would feel about dating a woman in pampers. In all honesty I thought it might be nearly impossible to date because I figured no one, guy or girl, is gonna wanna date someone who wets herself. But I have actually found that guys are not nearly as bothered by it as I thought they would be. In fact, alot of men are actually turned on by it. ( I have to admit, I am kinda cute and my pampers do not take away from that ) so sometimes people find they are in fact "into" or "ok with", things they perhaps never even thought about before. 

So from where I sit ( which is usually on soft, wet padding 😊 ) it's CRITICALLY important that my wetting isn't an issue for a potential partner.....cos it's not something I can change. ( that one wasn't supposed to be a pun ) I would say if someone likes you and/or is attracted to you, It won't be an issue unless your particular wetting tastes crosses lines for them. For instance.. if you like tinkling in cars and your potential boyfriend is a classic car collector... prolly not gonna work. Just my two cents!! 

Stay wet,

Mia 🤗😘💓💕

I bet a huge majority of guys into pee would be fine dating someone who wears diapers. You actually might have an easier time finding a compatible partner than someone who prefers naughty peeing.

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13 minutes ago, Girllikespee said:

It really would depend on how much of a must it is for you. I personally have never told any of my boyfriends about my fetish. I would like to explore it, but I still enjoy my sex life without it. 

Pee is kind of a solo thing for me.

I see what you mean. But I feel like it would be annoying after a while to try to secretly do pee play when you live with a partner. 

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4 hours ago, Bacardi said:

I've not told my husband nor has he really inquired about what turns me on. I'm not too bothered by it either. My sex life is pretty average without being able to engage in my fetish with someone, and im perfectly okay with that. It helps that I identify as asexual; I dont really feel sexual attraction and I'm not pressed about sex. I could go the rest of my life with no sex and the ability to simply get myself off when I feel the need to. 

That's really interesting @Bacardi. Thanks for this. It's quite a different situation from mine. Aren't people endlessly fascinating?!

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5 hours ago, MiaDarling said:

So.... I always feel funny responding to other people's posts cos my responses never really fit in. I know for sure when this question ( like 99 out of every 100 questions here ) was asked, you were not looking for the perspective of an incontinent girl in pampers. Anywho...

I was curious about how men ( and women, .. I'm bi ) would feel about dating a woman in pampers. In all honesty I thought it might be nearly impossible to date because I figured no one, guy or girl, is gonna wanna date someone who wets herself. But I have actually found that guys are not nearly as bothered by it as I thought they would be. In fact, alot of men are actually turned on by it. ( I have to admit, I am kinda cute and my pampers do not take away from that ) so sometimes people find they are in fact "into" or "ok with", things they perhaps never even thought about before. 

So from where I sit ( which is usually on soft, wet padding 😊 ) it's CRITICALLY important that my wetting isn't an issue for a potential partner.....cos it's not something I can change. ( that one wasn't supposed to be a pun ) I would say if someone likes you and/or is attracted to you, It won't be an issue unless your particular wetting tastes crosses lines for them. For instance.. if you like tinkling in cars and your potential boyfriend is a classic car collector... prolly not gonna work. Just my two cents!! 

Stay wet,

Mia 🤗😘💓💕

Good points Mia. It's not possible to conceal your pampers from a partner, which makes your situation in the kink different from many of us. So many variants in this question. A really good one.

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38 minutes ago, Kupar said:

Good points Mia. It's not possible to conceal your pampers from a partner, which makes your situation in the kink different from many of us. So many variants in this question. A really good one.

Yea... someone that is grossed out by tinkle is running full tilt away from me!! 😔

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5 hours ago, GenericUsername said:

I bet a huge majority of guys into pee would be fine dating someone who wears diapers. You actually might have an easier time finding a compatible partner than someone who prefers naughty peeing.

Yea... it really hasn't been an issue for me... and I think it's because my tinkle is contained in my pamper whereas if "naughty peeing" means you like to "water" the plants and pee on the carpet she might feel it's like living with a pet who will never be house broken. I know I sound like I'm being hypocritical ( because I'm always wet ) .. but I couldn't be with someone who just pee's around the house. In addition to MY tinkle being pure and pristine, ( SUCH a brat!! )  it is also for the most part only in my pamper... not on the big screen TV. 😘

Stay wet,

Mia 🤗😘💓💕

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4 minutes ago, MiaDarling said:

Awww.... is that a hug for me??!!!

( again ) .. rushes over to sit up on Danny's lap.. and gives him a big 🤗 and a big 😘.. . 

( and is soo excited she tinkled herself )


Yes - it was a hug for you Mia!

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I think it's probably easier when you're single, to share your lifestyle with a new person and they don't except it so you just move on without them, then to be married, discover your desire to piss and your spouse NOT accept, now you're being looked at differently, judged, possibly rejected by your spouse. Being married and having this desire, for me, is the best of both worlds. I even find ways to piss in my pullup or in the garage or outside WHILE he's home. 

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Guest UnabashedUser
16 hours ago, MiaDarling said:

I was curious about how men ( and women, .. I'm bi ) would feel about dating a woman in pampers. In all honesty I thought it might be nearly impossible to date because I figured no one, guy or girl, is gonna wanna date someone who wets herself. But I have actually found that guys are not nearly as bothered by it as I thought they would be

If this were an early dating situation, and we were making out and I didn't know you were on a diaper, I'd still try to feel you up and if I encountered the diaper inside your panties, I'd still try to get my finger in the slit and if you were peeing at the time I'd be very aroused by your tinkle on my finger and I'd continue to try to please you.

Love having a girl pee on my hand and other places too.

I'd probably encourage you to hold my unit while I peed as it seems you''re really into it as I am.

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People change over time. I do many things now that I never did when I got married. Likewise my wife. In fact it would be utterly bizarre if people and relationships didn't develop over time. If you do the same things now as you did 20 years ago, have you really lived in those two decades? So what you tell a person at one stage in a relationship won't be the end of things. Issues around pee kink, and loads of other things, will emerge, reemerge, change many times over the years.

Edited by Kupar
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I agree with a lot of the perspectives here. My pee fetish is one facet of my life that doesn't have to be shared by my S.O. if we are compatible in other ways, but I would need an S.O. who at the very least is not repelled or disgusted by it. Who is accepting of kinks and fetishes in general, including taboo ones, such as "naughty peeing" and piss marking, and wouldn't cast judgement on me for having them. I'd want to feel comfortable talking about it around her and would hope that she'd meet me at least halfway by, for instance, following me into a public restroom and watching me pee on the floor, and being accepting of me peeing under the table at a restaurant while we're together; that kinda thing. TL;DR She has to be at least neutral about my naughty peeing, and not judgemental, but doesn't have to participate if she doesn't feel comfortable. If she can indulge my kinks, even better.

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